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User:Enow97/Blog 4:Internship wrap-up

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Hey Guys! Welcome to my final blog.


It's officially the end of my Outreachy internship, and I can't believe the three-month period has come to an end! When I was about to start my internship, I was unsure of my abilities and wondered how these three months would go for me. But I can now confidently say that these three months were the best of my life, and without a doubt, I grew as a person during my internship.

My initial fear


Initially, I thought the internship would be extremely demanding and that I would not have enough time to write the blogs. Before starting my Outreachy internship, I had no experience writing blogs. The opportunity to blog about my internship inspired me to start blogging, and I'm now obsessed with writing my thoughts and having people read them. The positive feedback I received on my blogs encouraged me to continue blogging throughout my internship.

I can't thank my mentors at Wikipedia Commons enough for being so encouraging and always pointing me in the right direction and providing constructive criticism on my work. I was initially concerned about how we would coordinate our work because the time zone difference between the us was so great, but we managed to pull through it. I am very pleased to continue working with them on a part-time basis when my Outreachy internship finishes.

My Growth


Working on the Imagebulk tool for Wikimedia Commons has helped me gained a lot of tech skills and soft skills. Contributing to the Indic community was a great experience because I felt I was building something that would solve a real world problem. If not for this internship I wouldn't have known how to integrate docker and perform asynchronous tasks in Python.



Outreachy_25 has been a fantastic experience for me, thanks entirely to Outreachy and Wikimedia Commons! I'm looking forward to making additional open source contributions and being a part of the Wikimedia Commons community.