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[<[[1]]www.ripenborgoyary.comBold textItalic textRipen Borgoyary> {<TABULA ROSA>} John Locke`s other refutation. The doctrine of innate ideas, he establishes Empiricism. He maintained that mind of birth is a Tabula Rosa upon which experience writes. Mind is like a clean state in the beginning. It has no innate ideas, Mind reviews ideas from experience. Empiricism is two form : Sensation and Reflection. Sensation is the outer perception. Sensation is source of our knowledge of the external objects. Reflection is internal perception. Reflection is the source of our knowledge of the internal states of the mind. Sensation is the beginning of all knowledge and our ideas are ultimately reducible to sensory experience. The child gets his first ideas from sensations. Then he reflect upon them. Descartes maintenance that mind always think even before it is furnished with sensation. Mind can think independently of sensation. But Locke maintain that the mind can not think before it has sensation. The mind is passive in receiving these sensation. After passively receiving the sensation., the mind actively comfier them with one another, combines them into complex ideas and forms general idea out of particular ideas. The famous doctrine of Locke is ,“There is nothing in the intellect which was not previously in the sense”. Knowledge is postural to or after experience. The empirical account of knowledge advocated by John Locke has come to be known as a postural theory of knowledge. Locke defines knowledge as the perception of agreement of these agreement f our idea. If knowledge is defined in this way it is evident that the mind can not things immediately. Mind can only have an indirect knowledge of things through the ideas. It has of things. Our knowledge, therefore is real only so for as there is conformity between our ideas in the reality of things. Locke is an Empiricist and at believes in the existence of matter. Mind or soul and God. We can have an knowledge of material true sensation. It is pain that the perception of qualities on as produced in as by e external objects which Locke call “Substance”. This substance is an “unknown substance”, in which other qualities inhere. Locke in for the existence of spiritual substance from unreal mental of reasons of thinking telling and willing processes cant fall alone by themselves, there must be some substratum, some in droing soul, Mind and which they an here. Our Mind as contracted the idea or God from the external world each matter. Through as an empiricist Locke a future to believes that knowledge can be derived from any other soul that self experience, they assume, turangress the brounds of experience recognizing the existence of substance Mind, soul and God. Ripenwww.ripenborgoyary.co.in>]