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User:Рөстәм Нурыев/Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018/Bids/Bashkortostan

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Application 1


Wikimedia affiliate: Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group



Primary contact person


Proposed event venue


Proposed accommodation venue

  • Азимут Отель Уфа. Стандартный двухместный номер с завтраком 22 € за ночь. Вай-Фай по всей гостинице. 5 конференц залов (один — зал ресторана на 300 мест). Гостиница расположена в географическом центре города, рядом с мэрией. Через площадь есть большой парк для вечерних/утренних прогулок. Здание построено в 1967 году, реконструкция — 2005 год. От аэропорта до гостиницы можно доехать на маршрутном автобусе № 110 за один час, на такси за полчаса.
  • Можно рассматривать другие варианты заселения. В исторической части города или в пансионатах за городом. В первом случае цена будет существенно выше, во втором возможноы проблемы с доступом в интернет для большого числа пользователей одновременно.

Expected total budget


Proposed event dates




What will the event be like if you were awarded the right to host it? Please describe your plan including the proposed duration, scale and any points of interest (such as social activities or innovations to the event format). Include any multimedia, external links, or description that you would like.





Which Wikimedia affiliate staff, local partner organisation staff and/or volunteers will be actively supporting (aka working on any of its part) this event.

Name Role Estimated time allocation Experiences in organizing of events



Which event(s) of 50+ participants did you, your team, or affiliate previously organise? Wiki-Sabantuy 2015 — Открытая международная научно-практическая конференция «Википедия и информационное общество» — международный форум, посвященный 10-летию Башкирской Википедии. На конференции приняли участие более 100 человек. Были участники из Польши, Эстонии, Украины, Казахстана, Израиля, Филиппин и представители башкирской, удмуртской, татарской, саха, тыва, лезгинской, сибирскотатарской, русской Википедий.



How accessible will this event be? This includes visa conditions for likely attendee nationalities; disability access at the venue(s); ease of travel to nearest international airport/train hub.

Please provide a link to the English website of your country’s visa conditions (or list CEE and other relevant countries needing visa), and indicate if you have previous experience in securing visas for attendees.

Please provide some kind of verification / assurance of enough WiFi capacity and speed.



How much do you expect this event will cost? Please either fill-out the tables below, or provide a separate spreadsheet if this table is not applicable to your budget format (e.g if Accommodation and Venue are a grouped budget item). Please provide links or documents which show how costs have been estimated.

Note: each participating organisation is expected to send two delegates


Nr. Item description Unit Quantity Cost per unit Total cost USD Comments
1. Travel costs
1.1. International travel participant
1.2. Domestic travel participant
1.3. Visa fees participant


Nr. Item description Unit Quantity Cost per unit Total cost USD Comments
2. Accommodation costs
2.1. Lodging participant 100 22  €  / 26  $  8800 €  10400 $ Breakfast included, 4 nights
2.2. Catering participant


Nr. Item description Unit Quantity Cost per unit Total cost USD Comments
3. Venue costs
3.1. Rent days
3.2. Coffee breaks breaks
3.3. Technical support estimated

Please list at least the major items (if not all) of the technical support.

Other income / expenses


If applicable: Are there any other expected sources of revenue for this event other than a WMF Event grant, e.g. sponsorship (monetary/in-kind) or local Chapter fundraising?

Nr. Item description Unit Quantity Cost per unit Total cost USD Comments
4. Income (inc. in-kind)

If applicable: Are there are any other expected costs which might be applicable, e.g. a party, sightseeing tour, culture event, local transport shuttle/ticket...?

Nr. Item description Unit Quantity Cost per unit Total cost USD Comments
5. Other expense



If dinner is not provided, please provide typical average meal price including common beverages and typical average prices for common basic food.



Primary contact person for the proposal, and chairperson/director of the supporting affiliate, please sign below to indicate your proposal is complete and accurate.

  • Primary contact:
  • Affiliate chair/director: