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User:BhbeeX/Modifying Expectations

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Modifying Expectations[edit]

"Outreachy mentors and interns start the internship with a specific set of project goals. However, usually, those goals need to be modified, and that's perfectly fine!". These were the words I saw when the theme for week 6 was sent in an email from Outreachy Organizers. After having a meeting with my mentor, we decided to still move on with the timeline I proposed which is great! This might not be the case for every other intern which is perfectly fine(in Outreachy Organizers' voice). Just kidding.

My Original internship project timeline[edit]

The proposed timeline I made for my final application is almost the same as when I created a task in Phabricator as instructed by the organization admin(Wikimedia). We were instructed to create a task around our projects (as a sub-task of the featured project) in Phabricator for tracking progress, for discussions with mentors and other community members, and to share updates frequently in a comment (e.g., T266916). The task I created on "Phabricator" is more detailed and arranged. Check it out here: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T352159

What goals have you met?[edit]

I remember while making my initial application, one main goal was and still is "GROWTH". In the past 6 weeks, I have seen the "GROWTH" I aimed for. I've learnt better coding approaches from my mentors and also gotten better at time management!
Another goal was to improve my communication skills which I've learnt is a vital skill in open source and that too has been met. I communicate better now! I let my mentors know when I'm still confused about an instruction or do not understand at all, and get their help in explaining it better to me.

What have you accomplished in the first half of your internship?[edit]

So far I've been following my timeline and I've achieved the following subtasks:

  • Optimization
  • Multilingual Support
  • The frontend part of User Support and Feedback

More details can be found on Phabrictor( https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T352159)

I've also been able to write four blogs including this one: You can check my user page for links to my other blogs; https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:BhbeeX

What project goals took longer than expected?[edit]


This was supposed to be the easiest of all tasks but I keep learning new things for every task I work on. When I was proposing this task, I simply thought of just creating a form with the "mailto" functionality. But during a session with my mentors, we talked about other things to consider like privacy policy, two-way communication with the users giving feedback, a data store for users' feedback and what inputs are required or not required. We decided on another route to take on it and also came across some errors that I needed my mentors to help with.

What would you do differently if you were starting the project over?[edit]

I would not assume I won't face blockers.

Which original goals were needed to be modified?[edit]

None. My mentors were fine with my timeline so was I too.

What is your new plan for the second half of the internship?[edit]

  • Continue Learning
  • Connect more with my mentors and learn from their experiences(they are really smart people).
  • Connect to as many members of the FOSS community and get to know other projects of Wikimedia.
  • Finish up with the remaining tasks on my timeline
  • Sharing my blogs across social media platforms like X(formerly known as Twitter) and LinkedIn.