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WikiCred/2022 CFP/WikiGeoFeed

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
A WikiCred 2022 Grant Proposal
Project TypeTechnology
AuthorIdoko Joseph, Emmanuel Onoja, Aliyuh Muhammad
(JosefAnthony, Aliyuh Muhammad1, FreeCatalyst)
Requested amount2,659,560 Naira (6000 USD)
Award amountUnknown
What is your idea?

The idea behind this project is to build and develop a wikimedia event notification App to support Wikimedia. The App will enable users get notification of ongoing and upcoming Wikimedia event in their locale or region. when a user visits a geographical location an instant push notification of wikimedia events in that locale or region is being sent to the user’s device. Users can schedule to attend such events using the app and receive notification when it’s due time . Users can search for wiki events in other region too and make a schedule.
The App will inculcate others features such as the ability to join wikimedia communities, forums and be part of a larger network so as to share ideas and discuss with other like minded people. Other key feature of the app includes instance notification that provides the user with information about their surroundings such as geographical history, places to visit, cuisines, accommodations etc. That is, as soon as a user steps into a new location such information will pop up as a notification in their device, this will enable the users have more insight about where they are, whats nearby and interesting places to visit. The App will be design to run on both android and IOS devices.

Why is it important?

The App is important because it will enlighten users to know about wiki events going on in their locale and provide a medium for them to choose to attend. Attending such events will enlighten people to know more about wikimedia and wikipedia as a whole. Visiting new places could be fun and interesting but at the same time overwhelming if one doesn’t know places to visit in that region. That is where “WikiGeoFeed” comes into play, “WikiGeoFeed” will provide users with relevant information about their locality, places of interest to visit, whats nearby and what to expect.

Link(s) to your resume or anything else (CV, GitHub, etc.) that may be relevant


Is your project already in progress?

Plans are already in place

How is this project relevant to credibility and Wikipedia?

Most people will like to attend Wikimedia events but have limited or no information that such events are taking place or even taking place in their society. With this App such problem will taken care of.

What is the ultimate impact of this project?
  • Provide a medium for people to know about Wikimedia events taking place around them.
  • Provide a means to choose to attend Wikimedia events.
  • Provide the user with relevant information about the location the find themselves in.

Can your project scale?

Yes the project can scale, The App can later evolve to accommodate new features and updates such as allowing users to stream live events through the App and also attend Wikimedia events virtually in case they can’t make it to the event physically.

Why are you the people to do it?

As a techie and an experience Wikidata trainer, I have a solid team which comprises of set of experience developers with proven skills in developing and executing such project, some of their work can be found here:

Previous Work Done:




Mr. Aliyu Muhammad - Mobile Application developer

Mr. Emmanuel James Onoja - Software Engineer

What is the impact of your idea on diversity and inclusiveness of the Wikimedia movement?

This App will increase awareness of Wikimedia content, projects, news, events and development to the general public for free. When built, the App will be free for use by anyone with an android or ios device, as the Wikimedia movement is all about encouraging the growth, development, and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public. This App will let people know where and how to go to places where such contents are disseminated.

What are the challenges associated with this project and how you will overcome them?
  • Internet connectivity: we will require internet connectivity through out the development stage of the app to test a lot of features e.g pulling Wikimedia events based on user’s location, pulling geographical information of the user.
  • App Publication: the App will be published both on Apple and Google Play store.
  • Transportation: we will need to travel to some location to test the event pop up push notification.
  • Hosting: we will need to host the back-end of the app.

How will you spend your funds?

300,000 Naira (676.44 USD) will be used to purchase high speed internet connection for the project
250,000 Naira (563.70 USD) will be used to pay the UI/UX designer (Mock-up designer).
800,000 Naira (1,803.83 USD) will be used for transportation, feeding and other miscellaneous expenses while we travel to different States, cities in the country to test the App.
56,000 Naira (126.61 USD) will be used to acquired Apple and Google Playstore Developer account for hosting the app for iOS and Android.
We will develop the App for 1,253,560 Naira (2,785.47 USD).

How long will your project take?

8 months

  • UI/UX Design 1 Month (Mock ups)
  • Conversion of Mock ups to screens in the App 2 Months
  • Logic implementation 3 Months.
  • Testing and Publication 2 Months.

Have you worked on projects for previous grants before?

