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Template talk:Chrfn/4

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Relation with Template:Sub

  • "{{chrfn/4|1}}" → "1aa" [1]
  • "{{chrfn/4|01}}" → "01aa" [2]


01aa 02bb 03cc 04dd 05ee 06ff 07gg 08hh 09 ii 10jj 11kk 12ll 13mm 14nn 15oo 16pp 17qq 18rr 19 ss 20tt 21uu 22vv 23ww 24xx 25yy 26zz 27{{ 28|| 29 }} 30~~ 31 32 33!! 34"" 35#" 36$$ 37%% 38&& 39 '' 40(( 41)) 42*" 43++ 44,, 45-- 46.. 47// 4800 49 11 5022 5133 5244 5355 5466 5577 5688 5799 58:" 59 ;" 60<< 61== 62>> 63?? 64@@ 65AA 66BB 67CC 68DD 69 EE 70FF 71GG 72HH 73II 74JJ 75KK 76LL 77MM 78NN 79 OO 80PP 81QQ 82RR 83SS 84TT 85UU 86VV 87WW 88XX 89 YY 90ZZ 91[[ 92\\ 93]] 94^^ 95__ 96±± 97×× 98éé 99 ••

  • "{{chrfn/4|35}}" → "35#"" [3]
  • "{{chrfn/4|42}}" → "42*"" [4]
  • "{{chrfn/4|58}}" → "58:"" [5]
  • "{{chrfn/4|59}}" → "59;"" [6]

For these four we take the first character of the code which replaces <nowiki> tags, and get ? .

  • 42*"
  • "{{chrfn|42}}" → "*" [7]
  • *
  • *
  • "
  • "
  • "
  • "p" "p
  • "p? "p
  • ?

a b



