Digital Preservation of Arabic Manuscripts in India: Challenges and Opportunities
Facilitators : Dr. Irfan Ahmad
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Duration : Classic presentation 45 minutes
Description :
In India, there's a lot of cultural heritage in the Arabic language that is rare and very important from the digital transformation perspective. The details of these manuscripts/books are not yet digitalized and presented online even on Wikipedia for example the important Arabic book, the amazingly thorough bibliographical dictionary of the scholars of Hind (India), compiled by Shaikh ‘Abdul Hayy al Husaini. "Nuzhatul Khawatir wa bahjatul masami wal nawazir Fi jughrafiyatil Hind wa Akhbare mulookihaa wa khutootiha wa aasarihaa" نزهة الخواطر وبهجة المسامع والنواظر في جغرافية الهند وأخبار ملوكها وخطوطها وآثارها "Al thaqafatul Islamiyah Fil Hind maariful awarif fi Anwaye'l Uloom wal Maarif" الثقافة الإسلامية في الهند معارف العوارف في أنواع العلوم والمعارف and there's long list for such books and manuscripts.
A lot of Indian scholars who wrote extensively in Arabic like Sayyid Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami the writer of “Subhat-al-Marjan-fi-Asar-e-Hindustan” , Abu Bakar bin Mohsin Surati the writer of “Maqamat-e-Hindiyyah and Muhammad Siddiq Hasan Khan who wrote Abjad-ul-uloom (أبجد العلوم) an encyclopedia for introducing sciences and arts. Nashwatus Sukran min Suhbaaye tazkaril gazlan (نشوة السكران من صهباء تذكار الغزلان) written on love and infatuation etc. need to be reinvented using modern digital tools and techniques and effectively presented online for a global audience.
Theme : Transforming rare, ancient cultural minority heritage to the Digital World
Key words : Digital transformation, Preservation of Arabic Manuscripts in India, Resource optimization in the digitization process using modern tools and techniques
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Intended outcomes :
The cultural importance of Indian writers in Arabic. What Indian top scholars particularly in Arabic language were doing in 18th and 19th centaury will be the key takeaway of this session