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User:Kleuske/Michael Kūhntopf

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Patrollling anonymous edits on the dutch wikipedia, i came across an edit which was blatantly and shamelessly plugging a book. The author, Michael Kühntopf had an entry on the dutch wikipedia with a curious history. It had, apart from a few bots, only three editors.

Article Created Creator Other notable contributors comments
ksh:Michael Kühntopf 14. Jan 2009 ksh:Metmaacher:BBKurt ksh:Metmaacher:Purodha, ksh:Metmaacher:Schweizerfreund,, A prima vista the article seems legit.
fr:Michael Kühntopf 29 août 2009 fr:Schweizerfreund,,
it:Michael Kühntopf 11 gen 2010 it:Schweizerfreund
nl:Michael Kühntopf jan 25, 2010, Schweizerfreund
en:Michael Kühntopf 26 January 2010 en:User:Schweizerfreund
simple:Michael Kühntopf 27 January 2010 simple:Schweizerfreund

As in an earlier case i became curious and decided to investigate, eventhough, apparantly being an author, the article that roused my interest seemed at least noteworthy, much in contrast to Miroslaw Magola. The general gist of it, however, seems pretty obvious. First someone wrote an article about this author on a small, local wiki. Then a mysterious wellwisher appears and adds a translation into french, then italian (both of which should not be hard for a swiss national), then dutch, english, and simple english.

If this is indeed a case of "selfpromo" by an aspiring author, this should be apparant from the actions of the various contributors. For instance, one would expect, in such a case, that the author tries to stuff his publications in as many literature sections as possible. So i checked it out.

whois info


It hardly requires a genius level of intelligence to notice that all ip-adresses used originate in one network: Sunrise Communication AG, Zurich, Switzerland.


The following is a reasonably complete overview of a rather singleminded anonymous contributor. contrib

  • de
    • Focuses mainly on jewish sections, but that's to be expected. I am glad to report that at least on this wiki, the contributor seems to be quite productive. A limited number of small, proper edits. AGF applies.
  • en
    • en:Reuben Brainin, own works added in the literature section. Apart from that, only a minor improvement.
    • en:David Wolffsohn, idem. However, since the person in question was previously tagged as Unreferenced, AGF applies
    • en:Yisrael Meir Kagan- own works added, reverted "don't see the point in a non-English reference where there are numerous English sources available on the subject"
    • en:Samuel Mohilever, a small correction in the MK entry of the literature section, added by Schweizerfreund.
  • fr
  • it
    • Only contribs on Michael Kühntopf
    • Adds redirect Kühntopf-->Michael Kühntopf
  • ksh
    • Adds link to MK's publisher in (you guessed it) Michael Kühntopf. No other edits.
  • nl
    • Creates article Michael Kühntopf
    • Adds redirect Kühntopf-->Michael Kühntopf
    • nl:Nathan Birnbaum Links lit section to article Michael Kühntopf
  • pl
    • pl:Kadimah, adds lit section, containing (surprise) his own work.
  • simple

  • de
    • Only two contribs... Both corrections on the lit section concerning Michael Kühntopf
  • en
    • contribs to User:Schweizerfreund/Michael Kühntopf, an article in preparation, byu the looks of it.
    • Swiss Standard German, corrections in the lit section, concerning Michael Kühntopf
  • fr
    • many contribs to Michael Kühntopf
    • fr:Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson, adds interwiki. Hurray! A productive contrib!
    • fr:Suisse alémanique, corrections to lit section, concerning Michael Kühntopf
    • Adds redirect Kühntopf-->Michael Kühntopf
  • ksh
    • Two contribs to Michael Kühntopf

  • fr
    • Two contribs to the inevitable Michael Kühntopf

  • en
    • en:Rabbi, Adds to lit section, entry about Michael Kühntopf
    • en:Max Bodenheimer, small improvements (links) and... <drumroll> a lit section antry concerning Michael Kühntopf
  • fr
  • nl
    • nl:Rabbijn, Adds lit section with only Michael Kühntopf.
    • Small edit (hardly an improvement to the article Michael Kühntopf
  • pl



Michael Kühntopf


This account, which seems to originate on the german wiki, has a bit of a janus face. On the once side, and especially on the german wiki, it behaves quite admirably, making many contributions.

However... This user also creates userpages on all the wiki's he can find and adds links to www.kuehntopf.ch and de.netlog.com/michaelkuhntopf. In most cases, it's the only article edited on the specific wiki.

This happens on

  • als.wikipedia.org,
  • ang.wikipedia.org,
  • an.wikipedia.org,
  • ar.wikipedia.org,
  • ast.wikipedia.org,
  • az.wikipedia.org,
  • bar.wikipedia.org,
  • bat-smg.wikipedia.org,
  • be-x-old.wikipedia.org,
  • bg.wikipedia.org
  • br.wikipedia.org
  • bs.wikipedia.org
  • ca.wikipedia.org
  • ceb.wikipedia.org
  • cs.wikipedia.org
  • cy.wikipedia.org
  • da.wikipedia.org
  • NOT on de.wikiquote.org
  • de.wikisource.org (only http://www.kuehntopf.ch/)
  • de.wikipedia.org
  • de.wiktionary.org
  • el.wikipedia.org
  • en.wikipedia.org
  • en.wiktionary.org
  • eo.wikipedia.org
  • es.wikipedia.org
  • et.wikipedia.org
  • eu.wikipedia.org
  • fa.wikipedia.org
  • fi.wikipedia.org
  • fr.wikipedia.org
  • ga.wikipedia.org
  • gd.wikipedia.org
  • gl.wikipedia.org
  • hak.wikipedia.org
  • haw.wikipedia.org
  • he.wikipedia.org
  • hif.wikipedia.org
  • hr.wikipedia.org
  • hsb.wikipedia.org
  • ht.wikipedia.org
  • hu.wikipedia.org
  • ia.wikipedia.org
  • id.wikipedia.org
  • it.wikipedia.org
  • ja.wikipedia.org
  • ka.wikipedia.org
  • kl.wikipedia.org
  • ksh.wikipedia.org
  • ku.wikipedia.org
  • lad.wikipedia.org
  • la.wikipedia.org
  • lb.wikipedia.org
  • lmo.wikipedia.org
  • lt.wikipedia.org
  • lv.wikipedia.org
  • mdf.wikipedia.org
  • ml.wikipedia.org
  • mn.wikipedia.org
  • ms.wikipedia.org
  • mt.wikipedia.org
  • myv.wikipedia.org
  • nah.wikipedia.org
  • nds.wikipedia.org
  • nl.wikipedia.org
  • nn.wikipedia.org
  • no.wikipedia.org
  • pdc.wikipedia.org
  • pih.wikipedia.org
  • pl.wikipedia.org
  • pms.wikipedia.org
  • pnt.wikipedia.org
  • qu.wikipedia.org
  • rm.wikipedia.org
  • ro.wikipedia.org
  • ru.wikipedia.org
  • sah.wikipedia.org
  • scn.wikipedia.org
  • sc.wikipedia.org
  • sh.wikipedia.org
  • simple.wikipedia.org
  • sk.wikipedia.org
  • sl.wikipedia.org
  • sq.wikipedia.org
  • sr.wikipedia.org
  • su.wikipedia.org
  • sv.wikipedia.org
  • sw.wikipedia.org
  • szl.wikipedia.org
  • te.wikipedia.org
  • th.wikipedia.org
  • tl.wikipedia.org
  • tr.wikipedia.org
  • ug.wikipedia.org
  • uk.wikipedia.org
  • war.wikipedia.org
  • wa.wikipedia.org
  • yi.wikipedia.org
  • yo.wikipedia.org



AGF goes a long way, but not this far. The above, in my judgement, is sufficient to support suspicions of selfpromo, sockpuppetry, and massive crosswiki spamming. Hence i'll turn over the usernames and ip addresses to the appropriate authorities for further action (if deemed neccesary).