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Welcome to an abbreviated self-introduction!😄


Hey there! I am Esther Ibom from Nigeria, I am a healthcare and open-source enthusiast. My first line of code, “Hello world” was in 2021 on freeCodeCamp and ever since then I just wanted to keep learning more and more. I was so excited about what I knew and what I could do, that the moment I saw the opportunity to apply for a remote software engineering boot camp (AltSchool Africa) as a Frontend Developer, I took it immediately. AltSchool Africa was where I first heard about Outreachy. From my initial introduction to programming on freeCodeCamp which is an open-source software to hearing about Outreachy, I just knew I wanted to be a part of Outreachy and I am so happy to be here! A full circle moment.

My core values


My core values are knowledge, community, and optimism.

“The true method of knowledge is experiment” - William Blake.

Knowledge has helped me to not put myself in a box. It has made me make the conscious decision to become a doer. There is so much to know and be aware of, it’s fascinating and overwhelming at the same time, but regardless I choose to listen and digest useful information around me because one day it would all be very rewarding. This is another reason I value community.

"We are often only as strong as our friends and family make us, only as strong as our community, only as strong as the resources and privileges we have.” ― Alice Wong

A strong support system is priceless. It can change your life, taking you from point A to point B with less effort compared to doing it all by yourself. What someone knows and has experienced may be exactly what you want for yourself but it seems so difficult to get there. The knowledge they have, once it’s shared, just makes it easier to accept the possibility of it happening to you.

That’s also where my value for optimism comes in. I try as hard as possible to look at the bright side of things and not dwell too long on the negative aspects of things. I am always looking for the next opportunity that would turn the negative situation around. Dwelling on negative things doesn't change the situation, so why not come up with an opportunity that can turn the ordeal around?

Why Outreachy?


Navigating Nigeria's tech space so far has been very interesting. And now being accepted as an Outreachy intern in the December 2023 to March 2024 cohort has made my journey even more interesting! This is my second time applying for Outreachy (the first try: I got into the contribution phase) and I am so happy I got selected as an intern this time! Not giving up and showing up every step of the way has really paid off.

For me to be a part of what Outreachy stands for is a nod to the fact that Nigerian women in tech should dare to make moves that may come across as absurd. We are all welcome and should be inspired to do more in this space. Outreachy offers invaluable opportunities for underrepresented women in the tech industry, providing mentorship, hands-on experience, and a supportive community to help bridge the diversity gap and foster career advancement. A very wholesome opportunity!

I am also very excited and honored to be a part of the highly impactful Wikimedia Community. I look forward to professional development, collaboration with fellow interns, and great mentorship in the coming months!