The time now is 2025-02-16 03:50 UTC (Purge), and there are 152,580 pages in Meta now.
Hello, I am Matttest. This is my global user page. I joined in 2020; between then and early 2021 I became a patroller at Chinese Wikipedia, marking the start of my contributions. No sooner did I began my journey on Chinese Wikipedia, I started editing at the same time at Cantonese Wikipedia, which later became my home wiki. Worse still, even I became more engaged in global affairs (i.e. Meta-Wiki and WikiData) and had a much comfortable grasp of MediaWiki, I slowly burnt out due to ongoing controversies in some of the wiki projects. As of 30/01/2024, I have decided to rejoin Wikimedia with a hope to pursue anti-vandalism works as well as enriching content in Cantonese Wikipedia, which brings you to where we are now. From there history is yet to be written.
You may go to these wikis to see my contributions. For global contributions, check out Special:CentralAuth/Matttest, I made around 3000 edits globally. Apart from Cantonese Wikipedia or Wiktionary, I will no longer be active in any of the above wiki projects. Instead, I aim to combat vandalism and immerse myself into discussing global matters.