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User:Kate/Amusing IRC channel quotes

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
<[newbie]> Somebody has usurped my userrname
  <bumm13> which is?...
<[newbie]> I am Cimon Avaro.
   <Jeedo> lol. that sounds SOOO much like
           the openining line of a porn movie
   <Jeedo> 'i have gome to tingle your deepest desires'
<TimStarling> open source software represents a leap in
              the efficiency of production of software
<TimStarling> like the transition from "cottage" textiles
              to mass production
<TimStarling> the quality is worse, but it is much cheaper
<FennecFoxen> that's debatable
<TimStarling> nobody wants hand-made socks anymore
<FennecFoxen> it may have been worse at first...
  <Submarine> TimStarling: open source software represents
              a leap in theefficiency of production of
              software --> ????
<TimStarling> for some reason when people hang around
              on IRC long enough, they think coherent
              arguments can be made entirely using the
              question mark character
<AdamBishop>  I also pronounce "lieutenant" the British way,
              as we're supposed to, but most people don't...
<kingturtle2> is lieutenant pronounced al-OOOOOOO-MIN-eee-um?
    <itai> i found a bug in the hebrew site
    <itai> found a bug in the english site :|
  <Angela> what's the problem?
    <itai> can't tell :x
<Gentgeen> that makes it hard to fix
  <Angela> itai: could you explain where the bug is?
    <itai> the site isn't secured
   <JeLuF> secured?
    <itai> yes
    <itai> un protected
  <Angela> anyone can edit it?
    <itai> yes
<TimStarling> it was raining, I was riding along an internal road in
              the university, with people walking along the footpath
<TimStarling> and idiot girl with hood decides to suddenly change
              direction and step out onto the road without looking
<TimStarling> no peripheral vision, she didn't see me until I emerged
              from behind the hood, a few cm from her face
   <skimpIzu> so? any contact with girls is positive. treasure your
     <bumm13> lol
  <camembert> heh, so speaks the desperate man
 <CimonAvaro> Speak of what ye lack!
  <camembert> "I run girls over on my bike so I can touch them"
   <SethIlys> Hmm... I'm getting 500 errors.
<FennecFoxen> SethIlys- that's a lot of errors.
<FennecFoxen> Wikipedia is throwing 1205s everywhere.
    <Raul654> it's as dead as elvis, here
     <Cyrius> dead as elvis here too. By that I mean it's up
              and running but I don't expect anyone to believe me
<fabiform> What is more constructive than wikipedia?
<Jamesday> On a bad day, hitting your head with a brick
<Xirzon> & is an evil magical character
<Xirzon> if you use it in your article
         titles a curse will lay upon them
<Xirzon> and no good shall ever become of them
<Xirzon> I recommend "+" or "and" as non-magical
<Burgundavia> Hey, a place in the Gaza strip, would that
              fall under Places in the Gaza Strip Category?
  <Raul654> I mean, is it POV to say that (for example) George Bush's
            enviromental policy is terrible? No, it's a fact.
<dannyisme> we cannot say that it is terrible
<dannyisme> we would be killed for that
<dannyisme> ed poor would have a heart attack
  <SethIlys> lol. SpaceShipOne only passed the 100km mark by 400 feet. :)
<OldakQuill> Ah dear - what a terrible sentence that is Seth
<OldakQuill> You should gouge your eyes out for mixing Imperial and
             Metric measurement systms
<Raul654> come on, isn't anyone here an admin on meta?
 <BillyH> I think Raul654 is.
<kim_> heh, immediately when I try to lookup tinc,
       wikipedia reports a database problem ;-)
<AdamBishop> Reason for deletion: content was:
             'I have haxored wikipedia!!! i am leet linux haxor!!! :P'
<AdamBishop> I bet that guy thought he really hacked Wikipedia
<SethIlys> lol. Enterprise is getting the death slot. :)
 <Raul654> which one?
<SethIlys> Raul: Friday at 9pm.
 <Raul654> Pfft
 <Raul654> let's take the set of potential star trek enterprise viewers
 <Raul654> and subtract out all the people who have something better to
           do on friday night
 <Raul654> ...have we significantly reduced the set?
       <yath> Mark_Ryan: this movie seems to have the
              potential to influence political events.
              It's more important than spider man.
<FennecFoxen> yath- that's POV! :)
       <yath> Oh damn!  *kicks self*
  <Mark_Ryan> yath: it's just a movie. I'd rather report
              on its political effects when they happen,
              not speculate on them beforehand
 <AdamBishop> are you suggesting Spider Man will not
              influence world politics?
 <AdamBishop> I am appalled, sir!
<frazzydee> just to check if it's an issue with my skin,
            could somebody try switching their skin
    <Jeedo> frazzydee: just at the beginning of your sentance,
            i thought it was a medical question;)
    <Jeedo> "...i got this rash..."
<Quozl>  i want a local copy in case of major meteor strike,
         and i only speak english, is it therefore sufficient
         to get the en.wikipedia cur at 272mb from
<Lysine> vfd should be divided into "Votes for Deletion of articles
         that should be deleted" and "VfD listing by RickK"
         <Lysine> She was killed by the evil repilian peope-eating aliens
         <Lysine> Didn't you hear?
<TheCustomOfLife> I said the same thing, minus the reptiles, about
                  Ronald Reagan about a week before he actually died.
   <nsh> I'm currently putting off over 200 individually important tasks
<Grunt`> nsh: how many of them involve putting off work? ;)
   <nsh> Grunt`, most of them, but that's the beauty of it
<OldakQuill> I suppose, when one considers that McDonalds is
             horrible horrible gaudy food - it would make my
             penis cry blood
 <VascoDaGama> Wow. Sgt Nigel Leaky had a hell of a lot of guts.
<Comrade_Nick> who's that?
 <VascoDaGama> Some guy who was awarded the VC.
<Comrade_Nick> what did he do
     <Raul654> with both legs blown off, he crawled into a german
               machine gun nest and killed the lot of them with a
               sharpened thimble
     <Raul654> he then grabbed the machine gun, and turned it on
               an approaching panzer column, and wiped the lot of
               them out, despite losing 3 hands in the process
        <yath> and his liver, and his favorite thimble
    <bumm13> My guess is that Lir is a he
   <Raul654> I agree - no woman could be that annoying... come to
             think of it, I take that back
   <Raul654> :)
   <Raul654> seriously though, I agree that Lir's comments to strike
             me as distinctly masculine
<OldakQuill> Such as "I'll stab you with my penis"
   <Lysine> squash123: you should steal de's stub notice
<squash123> 'Dieser Artikel ist bedauerlicherweise noch ziemlich
             kurz. Er enthält möglicherweise zu wenige Informationen.
             Wenn Sie mehr zum Thema wissen, überarbeiten Sie ihn bitte
             und machen Sie ihn zu einem guten Artikel.'
  <earHertz> Does that say to invade Poland?
<DavidGerard> also, if one person does it all,
              he may take it as a personal attack
<DavidGerard> whereas if two warn and a third blocks,
              it's obviously a cabal!
<dannyisme> it reminds me of the time rk described some event incorrectly
<dannyisme> and when i corrected him, he said i had no idea what i was
            talking about
<dannyisme> he read about it in the press
<dannyisme> and i answered, yes, but i was the person they were writing about
<Submarine> Well, I don't think Wikipedia is worse than your typical press.
    <zocky> heh, some guy wants to list all films where Drew Barrymore appeared
<Austin> Isn't one of the requirements for being a bureaucrat knowing how to
         spell it?
<Austin> We might as well just call them "Sysop-makers."
<Austin> What do they call bureaucrats on simple?
<Angela> Austin: "Angela"
<AdamBishop> one of my earliest memories is sticking my finger in an electrical
<AdamBishop> I have only done it three times
<dannyisme> SJ, I have removed the misplaced comma you inserted to irk me
<dannyisme> do not think that your attempt at vandalism has not gone unnoticed
<TheCustomOfLife> Cunctator.
<TheCustomOfLife> How dirty.
                  * TheCustomOfLife giggles.
        <Raul654> Custom - it's latin for "Someone who delays"
        <Raul654> It was the nickname of a famous roman general
<TheCustomOfLife> I wonder why.
<TheCustomOfLife> Wink wink, nudge nudge.
        <Raul654> he always delayed battle
    <Snowspinner> How fitting for a member of the arbcom. :)
<TimStarling> we already have kid editors
<TimStarling> they write about pokemon
<TimStarling> or the school they go to
<TimStarling> first they learn about how to edit a page, then they learn
              about VFD
<jwales> Well, spam that claims to be *from* wikipedia, oy.  That's
         just... ugh.
<jwales> It's from Estonia.
<jwales> What good is having a war mongering President if we can't
         invade Estonia to kill spammers?  I AM JOKING DO NOT QUOTE
         ME ON THAT.  :-)
<morwen> node_ue: Well, suppose [[foo bar]] is a term in economics and 
         [[Foo Bar]] is an album
<morwen> I said that
<morwen> but there's still no point
<bumm13> morwen: using logic on node is dangerous and could be harmful to 
         one's health
<bumm13> use caution
         * bumm13 puts on his protective IRC client gloves
   <Arminius-> whats the difference between a stub and a sub-stub?
      <Grunt`> Arminius: a substub is at most two sentences
<Slowking_Man> Arminius: Stubs are short; substubs are /very/ short
      <Cyrius> Arminius-: depends on who you ask.
       <Kate-> a substub is like a stub but it has a stupid template on it.
<prumpf> ouch.  [[artificial limb]] has a {{stub}} tag
 <bumm13> you'd make a good Amish person, squash
<squash-> amish ?
<kturner> [[Amish]]
          * squash- checks
<squash-> NO WAY!
  <Kate-> What is the word for something that reduces stress?
<Raul654> Kate - gun
      <JoiIto> is anyone here working on CROSSBOW?
<Slowking_Man> No, I prefer RIFLE SHOOTING
   <Mark_Ryan> I like to READ BOOKS
      <Austin> I like HANDGUNS, myself.
<Slowking_Man> Now go EDIT WIKIPEDIA
<TheCustomOfLife> My stub on [[Pam Dawber]] is bigger than the stub on 
                  [[Mark Harmon]]
<TheCustomOfLife> Shocking.
         <bumm13> I could never name my kid Pam
         <bumm13> it's non-stick spray for frying pans, for crying out loud!
         <bumm13> and it's not even good for that
 <servmon> slaughtered 3 threads for 'single expensive searches'
<Fennecus> Multi-kill!
<servmon> (key: [time] thr/qps/lag) ariel: 3/1578/0  18767s 9243s 5s 5s 5s
           goeje: 2/6/7640 suda: 1/415/0  18348s 3s 0s 0s 0 albert: 2/6/70
           bacon: FRIED; diderot: 1/6/70  squid: (coronelli maurus rabanus)
           req/s: 107 163 151 hit/s: 65 107 100 (total: 422 reqs 273 hits 64%)
<jeronim_> bacon is still fried
          * ugen64 uses "death" because grunt is insolent
          * Grunt : Magic Resistance
          * ugen64 stabs grunt with a +1 gazillion rapier
          * Grunt : casts Dispel Roleplaying
<Raul654> I'm going to have to implore a channel admin to cast "kick/ban"
<Raul_away> User:Haydes is creating a whole bunch of substubs. 
            Rickk seems convinced he's the B-movie bandit. I am
            starting to think the same thing.
    <cimon> RickK is having an identity crisis?
 <yelyos> is wikipedia becoming more like nupedia?
<kturner> yelyos: yes, we only have 21 articles now
<Slowking_Man> fabi: Ah yes, Wikipedia, harnessing the power of 
               insomniacs the world over
<AdamBishop> I don't mind splashing myself with my own urine
<cimon> AdamBishop: Can we quote you on that?
<AdamBishop> I'm going to stop talking now
<Raul654> Guess what DVD I am holding in my hand!
<Raul654> Legend of the Overfiend : )
<AdamBishop> that would be a quality DVD
<Raul654> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_the_Overfiend
* brion has joined #wikipedia
<kooo> wheee tentacle raping! :D
<yelyos> Hi, brion
<yelyos> care to join us?
<yelyos> :D
<brion> no way man, you people scare me
<TimStarling> people have been saying that the confirm deletion checkbox 
              should go too
      <brion> bah
      <brion> i think deletion should generate a complex mathematical equation
      <brion> you are required to solve it and input the answer before deleting
<guenny> text kann man doch durch tabellen und navileisten vollständig ersetzen
<guenny> und kategorien
<guenny> [Kategorie:Mann|Müller] [Kategorie:Vorname|Ernst] 
         [Kategorie:Nachname|Müller] [Kategorie:1959 Geboren|Müller] 
         [Kategorie:2000 Gestorben|Müller]
         [Kategorie:München Geburtsort|Müller]
         [Kategorie:München Sterbeort|Müller]
         [Kategorie:Beruf Kategorisierer|Müller]
<guenny> hey und schon haben wir einen stub
<Rdsmith4> grrr. My enter key got stuck, and now I have a 27-page Word 
* Improv wonders how many people have [[Rolex]] on their [[Special:Watchlist]]
<ambi2> my gosh
<ambi2> there's COTWs popping up everywhere
<ambi2> "Latter Day Saint Collaboration of the Fortnight"
<jill^st^crux> who's up for starting wiccapedia? at least with this one, we 
               *can* help the speed by sacrificing woodland creatures
<Raul654> Yes. I'm going to be in Orlando in the begininng of January. I 
          asked Jimbo if he wanted to do a meetup while I was there, and
          he thought it would be a good idea
        * Luigi30 is 14 though, parents probably won't let him go =(
<anthony> I have to say I wouldn't let my kid go meetup with a pornographer 
          and his followers at the age of 14
    <Luigi30> there's an article whose content is  "Paul Bermeister is a
              poopy head who plays DDR"
   <Arminius> I think poopyhead is one word
<FennecFoxen> I should update it
   <Arminius> indeed
   <Arminius> or at least leave a note on the talk page
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I just got an email that one of the staffers
                  thought I was a troll
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> anyway, that's all over
<SPUI> [19:55:11] <TBSDY> GNAA is back on bloody VfD?!?
<SPUI> [19:55:12] * TBSDY (~ta_bu_shi@<hostmask>) Quit (K-lined)
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> that's what happened
<SPUI> i also got k-lined by saying that line
<SPUI> GNAA is back on bloody VfD?!?
-!- SPUI [~quequeque@] has quit [K-lined]
<innocence> some people just don't learn
<Nikerabbit> brion: do you have some serious problems or just sleeping for 
<brion> Nikerabbit: ?
<Nikerabbit> i've heard lot's of reports of read locks and other errors, and 
             quite a often wiki not accessible
<brion> Nikerabbit: i'm not sure i understand the question.
<dori> brion: en seems pretty slow, with many timeouts...
<brion> dori: what does that have to do with me sleeping? i'm confused.
<dori> oh, I didn't see that, maybe cause your brain powers the servers?
<Mbecker> yeah, webalizer is a lot less criptic, and it shows me what I want 
          to know faster, hehe
<TimStarling> like kate says, you just have to donate a server to run it on
<TimStarling> because it would require a dedicated server or two
<TimStarling> and we don't care about statistics that much
<dammit> or write a script that would not require lots of resources but draw 
         same graphs
<dammit> it could, for example, make statistics itself.
<dammit> who cares about REAL ones?
<Med> innocence: i'm trying a method submarine told me to check the ram
<Med> med@ennael:~$ md5sum test
<Med> 5bb002b07bccf7726518cffbe4941099  test
<Med> med@ennael:~$ md5sum test
<Med> a614b02d41a02fc3cd7a424779593f4f  test
<Med> what about that ?
<Slowking_Man> Many eyes make light work.
<cimon> Much spam makes no work.
<dysprosia> i thought photons made light work?!
<Snowspinner> OK. Wait. Before I click on this link, would someone please tell 
              me why the latest edit summary on Talk:Clitoris is "Discussion 
              picked up here from [[Talk:Autobiography (album)]]?
<DanteAlighieri> 839,000 images in google images are returned if you just type
                 in "naked"
<DanteAlighieri> Of course, not all of them are of naked people...
<DanteAlighieri> WHOA
<DanteAlighieri> Some of them are though. ;)
<JRM> I think we need a collage of the mugs of Improv, David Gerard and 
      Jimbo to deter vandals with.
<DavidGerard> JRM: I'm trying to channel my inner RickK in that pic
<Lubaf> Neo: What is the Matrix?
<Lubaf> Morpheus: The Matrix is a rectangular table of numbers or, more
generally, of elements of a ring-like algebraic structure.
<brion> hey neat, firefox lets you view source on a JPEG
<Fennecus> brion: works for other datatypes too :)
<brion> alas, i don't read JPEG
* Fennecus isn't fluid in most binary-type formats
<Fennecus> especially the compressed ones
<Cyrius> I'd imagine you're not fluid in any format
<brion> try a blender
<silsor> Sillydragon: it sank faster than a thing that sinks really fast
<CryptoDerk> silsor: you are eloquent
<silsor> CryptoDerk: thank you
<AdamBishop> "She attended Cal State Fullerton, and in high school she 
             was on the swimming team because she was chubby. "
<AdamBishop> what?!
<AdamBishop> "Her favorite food is sushi and her favorite pizza toppings
             are everything except sausage, pepperoni and anchovies. "
<AdamBishop> geez, Everyking Jr. seems to have written this article
 <jwales> In the interest of full disclosure I should add that Google
          gave me a pen that lights up.
 <jwales> When I saw that, I was like "oooh, pen!" and then I was soooo
          mesmerized that I signed over the rights to everything. ha ha.
<brion> Up-on fyndinge a Spellinge of the English Varietie sittinge in the 
        Articles most edytable of the Wikipaedia web syte, I at once formulated
        a Planne to wype out this abominable Influence of the Isles of Avalon 
        from the Resource.
<servmon> isuda: 20/768/0 iholbach: 2/943/0 iwebster: 4/555/0  
          [5.8Mb/s in, 54.3Mb/s out]
<servmon> isuda: 58/653/0 iholbach: 3/953/0 iwebster: 9/526/0  
          [5.5Mb/s in, 53.2Mb/s out]
<servmon> isuda: 21/680/0 iholbach: 6/1024/0 iwebster: 28/668/0  
          [5.3Mb/s in, -472.7Mb/s out]
<mark-> -472? :)
<mark-> we sucked all traffic back? :)
<brion> srv8 GODDAMN SQUID
<brion> cron.hourly/logrotate MY ASS
<Luigi30> I've got a dual socket a system that I use to encode 80s MP3s
<Luigi30> I call it Duron Duron
<Raul654> well, according to Dr Zen, I'm a bully and a rogue admin
<Raul654> In fact, I'm a level 6 rogue admin
<Raul654> one more block against policy and I level up
<silsor> you get backstab at level 7
<Vague_Rant> I have a hair under the screen on my phone.
<Vague_Rant> It's going to piss me off forever.
<Vague_Rant> How do I get it out?
<Vague_Rant> How the hell did it even get in there?
   <rhobite> Vague_Rant: isn't that rant a little specific?
<Astutestitute> Everyone is basically here to get their stupid ideas across to
                people who don't care.
        <Odin-> Astutestitute: Including you, obviously. ;)
<Astutestitute> Of course, including me.
<Astutestitute> Why do people think they're being clever when they do that.
<Astutestitute> "People are stupid."
<Astutestitute> "OMG ur part of peepl PWNED YOURSSLF N00B."
<avar> are you using the SOAP interface?
<StoneCydh> no, he's using FILTH
<mindspillage> I once lost a book of Tolkien songs set to music
               from my H.S. library. (ANd I thought the musical
               settings sucked, too.) SO I paid the value of the
               book to the library. Several months later I found
               it -- shortly after LoTR came out -- and made five
               times what I paid selling it on eBay.
<mindspillage> I swear, I am not a bad person, and I didn't plan that.
<silsor> I think Wikipedia has influenced my university writing style
<silsor> I just wrote "At this time, the Klan had turned
         to dynamite as a dispute resolution device"
<brion> DavidGerard, didn't you hear? Xenu flew all the encyclopedias through
        space to the abandoned state of Florida and blew them up. The souls of
        the dead encyclopedias attached to humans living on Earth.
<brion> the "Wikipedia" project is actually an attempt to remove those
        thetan-articles from people
<brion> (regular Wikipedians are not told this story until they have reached
        advanced Sysop level)
<dannyisme> i have already been told that it is inappropriate in a holocaust 
            museum to tell employees that the boss would have made a great nazi
<Cyrius> I love how every band has to have its own "genre"
<geogre> Cyrius: But of course!
<geogre> "The Cootie Kings are the foremost practitioners of Sludge-Core 
         Deathbuzz music."
<Cyrius> you know you're doing something wrong when Everyking
votes to delete with a comment containing "cruft"
(Jacen_Aratan) I'm never gonna be able to look at a cassowary normally ever 
(telsa) Jacen: it's impossible to look at any animal in Australia normally 
(Jacen_Aratan) True.
(Jacen_Aratan) Example being the wombat. Or the platypus.
(telsa) If you can't see the fangs, stings, poison sacs, or hotline to the 
        mothership, you just end up wondering where it is.
<karmosin> I barely know what the Restoration is about.
<geogre> Basically, they had a government by the Bush's worst advisors for 
         10 years and then invited their own Clinton back.
<geogre> So their 2nd Clinton decided to not even try to hide all the hummers 
         he was receiving.
<geogre> Which then meant that everyone else felt like they had permission to
         write about just how good it was to hop from bed to bed.
* Linuxbeak shoots Project2501a 
<Linuxbeak> make your move!!
* WikiFan04 shoots Linuxbeak.
<WikiFan04> Oh my God...
<WikiFan04> I killed an admin.
<JRM> WikiFan04> But you didn't shoot his deputy.
<Wegge> Who is Pete Best?
<TimShell> The Larry Sanger of the Beatles
* mindspillage waves; she's a bassoonist
<silsor> mindspillage: do bassoons calculate in base soon?
<mindspillage> silsor: no, bassoons use base e... they're natural logs.
 <SethIlys> I want the ability to be able to "roll forward" to future edits 
            before they happen.
<dysprosia> seth: you already have that capability
<dysprosia> it's called the "Edit this page" link
   <karynn> moo
<WikiFan04> moo.
  <Luigi30> oom
<Antandrus> omo.
<WikiFan04> moo.
<Antandrus> I'm out of permootations.
    <pyramide> shit!!
<mindspillage> Problem?
    <pyramide> maybe...
    <pyramide> i think i deleted the whole e.wikipedia
    <pyramide> i mean en.wikipedia
<mindspillage> I just refreshed my watchlist, and it's still there... what'd 
               you do?
    <pyramide> presed delete after i downloaded the entire 1000mb+ file
<mindspillage> Ah! You mean you deleted the database dump you downloaded?
    <pyramide> odes it not delete the entire server?
<mindspillage> That's unfortunate... but no, it doesn't hurt the live copy. :-)
          <NullC> JRM_from_beyond: we need to ban all votes for 6 months.
           <ABCD> NullC: We can't do that...
   <mindspillage> Technically we don't have votes anyway, except for the Board 
                  vote which ends in a few hours.
   <mindspillage> They're "polls".
<JRM_from_beyond> mindspillage> Oh yeah, right. "Polls". I forgot Poll-land.
<jwales> Hint 1: if you are appealing a ban, don't use as your central argument
         "the rules are rubbish"
<func> "rejection rate" is a silly wikilink, no one is going to create an 
       article under that title
<karynn> yeah
<karynn> although it could be linked to "rejection"
<func> Catherine,  I think th
<func> er, karynn, not Catherine
<func> er...what was i going to say?
<Linuxbeak> you know... all of this editing Wikipedia...
<Linuxbeak> all of the admining and blocking and banning...
<Linuxbeak> the n00b-bashing and the troll-taunting
<Linuxbeak> I was never fit for this.
<Linuxbeak> I didn't want to be an admin, at all!
<Linuxbeak> I want to be...
<JRM> Oh no.
<Linuxbeak> A LUMBERJACK!
<BillyH> danny{SL}: Really? Fair enough. I wasn't expecting any
         kind of opposition.
Opposition has joined #wikipedia
<Opposition> NOBODY expects the Opposition!
<Ilyanep> okay don't tell me there's no article on ventrillo
<Ilyanep> :(
<Luigi30> it's Ventrilo
<Luigi30> that's why :)
(a couple of minutes later)
<Ilyanep> behold...
<Ilyanep> an article on [[Ventrillo]] that took exactly 45 seconds to create
<Luigi30> k
<Luigi30> Ilyanep
<Luigi30> you DO know that Ventrilo is spelled [[Ventrilo]], right?
<Ilyanep> Luigi30: Oh DAMN
<Ilyanep> Luigi: now I see why I could never find anything about it on google
<AngryParsley> putting IE on OSX is like shitting in your ferrari
  <Selenic> I've been on Wikipedia for fifty years, and I'm not an admin
  <Selenic> I remember when we used to delete articles with sandpaper
  <Selenic> and merge them with glue
    <NullC> Selenic: In my day we had to carry wikipedia on paper, and all 
            updates were on lead sticky notes... and we had to carry it up 
            hill in the snow both ways to and from the server in tampa.
<AllyUnion> So, Selenic, how did you write the Wikipedia?  Eraser and pencils?
  <Selenic> oh yes, I remember the sticky notes
   <Mike_H> Way back when, the only way to permablock vandals on Wikipedia was 
            to have Kate Smith eat them.
<AllyUnion> I'm certain Selenic remembers Wikipedia via Carrier pigeon
 <Rdsmith4> and how disappointing it was, after waiting weeks for the pigeon
            to arrive, to discover that he was carrying an error message
<Andre> I could have just warned myself because it's a first offense and I
        trust me.
  <Ral315> Can someone revert [[George W. Bush]]?
<SethIlys> Ral315: I'll revert him back to [[Governor of Texas]]. Will 
           that help?