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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

I wrote this script for my wikiproject PflegeWiki, for having a look which page was created first, second, third.... thousandth...

If you run the script, it will create a HTML-file, which outputs the page-creation-history of your wiki

Set it up


To run this script:

  1. dump your database (only tables "page" and "revision" needed)
  2. and copy data to your local MySQL-Server
  3. create a php-page namend "milestone.php" in a folder of your choice
  4. insert into "milestone.php" the code, written for your Mediawiki-Version (see below)
  5. as browser won't run the whole procedure, you have to start the script via shell
  6. open shell, and type in:
$> cd (PATH TO milestone.php)
$> php milestone.php > milestone.html

Open milestone.html with your browser.

Mediawiki 1.6


#### Database-Connect ###
$dbname = "";           #fill up with your database-name
$dbuser = "";           #fill up with your username
$dbpass = "";           #fill up with username's password 
$dbhost = "";  # could be "localhost", too... but i can't run
                        # the script from shell if it is set to "localhost"

$db = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);

if ($db)
        mysql_select_db($dbname, $db);

################ from this point, you don't need to change anything ###########################

$font1 = <font face=\"Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular\" size=\"1\" color=\"black\">";
$font2 = <font face=\"Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular\" size=\"1\" color=\"blue\">";    
echo "<big><b>Wiki-Milestones</b></big><hr><br>";
$spruch  = "SELECT * FROM page";
$spruch .= " WHERE page_namespace=0 and page_is_redirect=0 AND page_title not like 'Main Page'";
$result = mysql_query($spruch, $db) or die("GetData failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br><br>" . $spruch);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $pageid = $row['page_id'];
    $titel = $row['page_title'];

    $spruch2  = "SELECT * FROM revision";
    $spruch2 .= " WHERE rev_page='$pageid'";
    $spruch2 .= " ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC";
    $result2 = mysql_query($spruch2, $db) or die("GetData failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br><br>" . $spruch2);
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $user = $row2['rev_user_text'];
    $zeit = $row2['rev_timestamp'];
    $artikel_name[] = $titel;
    $artikel_date[] = $zeit;
    $artikel_user[] = $user;
array_multisort ($artikel_date, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $artikel_name, $artikel_user);

for ($o=0;$o<count($artikel_date);$o++) {
    $der_artikel = $artikel_name[$o];
    $der_user = $artikel_user[$o];
    $erstellt = $artikel_date[$o];
    $erstellt_am = $erstellt[6] . $erstellt[7] . "." . $erstellt[4] . $erstellt[5] . "." . $erstellt[0] . $erstellt[1] . $erstellt[2] . $erstellt[3]; 
    $apm = $erstellt[0] . $erstellt[1] . $erstellt[2] . $erstellt[3] . $erstellt[4] . $erstellt[5]; 
    if ( ($oldapm != '') AND ($oldapm < $apm))
        echo "Number of articles at end of month " . $oldapm . ": " . $o . "<br><br>";
        $apm_artikel[] = $o;
        $apm_monat[] = $oldapm;
    $dummy = ($o +1);
    echo $font1 . $dummy . ": $font2    " . $der_artikel;
    echo " (by User " . $der_user . ") - " . $erstellt_am . "<br>";
    $oldapm= $apm;
