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User:Raymond (WMID)/EUProject

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ikipedia belongs in education, we claim. And it’s true. Wikimedia Movement, chapters, user groups and affiliates are developing Education Programs elsewhere, teachers are using wikis (and not only Wikimedia) as a teaching resource, students are using Wikipedia to complete their assignments... and are even doing assignments on Wikipedia. Education community and Wikimedia movement are two sides of the same broad idea: knowledge must be accessible to every humankind.

Basque Wikimedians User Group (EWKE, in Basque language) is developing a three-year program with the Basque Government to make better contents for schoolchildren in our language with the help of the education community: University students are working on the enrichment of Wikipedia with their knowledge, University professors and lecturers are giving them assignments to work on and High School teachers and school institutions are working to detect what information gaps we have, what we can improve. It is not the first time this kind of programs are made in the Wikimedia Movement, but it’s a good example of collaboration between knowledge institutions, Governments and Wikimedians. We have a mature educational program in a small linguistic community with support from the local government, this allows making efforts to document and create models, templates and documents that can be reused by the rest of the global community.

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Sosialisasi mengenai Hak Asasi manusia (HAM) tidak terlepas dari fenomena globalisasi. Kemajuan insfrastruktur dan kecepatan untuk berkomunikasi menjadikan peristiwa yang terjadi dibelahan dunia lain bisa sangat mudah untuk diketahui. Tetapi, hal ini tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa setiap orang mengerti tentang Hak Asasi Manusia. Faktanya, masih ada pelanggaran HAM mengenai diskriminasi terhadap kaum minoritas. Misalnya, adanya penganiayaan etnik minoritas oleh militer Myanmar, sehingga Uni Eropa dan Amerika Serikat menjatuhkan sanksi ekonomi dan militer kepada Myanmar melalui sidang Umum PBB tahun 1991 dan Komisi HAM PBB 1992.

Contoh di atas merupakan peristiwa nyata yang patut dijadikan sebuah pembelajaran berharga untuk lebih menghargai Hak Asasi Manusia setiap orang. Dengan adanya kompetisi menulis di Wikipedia ini diharapkan bahwa setiap orang mampu berkontribusi menyebarkan informasi berharga mengenai Hak Asasi Manusia. Artikel yang ditulis juga mampu menyadarkan pembaca bahwa nilai-nilai kebebasan dan kesetaraan merupakan langkah awal untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih bermartabat.



Programme will cover a wide variety of topics according to three main ideas:

Skills for life
Students, teachers, educator are editing Wikimedia projects. How does this help teachers and students achieve learning outcomes? How does it fit into international, national, and local curriculum frameworks? How do we know that students are learning? This track is to understand more about the learning that happens for students and educators who participate in the Wikimedia Movement.
Free knowledge for the world
Students are reading Wikipedia. Is the community creating content to reach them? Is Wikimedia providing content for all ages? Are they provided in the languages that are used in education? Is Wikimedia an OER or is it creating OERs?
How do we make it happen?
What kind of programs are being done in different places? How do you plan, execute and evaluate an education program, project, or short activity? How do you work alongside governments or other institutional partners? We will highlight successes, challenges, and how to replicate good models. This track is for Wikimedians who want to dig deep into the how of education work.

You can read the programme here.

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