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この文章はStep-by-step chapter creation guideの仮訳である。

この文書は、支部作成のプロセスの読みやすいイントロダクションとなることを意図しています。 While it probably is not exhaustive and does not take into account differences between jurisdictions, it is the first stop for anyone thinking of forming a Wikimedia Chapter.

いくつかの状況では、他の方法で支部作成に取り掛かることが可能(または必要)であることに注意してください。You might want to consult the Chapters committee about variations in procedure.






The bylaws (statutes, or whatever the name of this document is in your language) should define the goals and objectives of your association in time and space. They should be precise and to the point. Avoid definitions which are either too vague or too restrictive.

When writing the bylaws you need to take several factors into account (in the order given below):

  1. あなたの国の法律
  2. Wikimedia Foundation's requirements for chapter creation
    • the primary goals of your organization should be in line with those of the Wikimedia Foundation, i.e. to promote free content and support the Wikimedia projects.
    • where possible, a non-profit status (or a status that allows you to tend towards non-profit)
    • avoid ties to political statements/groups that do not fit within the scope of Wikimedia projects
  3. Wikimedia Foundation's guidelines for chapter creation

In order to make sure that those are observed, we advise you to inspire yourself first from bylaws of other organisations in your country and then adapt those to the Wikimedia requirements and guidelines. Do not try and translate existing Wikimedia chapters' bylaws, as legislation differs from one country to another and what seems evident in one country may make no sense in another.

If you have a lawyer in your group, make sure he/she is a strong part of the writing process, remember that you are ultimately responsible for the legal compliance of your organisation with the local laws.

In every part of this process, do not hesitate to ask the Chapters committee or existing chapters' members for advice.

ステップ3:規約を the chapters committee に提出して承認を求める[edit]

あなたの規約が準備できた段階で(あなたの国の政府機関に登録に行くに!)、それらを英語に翻訳し、Chapters committeeにそれらを提出して承認を受けて下さい。

The Chapters committee might ask for a lawyer approved translation of the bylaws, in which case it will provide the necessary budget to translate the bylaws.

The chapters committee will review your bylaws and then will submit them to the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation to approve the creation of your organization as a Wikimedia chapter.

この過程の詳細については、文書「Chapter approval process」に記述されています。


Once you have received the approval of the Wikimedia Foundation, you can go on and register your association as per is standard in your county.



この時点であなたはたぶんいくらかの資金を必要とするはずです。You may have to pay registration fees, set up a bank account, etc. The first source of funds should be the community behind your organization (e.g. if you have set up a membership organization, now is the time to collect membership fees).

If you require more money than you can reasonably hope to gather from your group, you can ask the Chapters Committee to provide you with some additional funding to get you on your way.


All done! You can now go about chapter business and promote Wikimedia projects in your country.

If you want some hints about possible projects, you can always look at what other chapters have accomplished or are currently doing.

Remember, you can always ask the Chapters committee as well as other chapters for help.
