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User:Klaus Piotrik Qais Felli-Littmann/Computer Nujum

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... Peter_Littmann 04:58:36
Must we, y wife and me, be also privat only, not commersial? My wife justopend a computer shop, in Berlin German.So we want to find a distribution which we may suggest to oue clients but on the other side I wish to start a education club to better their knowledge about computrs at all but for sure especial Linux. We see as our taget market the big amount of arabic, turkish migrants at the start. Perhaps you know, we have alone in Berlin-Neukölln more than 300.000 citizens from around 150 different nations.

bill-auger 06:06:02
Peter_Littmann: thats sounds quite awesome - the intention is well alogned with parabola, at least in "spirit"

bill-auger 06:07:49
i try not to recommend parabola to everyone though - most computer users, who are the non-technical ones, are really better off using an LTS distro such as trisquel or hyperbola i suggest that every new parabokla user reads and understands this wiki article ,lts

pbot 06:08:35
lts is: explained in detail on the wiki https://wiki.parabola.nu/Rolling_vs._LTS

bill-auger 06:09:27
then aside from those caveats, we are happy to encourage anyone to experiment and learn

HEX0 06:22:24
Peter_Littmann: will you be selling computers compatible with linux-libre kernel and fsf approved distros?

pbot 08:24:01
bill-auger pushed (-0 +3) commits to blacklist.git/master: move sorting into check.sh, log to file, add summary

pbot 08:25:41
Parabola automatic package builder pushed (-0 +1) commits to abslibre.git/master: Update libre/your-freedom

<r>Peter_Littmann 09:51:39
HEX0: Good Morning from Berlin, Germany. You ask aboout if we will selling computers compatible with linux-libre kerneland fsf approved distrs. So I will take your questiin seriously and answer as good as I know to ido it.We are here in acaptalistic,commerial market and will have to have act as a realistic, prracticle as possible to survive in this market. We also have a strong target in which direction we like to better the things: Equality! Freedom is a very good target, but we see it not as our only target. With freedom alone you can't feed your family! As you might remember to your school lessons there were the french people whiich fight: Storming of the Bastille on the afternoon of 14 July 1789. As you might remember also, they had onestateent on their lips: "Liberte, egalite et fraternite!" which means in english: "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity"


Peter_Littmann 10:39:52
So we will support the migrants here in Berlin to get their rights especially rhe right of equality! We will do this by providing our club for better educaton.I see it as a urgent reqzurement to assist the childs of the migrants familys to get the same rights and the same possibilitys as their german classmates. So we will do our best to offer them cheap computers/notebooks also.Maybe you have lerned about the existence and the project of the one computer/notebook per child initiatitive? Their ideas was to offer such a device a a price of $100 per system. But I had o lern that they only target to the least or less developed countrys. So I decided and started to search for comparable devices on the german market. t turns out that the price of the cheapest real pc, not a chrome device, starts at 175 Euro which I thought is good. I buyed one, installed Linux on this device and offered it at a resonable price in a small classified ad at ebay. But there was only three calls for price request, thats all. so far. Then a request from a collegue was coming in to assist him with his old notebook and reinstall Linux, before he had MINT 32bit on it alongside with Windows 7.

Peter_Littmann 11:09:17
HEX0: It turns out, that this notebook was state of the art but back in the year 210 where it was produced. The main important attribute of it is the processor which is a Atom N450, a "64bit"-CPU! So we had a good starting point. But itt turned out that it had only 1GB RAM-memory which is also reduced by the graphics., too. It was simply not possible to install ArcoLinuxD which uses the Calamares installer, you know?, cause this requeriers to have at least 1GB of memory. So the solution was to install ArchLinux in text way as they want it to do or to order a additional 1GB of RAM which we did at the end. I plan to create 3 partitions on its 230GB sized HDD to show him and leet him learn what e can do with this device: The market leader Ubunzi but got a a problem at installaton. Deepin, this chinese distribution is now the standard system on the Linux Notebooks of the well known company Huawei and last I planned to install ArcoLinu ut maybe Parabola is a better decision,...

Peter_Littmann 11:10:29
So far so good, Please don't hesitate to ask further questions.