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Support to North Sami language Wikipedia

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Support to North Sami Wikipedia

This is a discussed common project, as a continuation of a Wikimedia Norge project 2011.

The WMNO project

  • WMNO project from 2009. Funds (around 135,000 NOK from Sametinget (Norway)). Training course in Kautokeino/Oslo 2011, 8 (female) pupils, 8 teachers. Produced articles during training course and afterwards for around 5 months. Increased SEWP with 1,000 articles, mostly within one month after course finished. Reward per article.

Reported for to Sametinget September, 2011. Acceptence by Sametinget March, 2012.

Funds set aside by Sametinget, 135,000 (?), for continued project. Planned to make application by May.

University of Tromsö may be new geographical base. Possibly project manager a Tromsö wikipedian. Sametinget (Norway) may accept that funds are used for Sami Wikipedia in Sweden and Finland.

Basic facts about North Sami Wikipedia (SEWP)

  • There are a little ca. 6500 articles
  • During 2012 almost all editing made by one editor (User:Gálaniitoluodda).
  • User:Gálaniitoluodda presents himself/herself as living in Kautokeino/Guovdageaidnu and as Finnish speaking (mother tongue), Sami speaking (3), Norwegian (2) and Swedish and English speaking (1). He/she says that he/she is 10 year old.

North Sami and Sami

  • There is only one Sami WP, also called Sami WP rather than North Sami WP
  • In Finland, Norway and Sweden there are also other Sami languages with an normalized orthography: Lule Sami, South Sami, Enare Sami, Skolt Sami and Kildin Sami.
  • There are incubator versions of South Sami and Lule Sami WP:s, but not active
  • North Sami is by far the most spoken Sami variety. It could be considered to be understood by the geographically nearest varieties: Lule Sami and Enare Sami.

Sami people and Sami language

  • There may be in total around 80,000 Sami (out of which 2,000 Kildin Sami in Russia with their own Sami variety, written in the Cyrillic alphabet).
  • Maybe 25 % speak Sami languages, i.e. around 20,000
  • Maybe 80-85 % of these speak North Sami, i.e around 16-17,500
  • Of the North Sami speaking population, the distribution between the three Nordic countries is approximately 1,500 in Finland, 5,000-6,000 in Sweden and 11.000-12,000 in Norway
  • There is a Sami speaking majority only in the communities of Kautokeino/Guovdageaidnu and Karasjok/Kárášjohka in Norway and Utsjoki/Ohcejohka in Finland. One other community with a substantial North Sami speaking population is Kiruna/Giron in Sweden. Inari/Aanaar/Enare in Finland is also a strong Sami cultural centre, although it is the centre of Inari/Enare Sami.

Major geographical centres of North Sami activities

  • Kautokeino (university college, information centre, vocational school, research institute, government archive, theater, ...)
  • Karasjok (Sami parliament, museum, newspaper, editing house, vocational school, ...)
  • Kiruna (Sami parliment, theater, ...)
  • Jokkmokk (folk high school, museum, secondary school, ...)
  • Enare/Inari (Sami parliament, museum, ....)
  • Tromsö (university, museum)
  • Oulu/Uleåborg (university)
  • Umeå (research institute at university)
  • Oslo, Stockholm, Helsingfors/Helsinki (important Sami communities)

Project plan



  • To get an SEWP community started, big enough to sustain a developing SEWP (at a given time at least five wikipedians (?) and two new active wikipedians per year
  • From meeting: This would be a dream. Maybe not realistic.
  • To get three Sami institutions interested in SEWP enough to interact with a SEWP community

Measurable targets

  • Number of trained editors
  • Number of new articles (possisbly with qualifications) within half a year

Elements of a project

  • Partners: University of Tromsö, Samisk högskole, Samisk utbildningscentrum


  • Training courses
  • Promotional actvities to get articles written

Project administration

  • One project, either one project or one umbrella project
  • Maybe one project with a under-project

Preparatory activities

  • Bengt to interact with prospective project leader, maybe identified by end of April
  • WMSE to research potential partners in Sweden (Samisk utbildningscentrum, Sametinget (Sweden)
  • Michael Svonni as a Swedish Sami reasource. Contact by Bengt (?)

Time plan

  • ???



Sources of finance

  • Norwegian Sami parliament
  • [Swedish Sami parliament]
  • [Nordic Council]


  • Is a North Sami Wikipedia a viable project?
  • Is a North Sami Wikipedia an interesting element within a policy for a Sami cultural policy?
  • Is there enough interest for a SEWP within the Sami institutional/political community?
  • Is there a SEWP community in reach?
  • Would outside support for a SEWP community be worthwhile?
  • Is it worthwhile to make a common WMFI/WMNO/WMSV effort?
  • How much backing is needed within the Sami community, and within which part of the Sami community, to be able to sucessfully inspire the upcome of a viable Sami WP community?

APPENDIX: Possible partners among Sami institutions


Educational/Language institutions

  • Samisk högskole, Kautokeino (Jelena Porsanger, Steinar Pedersen, ...)
  • Samernas utbilningscentrum, Jokkmokk (Henrik Micel Kuhmunen)
  • Samisk vidaregående skole og reindriftsskole, Kautokeino (Ellen Inga Haetta)
  • Sameområdets utbildningscentral, Enare
  • The Norwegian Sami Parliament' s departments for education and language, Kautokeino
  • Bokenskolan, secondary school, Jokkmokk


  • Ájtte svenskt fjäll- och samemuseum, Jokkmokk (Kjell-Åke Aronsson)
  • De Samiske Samlinger, Karasjok (Káren Elle Johansdatter Grip)
  • Sáme Museo Siida, Enare/Inari
  • Samisk arkiv, Kautokeino

Research institutes

  • Universitetet i Tromsö (Mikael Svonni, Trond Trosterud)
  • Umeå universitet (Peter Sköld, ....)
  • Uleåborgs universitet
  • Samisk forskningsinstitutt, Kautokeino (Ole Henrik Magga, Kirsti Ström Bull)

Political institutions

  • Sametinget (Norge), Karasjok
  • Sametinget (Sverige), Kiruna (Lars Mikaelsson, head of administration)
  • Sametinget (Finland), Enare/Inari
  • Davvi Nuorra, Norge
  • Saminuorra (Sverige)

Other institutions

  • Gáldu resource centre, Kautokeino
  • Journal Áwir, Karasjok (Karin Lisbeth Hermansen)
  • Journal Samefolket, Arvidsjaur/Jokkmokk (Katarina Hällgren/Åsa Lindstrand)
  • NRK Sápmi, Karasjok
  • SR Sameradio/SvT Sápmi, Kiruna

Private persons

  • Maj-Lis Skaltje, Kiruna (retired radio/TV journalist)
  • Klemet Erland Haetta, ordförande i Kautokeino kommun

Wikipedians on NOWP, FIWP and SVWP interested in Sami issues
