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WikiJabber/Episode 0001 with Bence Damokos

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Podcast WikiJabber
Bence Damokos. Photo: Beko. License: CC-BY-SA-3-0

Bence Damokos


The Hungarian Wikimedian Bence Damokos was an early adopter of the Wikipedia, volunteered at the Affiliation Committee and works at the European Parliament today.

Free Music


Sonatina by Béla Bartók performed by Wikipedian La Pianista

Automatic Transcript


[0:00] Okay okay okay this is great so let's begin with first make some introductions and then with safeties into place introduce yourself.

[0:11] The new consultant terrible do what think is interesting for the difference.

So hello everyone this is summer what's this is the first episode of the java the podcast about people in the pier.

And are here to give me a montreal two thousand seventeen and of met venture.

And ask them to talk with me and the upc is picture introduce yourself as its a thing for inviting me a part of the sun.

Hi benson i've been evicted for maybe the last ten years i.

Started in high school then i found an error on the hanging up the as an error that exactly and i know it on the top its okay guys doesn't matter the.

Of course i received an invitation it's free to edit things that and that's how it started.

But so i was not nervous translating atticus right got cousin hundred mvpd about.

Products or i have the face with the five cuz about canada summit two million happy to be here in a zoo from hungry and from hungarian this is my first time here is.

First time in canada and later i was involved in finding the hungry and we could the comedian checked me hungry and.

Few years after that i became a member of the f listens coming to the vic media coming to that helps chapters and i use that groups gets of the ground and get on.

[1:50] And for a few years i was the channel of that committee so i.

I get the chance to meet a lot of people on to see the creation of a lot of writing is stations of.

Seven or eight years ago i wasn't south africa and of workshop for people who are interested in forming a chapter that that was the first.

African chapter and next year they're busting became main is in the power of their progress on the.

[2:25] They have been able to do that at the beginning.

And yeah end of last years i haven't been so active i've it stays yesterday i got the job and get real life.

Yeah so now it is usually just.

Phone let's happenings and go to conferences to meet people without friends and i'm still of course interested and.

Invested in the future of wikimedia but i'm not active person.

[2:58] I'm what was your first contact to wikipedia and when.

If i am guessing it was.

[3:10] Maybe a year are two before my fast at its i think i actually there's seven maybe two thousand four i was.

It was an interesting.

It's big knot internet was not so wise for this now it may have to go to my father's work place to get on the internet with okay we could do like.

I don't know once a month or something fun to do for yeah i'm hungry was democratic.

Yeah i'm not this exactly sure about the time but that sounds about right in hungary was democratic does the year.

We signed the opinion.

To live in the capital of hungary yeah i am from budapest compatible with but got no internet at home for a long while now and.

Bye bye bye time it became minutes to the head at all of us and.

Yes is in get stating it was one of the few pages like.

I remember the early internet cincinnati pouring looking back that is the at set of ages chatrooms it few pages that corrected chokes on the internet and.

Yes some new scents but not very many so it does the fence plays but it is still really exciting for us like oh have you been.

[4:43] Two thousand four a would have been on the.

[4:49] Send sixteen messages in a few spoke english yeah yeah yes i estimate was made the use of time.

[4:59] Are you ready to south sioux under in texas and i think i must that again at the time that this is off my.

Motivations is that it working and hanging wikipedia to make sure that content is available in hungarians would do a lot of translations from english to make up at two and gave them to make sure that people who.

I didn't figure languages just section hanging with him access so that was a hungarian wikipedia already yeah it is is founded in.

Two thousand three i guess so it was one of the only ones in and will be getting that today now we are on the.

[5:43] I don't want to sound stupid but.

[5:49] I don't think there's more to keep it on the outside of two hundred thousand four hundred thousand how many.

It's runs behind the to you nobody active and i was.

Activate the beginning stages on the would celebrate getting to twenty five thousand fifty thousand in the at the cute celebration for going to the thousands and then.

He wasn't so involved in the new milestones and dumplings and send them so i am.

In a bit late about hanging up does every to get up facts and the two.

Same lovely people and bacon this days to the sixteen that's cool.

Yeah yeah and did you have a couple decent or not it's.

[6:49] Victory there is my main hoe be and has found a lot of time watching american tv series back then and those.

For a while it's a bit connected my hobie is some my first that cuz about c is like prison break and.

And what is the setting of the time and then it kind of in hungary.

Yeah yes i was watching season english but they both in the hunger but then i insist drivers and have the.

Let's say a period of and is very interested in canada and canadian constitution and national parks so i know it will to fight cuz about that i found.

Fascinating like him i'm generally a big fan of these anglo-saxon traditions like this problem and the traditions seven toyota sounds.

[7:47] Yeah and after the first few years i was.

Morning welding and making sure other people getting well then the tank to the amount of is so.

That's why i was involved in from behind the internet with the idea that.

I see have presentations of these people let that be the reason we can get more people to be involved.

And i'm and just one person that fact and gets to other people to be in well they were the devil that's.

Isn't the work even if i don't parts of it anymore and there is quite similar with it being in involved in the f nations committee and.

How can people and the world to the same i.

[8:33] When does adelaide is the only had chapped some user group citrus of for the motivation to to found the guardianship.

[8:43] Nothing back from that.

[8:53] It is a bit too far partially it was just to make like a legal vehicle to be able to get the nations and.


I just so for formalities and then the other motivation was to get to try to get other people involved effectively.

Seen as something serious and like partnered with other institutions of our own.

The other people what to keep the days so having intimate relations around and.

It's a good that you met public opinion it's early or are they like meet up so.

Budapest yeah that that same person part about to come into when i started the use of meet ups like every three months of those like.

The reason and it seems to ultimate between budapest and the city town and the kind side safely with several you would need to low cousin and everyone with.

And then somehow the meet ups became less and less frequent in recent years and people seem to have.

[10:16] Did scott the city that says if it's in the camp site it's two fives and.

It's it's fun to get to somebody's we might have to mi temps in a year and they usually connected to the chapters general assembly and.

So it does a bit of a sad development you nine the fruit mike fears back there is a big.

In concert i'm a big.

[10:48] A lot of research and it was put into whether the editor-in-chief of the planning that was a big concern like.

Four five years ago and and i was also a concept about the hanging up and i'm still consignment and like the general out of the community of.

Being able to get new people as if he were don't have meetings out if.

It's like the old people and are they all the details and i'm from long term exactly the long term and it says that.

Like comfortable in protecting what we have and the quality level we have it so difficult to get in and.

The expectations that keeps growing and growing and.

Yeah i'm gonna miss that problem has been solved the don't talk about it anymore like it's not the become sam and what the but i think it's the issue at this for the hanging up the and.

Of the others and and.

So you half instead of the hungarian defeated the english wikipedia mustard hyundai and promote years but this is what it and if you compare them here indicative sentence one.

What is with a different and what are the advantages of the hungarian what can we learn from the history of the doubt.

[12:16] Yeah is it easier to talk about something i'm doing.

[12:24] Could be the and then hanging with you guys some good systems to make sure that to.

In that it starts it to just write something i can we do have.

Is this some every now and then the sick beats if you don't say that something is not about the deleted automatically bf to be very explicit and this is important because i don't like science at.

And i get the baby don't have that but they have some code to stops five like not good that's shorter than the spa.

Like the tv show thats messed up well shortens the c word.

Yeah and botox is to see exactly from me that are you in like botox is this the water by five and jesus said.

Let's not exact definition just a feeling that it would suck if not cuz about one paragraph or just a few sentences it's too sharp and.

As a system that got deleted after seven days so you have seven days to expand it it gets deleted.

Do you have fox and i'm getting up decorating articles like the swedish that's not not to that extent.

They hung him but most concert in with estimate like the asteroids have because of that slowly getting atticus and and as.

[13:59] Is a big discussion about it meets the criteria for sub if you just stayed.

Information you have about an asteroid in a table but they usually stay on those it goes.

That is system that's the time getting wikipedia has the acting to german has a as is flag divisions.

It's using its to be reviewed by somebody before it becomes public and.

It's pete's huge strain on the people that are the edits his and they have to approve even that good that it's and so does a bit of a backlog that and.

In a lot of work and that's a lot of.

[14:47] It makes perfect cohesion and committed community of of backfires and people involved in that.

To make it makes that's their job is easy in and it's not about making sure that market potential and it says its about making so that the life of.

The people who is less than a foot and a lot of work to make sure that the qualities kept up for is not.

Made more difficult so that which is.

Kind of against the eternal question and and and let me do we have.

Desire to be more open the desire to have to be more diverse and i only have.

The existing committee that we have to convince to either early become are open can of for some maybe are and.

Alright alright sidestep them.

[15:50] Then you switched your or.

From the company to the international committee able to yes exactly so how does that whole does it was a towel why did you do this.

I am again it says the matter of invitation and so.

I was ask to be found that the again chapter and take out the.

Recognition process on the international communication ie i spoke with the mission of the time and.

I guess that was the main criteria but to the process and to being the international face of the hanging chapter in the first two years i got to meet the.

Is a few other peoples like internationally and the person to have respected me and.

After a while i was invited to change this affiliations committee that was a big honor for me and for this the for this is nothing to know what this if.

[17:02] So the affluence committees is the committee of about ten volunteers who and pass with a proving.

New group starting to become either chapter and now it is using two as its that's the process they have to.

Prove that they keep making me deserts.

It's not like a proof by fire it's just and just had to process check and physically to make sure that the and the that they understand but they are getting into.

But the time is out of the didn't have user groups we just that chapters which at legal organizations that support pp and a comfy.

And by definition there is only one chapter in a country and to become on it it's usually.

[17:56] A bit longer processing and in my time and i was on the common tv and it said that these organizations membership organizations that.

I plug in the values of the comedian about being open and suffering three nights but also being membership organizations that i had a pretty democratic saying.

So you said of veal of the community could be hard to.

There was a board and they wanted to change it that was a possibility and a divorce function and so we.

That is usually by talking a lot for the people who wanted to find sectors are trying to convince them if it was a good idea just thinking about it.

I'm done going into details of the pilot sits at the founding documents of these organizations associations that defined structure and how they work and.

Send a god to doesn't very wikipedia and the very interesting fast cuz non lawyers and not.

People coming from different countries that can get a bio from and it's in a different country and understanding below contacts on the local side of.

I would meet up on bolivian lola's of association to to see lots.

What's coming down and let's what's the legal requirements and then.

After some discussion we with recommend a group to be accepted by the blood of asses of becoming a foundation and then until it literally is the f lessons commit the extended to make sure that.

[19:43] Not only illegal organizations to china because setting up illegal organizations a huge responsibility and huge by then but but the evening form of groups sleep now they call it user groups.

Just a few people come together with a common cause they want to do something and the key pdf in the the of of to find words they can do it they can look at.

Try to use of the name the comedienne to get the support to plants are not chatting about coming to conferences.

And so i was very much involved in the process of.

Defining what the user group is on but the process of the five there at two in tablet.

[20:30] And it is quite exciting thing and i'm not really happy about that because one main concern is a always had my eyes on the committee as.

So if you look at the map of where we can media is the present its case to organizations that serve a blank map three have you filled out it's chapters and i'm almost all countries in europe.

We have a little bit of everything station and a satellite on kong island.

We have a little bit of sites and make up but like the map in africa was blank and even in the united states and canada time.

Seven they use a gps via at me made a some great size and feeling in the map is not.

Fluid feeling but we have groups coming up in africa look for groups in south america some in the in the us.

That was accepted and what is the motivation of people who was starting organization.

[21:42] And to to get contact with the interview committee of foundation.

[21:50] I think that's a number of motivations that's a bit of.

Being champions of free and all its like they want to.

You got that in their own country go be on the computer to set it up it is not enough they want to makes other people get excited and in love that's is.

Idea of.

Being wise is such as being alone physically liquor and i got the other one it's not enough to you want to come inside of people to join and how to to make sure that to can be together and that's sometimes.

Motivation turns out we are on couch language to we pdf that we can media project if you speak a language that's not very percent on the internet you want to.

You want to be involved in preserving it and maintaining it and pick up this really good for that but if you want to.

Get help from like the local national archive of other ngos it tells that to happen to find presents like.

A business captain said those that this could be.

Motivation to china group but it could just be that you wanna meet at the kpn that you set up.

I'm meet up to send you meat every month so every two months in the same problem the same day of every month and after i don't know after the tenth meeting you decide.

[23:26] It's a be a good idea if we met so i don't know in real estate doesn't have any information on the up and the.

Wrote at cuz to pictures and.

I have to write my you decide okay let's document out of work and let's call our self improvement since and i wanted to vicky media organization does not.

And organization of the key people that it is but the of people who.

Some of them are but most interest more and of the knowledge it's it's varies by people in but.

[24:03] So it up to silly.

It's usually found by the comedians i met and am so many people who might do photos people who might and its people might be admin some projects.

They use the are almost always.

[24:21] Go beyond that so that the people that interested in open source that would be other people that just interested in the q media and vicki me days is the main focus but.

The situation is different than and i have every complex if you have.

Strong community of the comedians like of editors you can are a lot of work to be done on the comedian you might be.

And what did just that but it might be that so we can it is not so strong like the project is not so we.

So you have to ios fifth openstreetmap pancreatic on send look at the latter at the system and then.

If you look at the new stuff that direction that mean after the to commune it's also about being.

Open to partnerships and being kind of a platform for three nights that.

Probably going to be marred presented in an organizations groups as.

There was yesterday at the top of cutting in the executive director of the community foundation and of.

The chair of the board took it the name piece of hannah just of.

Can i sit in this talk and expected something what's what is a new step teaching.

Did the same thing about the study of didn't get anything that was like the computer is great and it's shooting each other i miss read the sum of direction also can someone.

[25:55] What we are going to move to grow to fight against the melting of the communities and what we're going to do that or surface of the to.

[26:06] Yeah.

Time of eight pm and also in the canadian to the comedic moments of being german activity gym chapter and so on but as of the computer and i must say.

[26:20] I have moved out of the question is vicky media for invasion of the community just of the organization for to that support the computer.

How's the or do you support three note or do they both port.

[26:41] I think that's actually the shift that's happening and so and it wasn't medicare from captain mass presentation because they spoke about more about the process than the the south but.

Yeah they're with me to find this and get my started out as as being the boss are like the people who keep the servers running but.

But they at the same time they had this vision of collecting the sum of human knowledge and there is a bit of a mismatch between the two of us saying okay that's out long-term reason but let's focus on wikipedia.

And now it with the strategy process that came up that they sue direction which.

[27:26] Which is not operation said this is an aspiration at this point just that's a bit long paragraph but they basically want to say that.

The support for your knowledge and the collection of three nights and making it available to everyone informed that they need it so it's that goes beyond pick up the and.

And and goes beyond the comedian and statistics about being partners with others sent you forms but the actual implementation of what it means to be.

Throughout the out they itself to be to support three nights and ms into it.

That is it the actual next step and so has the sign is on this and the ideas that.

Now we have this new direction they still like everything provides in the language but.

It's pretty much now these developed what is.

And hopefully if that gets out to the community to the people they read it and they don't get to surprise i buy it because it's amounts it's city.

Put flour language but it cycles what a lot of people have been saying about how we should be and.

But the next step is actually sitting down and saying okay so if this is the direction then.

We have to really invest money in a bees that's and maybe save it to not invest anymore money into the service stop.

[29:01] Because on one hand we have to focus on the other hand if this is the direction it doesn't fit the direction that we should into it.

That's what it means for individuals wikipedia's are the comedians at.

I think it could mean maybe of on to it things on the one hand having the individuals that continue to update laugh about they do best so i feel like writing it goes.

Go on and nobody's gonna stop you.

[29:38] And i was gonna be happy that happens them they'll try to make sure that it's as easy and as.

[29:45] As easy for as many people as possible including people tonight that have been computers on the and maybe a mobile device.

On the other hand it also means that the organization that sue my tummy two if you feel like doing anything to will actually.

Expand its not of of work and they will do stuff that you might say no but that has nothing to do to keep pdf but.

Still it flies into this general direction of three nights.

So you might see see okay fighting it to the organization i know that they will first day of the rest of keep the sowers but they will they might invest in.

Project in i don't know.

Iceland that makes that are mostly just his the count of iceland is preserved and partnership in the eyes and the national library.

[30:45] It could also mean that by the keep.

Projects we might not be married to them so it might turn out that if you want to.

Make sure that money to get the people we have to.

Instead of writing it goes by tax we have to create the database that's understood by these intelligent machines that real.

I do understand and to support that you have to be on wikipedia but.

Do we focus enough on the keys and pick up date i mean and it started fifteen years ago the getting worse than to copy the paste thinking.

Attend to start it to look around what else can we do with the keys and so pictionary was set up because pieces will serve continues with that and so on.

And what do what to how we doing today for this.

To be investing activity pdf to read it to put the best experience but the editors of that stratus and for the readers to be invests in the keys to his truck that broke about it because do we have to press the key.

I'm like awesome masses no don't yeah what do you think about this.

[32:12] Personally i think viki is a two and we have used in an individual position the world cares about the.

[32:23] Yeah but that is sports vickie's teaches people to use cookies and and cares about the more people you speak.

First i'm not married to the idea of the kids i mean the two but they just want to loose.

What makes c k the fattest process of putting the key on to everything and it even created the stuff she with the key that has a picky about everything and it's a good.

Media is a great product knowledge but it might not be the best week the easiest and we have.

You know what is a week it's physically knowledge of the city that you can edit collaboratively but she can't do that in google docs.

Except it's not publish of apps at we can do it in shaft fine so the idea has been copy then adults to point i'm not for use of that can disappear anytime.

Book takes off line so many of its products of the products can disappear and yeah for free knowledge you should.

The people the system like google docs as to ensure that it's free that just mothers with collect is always of in the past week but.

Hey i think the vicky's just the two and time like with that's we could just say mediawiki his to it's okay it's been that developed let's finish developing it affects me in the box is in the future if we.

[33:55] Just purchased a security cause you know it's gonna be but it will not live up to the expectations of the time of people like it and.

Learning about every can mac mockup like like how you that the vehicle that's has becoming to travel some for people it has become toothless i've tried with some five years ago at ten years ago and.

Side it's the two of the time and just giving not i.

I had i do i want start seeing a presentation by a vice president of the economist magazine and.

I'm watching is was but he said that their mission is to.

[34:43] To maintain an open discussion and to find global ignorance and he said if you look at our mission.

It doesn't say in the ad that you should produce a magazine ninety can weekly newspaper and so now we having it because it fulfills the role of unifying their hands but if you find a better of a we might sweets and so.

That's fine but it to the idea that i adding in fact is the house of course they have an emotional connection to it but on the other hand they are very open to trying new deal the conference events not.

I think this is.

Possibly is the steps might happen to we can meet evicting us that subject accent and and i have personally i've already made this with some of my to the idea of week is.

And in the end of this is kind of making the switch few years ago if you says on google you wouldn't see the fences that this week up the with the comic that you with the tv up the apt and now it will.

Very often at least in some languages you just get the answer from google because it has got the knowledge from wikipedia or some other website and found that one paragraph that gives you the answer.

So so the tool is changing we now have.

[36:14] The one hand we have to feed into it is not it's r whatever come in five years and you.

To make sure that that and how information gets i would.

And it might turn out that's the best way to do that is not full of icky but when you left side.

What's the cover to the end of the them feel license but it might not be a vicky if my bbq but if not i'll be mediawiki and or it might turn out that.

You know now days i got the little flame now it's too.

For you to vs i'm in now days i'm spending a lot of time being interested in things instead of concepts i would say it's is this.

Set up a good laptop should i buy some and i would go on you tube and see a video of somebody playing with it and saying is it.

Of course it's reviews itself i type of knowledge that we do not have on wikipedia.

But on the other hand it's like a different format some maybe in the future we.

To come up with a educational videos because you know somebody who is says who has as of the second and they've matter what's two minute video that explains it shows that longest reigning monarch in.

Do you not asking what she is if she is still alive at the top of the.

[37:44] And lists her accomplishments rather than reading on it cuz it's a good but it's ten pages long and you don't get that to stop it.


And i think it's gonna be a very difficult transition for many people in our community they might feel of them not stay abandoning ass.

They claim these fancy new projects to was instead of focusing on the real thing the encyclopedia but.

[38:19] Yeah but but i'm not.

[38:23] The encyclopedias really good and it says its purpose but if you want to do the have all the knowledge and we have to be open and go beyond the starter complimented are.

At the stu it's this.

[38:41] Maybe that's the effect of the war to set the that some minutes ago about this and what not where the chapters of the comedian transitions are.

Maybe if this is linked to home knowledge is sunset holding on that's transfer wasn't history.

Like it's a dvd very common in general yeah but not in other parts of the world.

Do they have the resources or the two stories i do not know how they did i'm coming up and i'm into encyclopedias.

And most of the languages in europe have there until but it did before we could be there on the seventh but that didn't even the the the.

I mean like which at that it's on it's daddy and now they switch to an online version of it is easier than to something very different but we have to thompson of the country so i guess.

Yeah let's try something different do we already do this.

[39:45] But these if you have connections to believe and some of africa what what is some pictures very connected to you'll.

So that you can back out of this afternoon there for only two weeks but i've from connects over there.

That's me that's the most rpm country of africa yeah i cannot categorize because i have you done anything fun weekend for the third something in and south africa which was.

Very great of a soft the fan and.

[40:19] Set i think we've had some attempts indicate pd a run maybe eight years ago he started acting how we can do or citations but that with an itself.

Excitation it's like our life.

Like it's it's really limits us because if its not in the book is not written down is if it's not it's not that sick ordered some online we just on take that it's.

And and and i think they're really missing out on a lot it's i got and.

[40:59] It's a bit bit of a struggle like how do you get defensive knowledge of the fendi facts if you only have.

Alright history it's in it's you cant add you cannot be sure that is the same as it was five hundred that the answer a few here story of how the switches founded.

Of course the study of change over time as the the up and the kind of thinking since we have letters and books and can print them before hit.

Also everything was or.

In an out so twitter followed us looking on the boat or sources in the county was stopping him from her.

There are several thousand years old and you can rely on them anymore i'm done on books because of error is also a book so yeah exactly.

So i'm not its and the.

So i'm not a expert them like nine or mileage to and man it to much but i know that there's a lot out there but the and talked about or what but with two point o just that you talked about all sorts of your first idea was that could be from.

What is it.

There is a pin with the books can before it became disappear and all the notice just like.


[42:28] Cinderella what is its of its and mission in german it on the six person and that's have a yeah sabre.

The knights of a story like cinderella and can't hook up and it offended some of her to children's today.

No do not know fairy tales they cannot tell thirteenths to cannot remember it off but like writing what was with ecstasy that's the girl that.

With captain mix of both of us if a tenant from this into the boy with the letter like at.

They say no news from but if i try to a concert tickets that do not know what is missing that the people tell them to favorite.

Think about hurting television not subject to read it but it will not heat is.

[43:24] Did the imac and a book they did not done did the dc.

Cultural ability to tell something and you know what i mean yeah is missing in europe because you've read everything down and reliable as.

Yeah it's time to move on up.

[43:45] An expert on this and i feel like water and it's a would be wrong and cuts in that stupid but at the same time i am very much so bad that.

Set the safety rely on just books missing out on a lot of molds and.

Have you have to be more open and except that this open s the via except the kind of.

I'm seventy and the.

And set it up and at least from the perspective of the europeans like to say in fifteen hundred thirteen on tenant in this happen this thing yeah in their time of r and since this happened i.

And and of course the uefa have the same sense of into it.

You not sexist plays even if it's written down it's just one version one.

Maybe it was the script for a year because they change it afterwards it may be present in six to say to sixty but maybe.

It's actually and other play right that's they printed in the same boat because that time they just don't care if you was to play it and.

And then we might have like race.

Any serious cuz publishers and you play by shakespeare of the times that they say it's by six for just to get the interest on the money and its full enough by him it's like maybe five percent chance that i am but.

[45:19] So we have the same.

[45:25] Same brand of uncertainty about our on his say that the same to be of the same to be able to like.

[45:36] Put the citation through it in like the vp of a and say what is disputed by this as a scholarly article that disputes it but this other one says it's not disputed.

And you might not get the same kind of discourse with or sources are retired at stations are or if we have like.

Instead of a description on how to make that edition address we have a video of how to do it on a summer r.

Nutrition this week i explain it in audio our fourth cuz you might not get the same kind of discourse everything cannot say it has discolored the channel that had it and i think real sick begins.

Will die a little bit inside if there's no citation but on the other hand we have to.

We have to accept as a movie on this if you want to feel in the mac and and and then the next part is.

We have to have to kind of sauce break down the culture of various like.

I feel you and say okay let's the people in africa and asia have they or sources wikipedia and sound but no we have to make sure that knowledge is excessive of the europeans and.

I may consume it is in english or spanish are friends so so we we have to accept them and his immunities.

[47:11] Ask what's east of these wikipedia's these new knowledge and at the same time.

Hi the review these should be able to make said that all the knowledge and keeping the music up there there's millions of atticus and accessible to people who don't speak english was inc.

Who might that be the secrets of them right now.

So who do i vote for several years city of patients from to you also was involved in the big change from and on top that's only to use a groups and had a conflict so that of.

Several countries and so decide this was an exciting time and you what do you think it will work this.

What will happen next what is it with this movement will be sent.

It's a movement most exactly and.

[48:15] It's difficult to pin down a a c that really.

Feeling the map like we have it tonight conference and ethic that weeks together people from a number of countries that before had no communities that is not.

No centimeters of people interested in having the movement that's.

The other thing is.

It's really cold for this new stuff is direction be the see a pic diversification and it's gonna bring the because he like.

Lots of change and use the art expectations were tens like before that's the use of the comedian organization might the first at the edit that on sent have.

[49:06] Maybe presentations with be the week of twenty men but now days.

But it might change and that will change in the front access maybe even organization and lock on to the.

I have a sites for three nights and open source and then there won't be able to focus on when scanning all books presented.

To put his present local catcher and maybe get a new experience with the videos and i don't maybe for from the come up to the computer that can translate that goes into animations.

Citing gonna be a lot of chains and a bit of confusion of what's included in the new black movement like the borders of the movement of a kind of become our.

Tell me about transparent something more things to get and well included.

That will be a bit of confusion of is this included not dive it's included in the but let's not do it because it is still leaking pee dance at half moon so i see a bit of.

Confusion and chains but on the other hand is else is.

As long as we have the resources that donations to that as ceo of a good bike that will be done because.

Feeling on that say it just doesn't fit in that something with and there's nobody else will pay for it with the sea it it fits lets do it said i see the potential for a lot of.

[50:47] Greetings five ppd ricky medium but it will.

Not the as easy to say the comedian is the project that has the keys and through the edits well and so on of the cube media via b.

The champion of three knowledge but that but that means we will be different in different places and yeah it might be fighting for government date in place it might be making some people on this and.

Basic diseases and how to find the.

I don't know about my lunch place and how to preserve the local culture and local songs and traditions and the other place and how to write an encyclopedia and.

Place cnn said to be different things in different places.

I think that sounds action be positive real make the world a better place that that that was always my main motivation right.

That's it it's a bit more difficult to pin it as anything.

Does the work the leukemia movement has an has had a impact on your personal life.

[52:04] Yeah i think so i.

[52:09] I mean i i work the compartment and i look in the with the.

Currently am concerned with that curator at the parliament in which is the visitors center of the compartment none of the museum.

[52:26] The my previous so that the comment was the rest of the center in the information office in hungary and one of the reasons i got the chophouse that i had the.

Had the comedian is me and they understood that the nice guy mean when you can be the.

I'm good that's it stuff and it was a useful skill of the time and it is seen as positive and.

I have worked for a brief time before that's for just a short internship in hamburg at.

Company making online games and i got a recommendation letter from the with me the foundation that said i as in love definitions committee and i have experience with.

The third and with social skills sunday it is so that those of you got them to turn the tv on so.

And so i have is.

Been open the time and then the and that and it's never been negative like it was set good results of the night go tonight.

[53:45] The tale of the like appreciated my experience.

I don't know about experiences of most of experience in the gym chopped about didn't that missing and i'm going to become a us since the half are.

One of being on the first communion frankfurt than i hit the time off before using them to start with but the citizen didn't know that you work in the am pm parliaments and.

I'm a mature adult about him to read the current times the news for the tenth one free knowledge in hungary up at times on the.

Yeah so i must be phase that and my views and of the philips different outlets yes i wouldn't say it.

Time for a fee nights but i'm so hungry times in santa it said there's a lot of.

Like the government is very sad postive its my grandson accepting people and they are in a very strong campaign of propaganda basically.

But against my grandson us against a opinion and that's fine plus clinton and.

And the other is a few for that they have this new that made it difficult for the same faith in university to continue working and hundred inches.

[55:21] Which is very popular and very strong educational institution that the.

So i have that the the newspapers to the station tv stations are.

The lines to be exactly like the government yes that's the thing that.

I am interested in because i'm interested in the in between knowledge and creativity media stuff also understand what's going on but the via the parkway and south south africa and every time i heard about.

What a like this thru the guy in syria the force can't by the government because of this appointment with the thread of comments movement the cities and.

He's port clinton collaborated with four in forces and should it and it says that about.

Things like this is hard but also is hard to have no freedom of panorama that you are not allowed to take.

Pictures in italy and of houses to give them for free what what kind of pay they stopped us in bedroom the one that's great yeah.

And the meaning of the government are strategic immediate chapter.

What can we do for you and they said give us freedom of our um to hook it up to that size what it what assistance of freedom to ramen sufficiently we do have that in an angry but.

[56:59] So that that that's very good but the interesting thing was.

When we try to as with us monuments it was weird difficult to get list of monuments and government because for a while they.

Considered it does kind of national database of police and they are willing to sell like a one time use of of the lists for i don't how to put it on the list which is ridiculous and.

Beer or something nice to get around it and the first see and.

Gotta listing and then some kind of pdf format that we have to transfer five manually and and we could build anything they say yes but it does.

[57:46] Yeah it was then getting a bit difficult to get the government corporate again because they had some any organizations that just.

Becoming difficult followed what the name of the organization that is in chance was and very expensive is like i don't know if you know that came with the cops they have to find the red dawn it's like that's the thing.

My new man so so for example of freedom of fun am is quite strong and okay and hungry but.

Freedom of information is something that's being to create it mostly as as it pertains to that government and the government that business is.

Hello so they're making it.

More difficult than they had this new notion that they can stop requested they consider you an abuser of the privilege of freedom of information which is kind of sad.

So so sorry even.

In terms of three and now it's evidence eight things are developing in a positive direction hungry.

What is a little of a two m in france it from the outside is to us the government to change affect the younger in the computer.

[59:16] Not directly i don't think so.

For part of the day and not have as indicated in any way.

I am not the enemy so fast so that you can.

Hopefully that that states that they would you know involved in the work of the european parliament we have a comedian that the european parliament is to meet at the top and from bavaria.

Is still in a lot of work for us and what you think european level.

What's going on the next i'm.

Set them using a lot of with vac and it is also one of these people who small eyes gathers to him and is it okay.

So as far as i know does the copyright the farm on going and that like discussions going.

And yeah them is trying to.

It will make sense of it off from am gets here panel protection and that they don't come up with the.

You knew very is the thing i sent to the use of its data at the internet but there is some.

[1:00:47] Interesting ideas that might seem clever them that proposes but then they have serious negative consequences.

I get this idea that if you have a website is people to content you have to.

Be able to have a filter for okay i just content and that sounds like a good idea that's copyright infringement by making sure that the websites filled with out but if you would just.

Create a forum where you can you know maybe upload images as a function and which is the quick coming function then suddenly you have to come up that they feel that and in.

Stops you from just make maybe making a forum about the appalachian which might be appropriate if you have to copy this new system want to buy it for some from someone and set them is.

Fighting to make said that is limitation from get introduced to their property defiance and.

Consequences light at knotts following the process many closely that i.

I am the side living passes nine the same city as this tv so sometimes meetup and see the expense about his latest fights and the late seating subcommittee meetings that on.

[1:02:16] Set the the interesting thing that that's also changed in the last two years is that.

Dim is at the table like if it happened ten years ago nobody with sense.

The comedians will not have to to be involved and nobody on the legislative side with seven what invited them and than and we have.

People involved and they they actually think of us as a.

Stay call in the process so that's began to use with paints which which is great but.

This this should happen are hopefully will happen all over the world and then it is also big responsibility of that do stuff like.

Three you.

We want to save the incessant face off from am but not so much about this copy that feeling because i said it was in the us and need doesn't matter if it's.

But then when the we have to cs ourselves is kind of a member in by the alliance of.

Organizations groups are movements that have similar cause that produce like the different filters i feel like.

Provide us room see more interested in this cofee at fitting then that off on ama but then.

[1:03:46] We have to see them as allies and we can say give you a separate the on this issue it's also connected to feed knowledge but not so much that states if you separate the something of panorama and.

[1:03:59] And we have to see ourselves more as part of this because.

[1:04:08] If you want to come over night the king of the computer but what's your first orders.

[1:04:16] It's really good question and.

No experience at often described as i am getting up and see anything is like herding cats so i'm not sick king would ever work with.

What's the date i think king would be able to have one come and on the new the force but will.

[1:04:43] But i wouldn't.

[1:04:50] Everything is too enough we have the same with faith and i would like to like the new principal of of be open to new ideas and new people and see how to open up the open.

Yeah the guy you can you can see how that would backfire and how i would be deposed immediately but i think that's.

There is something that.

It's important like i spoke about this issue of editor decline that has a few years ago and it's the.

We need to be open to new people coming without.

Few years after that the the eyes that that's a big gender gap again being open and having social structures that on the.

[1:05:40] New people sleeve and they cs them up so has they don't have like a toxic environment is very important and.

So that's the microwave and and i'm not sure what's your answer to this i have not.

I'm at the end of every episode of the piece of music was on the free license to show that this great music out there that can be used everywhere what kind of music do you keep.

[1:06:13] First thing i listen to a bit of folk music but i'm.

[1:06:18] I don't have a good music on heating say usually go for music that's a good lik like something that makes sense it's a good time but the system area music musician can.


[1:06:35] Yeah i let's go with something classic like five to the compose a favor look for it.

What kind of music you were here okay thank you very much that was a very interesting talk thanks so much for the language of the movement of her during periods of doing it.

What's the future of cookies okay thank you so much for letting me have a nice time with the human.