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User:Halfak (WMF)/Publications

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Peer reviewed

  • N. TeBlunthuis, B. M. Hill, and A. Halfaker. The effects of algorithmic flagging on fairness: quasi-experimental evidence from Wikipedia. arXiv preprint 2020. (under review) arxiv
  • Halfaker, A. & Geiger, S. ORES: Lowering Barriers with Participatory Machine Learning in Wikipedia (under review) [arxiv]
  • Smith, C. E., Yu, B., Srivastava, A., Halfaker, A., Terveen, L., & Zhu, H. (2020, April). Keeping Community in the Loop: Understanding Wikipedia Stakeholder Values for Machine Learning-Based Systems. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14). [arxiv]
  • M. Kogan, A. Halfaker, S. Guha, C. Aragon, M. Muller, and R. S. Geiger. 2020. Mapping Out Human-Centered Data Science: Methods, Approaches, and Best Practices. In Companion of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 151–156. https://doi.org/10.1145/3323994.3369898
  • C. Kinkeldey, C. Müller-Birn, T. Gülenman, J. J. Benjamin, and A. Halfaker. PreCall: A Visual Interface for Threshold Optimization in ML Model Selection. arXiv 2019 preprint. https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.05131
  • Asthana, S., & Halfaker, A. (2018). With Few Eyes, All Hoaxes are Deep. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 21. pdf
  • Hall, A., Terveen, L., & Halfaker, A. (2018). Bot Detection in Wikidata Using Behavioral and Other Informal Cues. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 64. pdf
  • Zhu, H., Yu, B., Halfaker, A., & Terveen, L. (2018). Value-Sensitive Algorithm Design: Method, Case Study, and Lessons. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 194. pdf
  • Geiger, R. S. & Halfaker, A. 2017. Operationalizing Conflict and Cooperation between Automated Software Agents in Wikipedia: A Replication and Expansion of 'Even Good Bots Fight'. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 1, CSCW, Article 49 (December 2017), 33 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3134684 pdf
  • Thebault-Spieker, J., Halfaker, A., Terveen, L. G., & Hecht, B. (2018, April). Distance and Attraction: Gravity Models for Geographic Content Production. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 148). ACM. pdf
  • Morgan, J. T., & Halfaker, A. (2018, August). Evaluating the impact of the Wikipedia Teahouse on newcomer socialization and retention. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 20). ACM. pdf
  • Forte, A., Andalibi, N., Gorichanaz, T., Kim, M. C., Park, T., & Halfaker, A. (2018, January). Information Fortification: An Online Citation Behavior. GROUP'17 (pp. 83-92). ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A. (2017, August). Interpolating quality dynamics in Wikipedia and demonstrating the Keilana Effect. OpenSym'17 (p. 19). ACM. (pdf)
  • Goggins, S., Germonprez, M., Million, A. J., Halfaker, A., & Hemphill, L. Advancing the OCDX: Building Social Computing Infrastructure. CSCW'17 (pp. 421-424). ACM.
  • Geiger, R. S. & Halfaker, A. Open algorithmic systems: lessons on opening the black box from Wikipedia. AoIR'17 (pdf)
  • Sarabadani, A., Halfaker, A., & Taraborelli, D. Building automated vandalism detection tools for Wikidata. WWW'17 (pp. 1647-1654). (pdf)
  • Geiger, R. S., & Halfaker, A. Operationalizing Conflict and Cooperation between Automated Software Agents in Wikipedia: A Replication and Expansion of “Even Good Bots Fight”. CSCW'17 (pdf)
  • Yang, D., Halfaker, A., Kraut, R., & Hovy, E. Identifying Semantic Edit Intentions from Revisions in Wikipedia, EMNLP'17 (pp. 2000-2010). (pdf)
  • Johnson, I. L., Lin, Y., Li, T. J. J., Hall, A., Halfaker, A., Schöning, J., & Hecht, B. (2016). Not at home on the range: Peer production and the urban/rural divide. CHI'16 (pp. 13-25). ACM. (pdf)
  • Yang, D., Halfaker, A., Kraut, R. E., & Hovy, E. H. (2016). Who Did What: Editor Role Identification in Wikipedia. ICWSM'16 (pp. 446-455). (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Morgan, J., Pandian, Y., Thiry, E., Rand, W., Schuster, K., ... & Laniado, D. (2016). Breaking into new Data-Spaces: Infrastructure for Open Community Science. CSCW'16 (pp. 485-490). ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Keyes, O., Kluver, D., Thebault-Spieker, J., Nguyen, T., Shores, K., Uduwage, A., Warncke-Wang, M. (2015). User Session Identification Based on Strong Regularities in Inter-activity Time, WWW'15. ACM. (pdf)
  • Morgan, J. T., Halfaker, A., Taraborelli, D., Hwang, T., & Goggins, S. (2015). Advancing an Industry/Academic Partnership Model for Open Collaboration Research. CSCW'15. m:Research:Open Collaboration Systems Workshop
  • Schneider, J., Gelley, B., Halfaker, A. (2014). Accept, decline, postpone: How newcomer productivity is reduced in English Wikipedia by pre-publication review, OpenSym'14. ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Geiger, R.S., & Terveen, L. (2014). Snuggle: Designing for Efficient Socialization and Ideological Critique CHI'14. ACM. (pdf)
  • Geiger, R.S., & Halfaker, A. (2013). When the Levee Breaks: Without Bots, What Happens to Wikipedia’s Quality Control Processes? WikiSym'13. ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Keyes, O., & Taraborelli, D. (2013). Making peripheral participation legitimate: Reader engagement experiments in Wikipedia CSCW'13. (pdf)
  • Geiger, R. S. & Halfaker, A. (2013). Using Edit Session to Measure Participation in Wikipedia CSCW'13. ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Geiger, R. S., Morgan, J., & Riedl, J. (2013). The Rise and Decline of an Open Collaboration System: How Wikipedia's reaction to sudden popularity is causing its decline. American Behavioral Scientist. (pdf)
  • Geiger, R. S., Halfaker, A., Pinchuk, M., & Walling, S. (2012). Defense Mechanism or Socialization Tactic? Improving Wikipedia’s Notifications to Rejected Contributors. ICWSM’12. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Kittur, A., & Riedl, J. (2011). Don't Bite the Newbies: How Reverts Affect the Quantity and Quality of Wikipedia Work, WikiSym’11. ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Song, B., Stuart, D. A., Kittur, A., & Riedl, J. (2011). NICE: Social translucence through UI intervention, WikiSym’11. ACM. (pdf)
  • Panciera, K., Halfaker, A., & Terveen, L. (2009). Wikipedians are born, not made: A study of power editors on Wikipedia, GROUP’09. ACM. (pdf)
  • Halfaker, A., Kittur, A., Kraut, R., & Riedl, J. (2009). A Jury of Your Peers: Quality, Experience and Ownership in Wikipedia, WikiSym’09. ACM. (pdf)

