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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - problem: What is missing?

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description"problem in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - problem: What is missing?"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.p.1"Consider this Partnership Value Proposal:"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.p.2""To better document the cultural heritage of our city, the Museum would donate images to Wikimedia Commons.""
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.label"What is missing in the above Partnership Value Proposal?"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.1"the benefit to the partner"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.2"the investment by the Wikimedia group"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.3"the project budget"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.4"the benefit to the public"
display_name"What is missing?"