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User:Staeiou/Journal/BRD tools

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mysql> select rvtg_tool, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp group by 1 having count(*) > 500;
| rvtg_tool   | response_rate | count(*) |
| NULL        |        0.4323 |   934461 |
| bot-other   |        0.0019 |    16523 |
| cluebot     |        0.0005 |    12828 |
| huggle      |        0.0500 |    31883 |
| mwt         |        0.0034 |      594 |
| rollback    |        0.1736 |    84548 |
| twinkle     |        0.3575 |    60807 |
| undo        |        0.4316 |    34941 |
| vandalproof |        0.0427 |     4336 |

mysql> select rvtg_tool, avg(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,post_timestamp,recip_timestamp)) as avg_response_time, stddev(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,post_timestamp,recip_timestamp)) as stddev_response_time, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp  AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7 group by 1 having count(*) > 50;
| rvtg_tool   | avg_response_time | stddev_response_time | count(*) |
| NULL        |         1164.2525 |            1967.1558 |   403953 |
| huggle      |          158.1731 |             842.1298 |     1594 |
| rollback    |          974.2586 |            1896.7845 |    14678 |
| twinkle     |          878.1785 |            1740.6369 |    21739 |
| undo        |         1044.7456 |            1862.3165 |    15079 |
| vandalproof |          553.3351 |            1229.7141 |      185 |

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2001 |        0.5952 |       42 |
| 2002 |        0.5419 |      668 |
| 2003 |        0.5292 |     3156 |
| 2004 |        0.5772 |    16588 |
| 2005 |        0.5500 |    56742 |
| 2006 |        0.4999 |   179367 |
| 2007 |        0.4347 |   222080 |
| 2008 |        0.4110 |   176831 |
| 2009 |        0.4077 |   151519 |
| 2010 |        0.3605 |   102300 |
| 2011 |        0.1477 |    23288 |
| 2012 |        0.0713 |     1880 |
12 rows in set (1.91 sec)

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp AND rvtg_tool is NULL group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2001 |        0.5952 |       42 |
| 2002 |        0.5419 |      668 |
| 2003 |        0.5292 |     3156 |
| 2004 |        0.5772 |    16588 |
| 2005 |        0.5500 |    56742 |
| 2006 |        0.4999 |   179367 |
| 2007 |        0.4347 |   222080 |
| 2008 |        0.4110 |   176831 |
| 2009 |        0.4077 |   151519 |
| 2010 |        0.3605 |   102300 |
| 2011 |        0.1477 |    23288 |
| 2012 |        0.0713 |     1880 |
12 rows in set (3.41 sec)

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp AND rvtg_tool is NOT NULL group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2002 |        0.0000 |        1 |
| 2004 |        0.4391 |      690 |
| 2005 |        0.3295 |     8734 |
| 2006 |        0.1731 |    25364 |
| 2007 |        0.1626 |    35900 |
| 2008 |        0.1691 |    51338 |
| 2009 |        0.1913 |    46134 |
| 2010 |        0.3290 |    61919 |
| 2011 |        0.1258 |    15785 |
| 2012 |        0.0501 |     1097 |
10 rows in set (1.10 sec)

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp AND rvtg_tool = 'huggle' group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2008 |        0.0695 |     7134 |
| 2009 |        0.0474 |    12668 |
| 2010 |        0.0535 |     9055 |
| 2011 |        0.0050 |     2782 |
| 2012 |        0.0000 |      244 |
5 rows in set (0.21 sec)

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp AND rvtg_tool = 'twinkle' group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2007 |        0.2909 |     9511 |
| 2008 |        0.3590 |    13750 |
| 2009 |        0.4131 |    17059 |
| 2010 |        0.3820 |    16931 |
| 2011 |        0.1507 |     3304 |
| 2012 |        0.0913 |      252 |
6 rows in set (0.45 sec)

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp AND rvtg_tool = 'rollback' group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2004 |        0.4390 |      688 |
| 2005 |        0.3298 |     8714 |
| 2006 |        0.2125 |    19958 |
| 2007 |        0.1454 |    19085 |
| 2008 |        0.1393 |    22846 |
| 2009 |        0.1227 |     9057 |
| 2010 |        0.0536 |     2964 |
| 2011 |        0.0269 |     1116 |
| 2012 |        0.0167 |      120 |
9 rows in set (0.41 sec)

mysql> select substring(post_timestamp,1,4) as year, avg(recip_rev_id is not null AND recip_timestamp > post_timestamp AND DATEDIFF(recip_timestamp,post_timestamp) < 7) as response_rate, count(*) from staeiou.reverted_brd_20110115 where post_timestamp > timestamp AND rvtg_tool = 'undo' group by 1;
| year | response_rate | count(*) |
| 2007 |        0.4625 |      534 |
| 2008 |        0.3776 |      143 |
| 2009 |        0.4508 |      122 |
| 2010 |        0.4805 |    27581 |
| 2011 |        0.2304 |     6253 |
| 2012 |        0.0974 |      308 |
6 rows in set (0.19 sec)