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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Examples for assignment 7

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Examples for assignment 7"
display_name"Examples for assignment 7"
subtitle-1990-8920-1"Moving on to feedback about Assignment seven, that one was complex, the theory of change"
subtitle-8920-15610-2"assignment, and beyond the general feedback, let's look at some examples from"
subtitle-15610-16900-3"past learners."
subtitle-17410-21550-4"So this slide should be read from left to right."
subtitle-22420-28390-5"First, we have a long term outcome, and the long term outcome we're talking about in this"
subtitle-28390-34300-6"theory of change is the preservation and promotion of built heritage."
subtitle-34810-37990-7"That's our long term goal or long term outcome."
subtitle-39690-44490-8"And from this long term outcome we derive interim outcomes."
subtitle-44490-46320-9"What are the interim outcomes?"
subtitle-46650-52860-10"On the top, more articles on built heritage, more images on built heritage, and"
subtitle-52860-54450-11"promotional activities."
subtitle-54660-56340-12"These are interim outcomes."
subtitle-56340-61170-13"If they happen, then our main goal, our long term goal of preservation and promotion of"
subtitle-61170-63900-14"built heritage will happen or will be achieved."
subtitle-65130-74100-15"And towards these interim outcomes, we propose the following interventions, or"
subtitle-74100-76320-16"actions, things we will do."
subtitle-76980-81550-17"And on the left, we have: we need volunteers, recruit volunteers."
subtitle-81570-89040-18"We need a writing contest, write, organize a writing contest, recruit organizers and"
subtitle-89040-96660-19"prizes. We need to offer prizes that will be provided by the Wikimedia group, plus the"
subtitle-96660-98970-20"partner maybe."
subtitle-98970-101860-21"To achieve more images about built heritage."
subtitle-101880-106910-22"We're going to obtain a certain number of photos from the partner."
subtitle-106920-113040-23"We're going to have the categorization of photos and the placement of photos in"
subtitle-113040-115380-24"articles done by volunteers."
subtitle-115380-121350-25"And we will have volunteers take photos themselves on the properties managed by this"
subtitle-121560-125730-26"partner that has heritage sites."
subtitle-126990-131280-27"And the final column here, promotional activities will use sitenotice."
subtitle-131280-137730-28"We will use social media articles about on the partner's website and social media, and"
subtitle-137730-142050-29"we will try to get external journalists to cover our project."
subtitle-142050-149010-30"All of these will lead to promotion of the project as an interim outcome, and each of"
subtitle-149010-150300-31"these, of course, is an action."
subtitle-150300-157290-32"Each of these is something we will do, we with the partner or on our own."
subtitle-158040-160140-33"This is a theory of change."
subtitle-160140-161520-34"It's part of a theory of change."
subtitle-161520-163800-35"It's the outcomes and actions part."
subtitle-164130-168390-36"We have other parts of theory of change like assumptions, etc."
subtitle-168390-171330-37"This slide demonstrates these outcomes."
subtitle-172510-176940-38"And for these we also have measurements."
subtitle-176950-181240-39"This is from the same example about built heritage, and you can see that for each of"
subtitle-181240-190060-40"the actions in the columns, we have a proposed measurement, an indicator of whether"
subtitle-190060-191590-41"or not we succeeded."
subtitle-192850-196450-42"You can see the specific measurements here."
subtitle-196540-204610-43"I'll read just a few examples: the last one on the right: "Reach out to media outlets"
subtitle-204610-209950-44"with 10% success rate of coverage." So we want to approach a lot of journalists and"
subtitle-210280-211750-45"radio shows, etc."
subtitle-211750-220810-46"and we want at least 10% to take our message, to broadcast it or to create an item"
subtitle-220930-223900-47"about the project that we are promoting."
subtitle-224560-226660-48"Taking one from the middle."
subtitle-227350-234220-49""We want 100% of the uploaded photos categorized properly on Commons." That's the"
subtitle-234220-240310-50"goal. That's the indicator we set for ourselves to know whether we've succeeded in"
subtitle-240310-246910-51"integrating the donated photos, the uploaded photos on Commons, etc."
subtitle-246910-249190-52"We don't have to read each one."
subtitle-249430-251260-53"You can always look at it later in the slides."
subtitle-253960-261460-54"Here is an example of applying the little tool I taught, the problem/solution tree,"
subtitle-261790-266530-55"that little thought exercise of inverting problems into solutions."
subtitle-266530-275680-56"So this is a problem tree: We have the result on the left is that the public is not"
subtitle-275680-280900-57"aware of the full range of performing arts in a certain country."
subtitle-281320-286870-58"And this is because the coverage of performing arts in that country on Wikimedia"
subtitle-286870-288010-59"is woeful."
subtitle-288740-290060-60"And why is that?"
subtitle-290840-292160-61"For two reasons."
subtitle-292400-295580-62"Because it's difficult to identify notable people to work on."
subtitle-296350-302560-63"And because a small group of wiki editors in the country is working on personal interests"
subtitle-302560-310310-64"and are not necessarily motivated to improve coverage of performing arts, specifically."
subtitle-310310-315070-65"Because there are not a lot of editors in the country and of them not enough are interested"
subtitle-315070-321040-66"in performing arts. So these two things lead to the woeful coverage of performing arts."
subtitle-321280-326590-67"This is just a set of problems, but we have identified how one problem leads to another"
subtitle-326590-329710-68"or feeds another, or is the cause of another."
subtitle-330340-340190-69"And now we can simply rewrite our problems as solutions in order to try to identify"
subtitle-340820-343160-70"how we might arrive at them."
subtitle-343310-350300-71"So if we make it easy to identify notable people or subjects to work on, then the"
subtitle-350300-357260-72"coverage of performing arts in Wikimedia is fantastic and it could encourage more wiki"
subtitle-357260-363380-73"editors to be motivated to work on performing arts topics, which all could lead"
subtitle-363380-368930-74"to the public being aware of the full range of performing arts in the country"
subtitle-368930-372050-75"Where might we design interventions?"
subtitle-372050-375680-76"Where might we do work to bring about these solutions?"
subtitle-376760-379370-77"These are the two green clouds here."
subtitle-379610-385730-78"We can create a competition and offer prizes and have good communication to create"
subtitle-385730-391730-79"interest and good vibes or energy in the community in order to encourage them to work"
subtitle-391730-393000-80"on performing arts."
subtitle-393020-400730-81"And the second intervention we could have an editathon for creating of the lists of award"
subtitle-400730-407690-82"winners and a performing arts calendar in order to create, red link lists, lists of"
subtitle-407690-413720-83"things to work on, so that it is easy to identify notable people or subjects to work"
subtitle-413720-417230-84"on. Again, this is not a highly scientific tool."
subtitle-417590-424790-85"It's just a tool to help our thinking and to help, especially if we know where we want to"
subtitle-424790-431030-86"get to. We know the destination, but we can't think of things we could do to make"
subtitle-431030-432770-87"progress towards that goal."
subtitle-433590-439050-88"When that is your situation, the problem /solution tree is a useful tool because it"
subtitle-439050-446550-89"helps generate ideas for: "at what point could we do something about the situation?"
subtitle-446550-449550-90"Which of the problems can we make progress on?"
subtitle-449730-454530-91"What is the low hanging fruit that we could pick", so to speak?"
subtitle-456920-459350-92"And here's another example of outcome mapping."
subtitle-460190-469840-93"The circles are outcomes and we see that the right one, the top right one is a"
subtitle-469840-472720-94"Wikimedia goal, a Wikimedia outcome."
subtitle-472720-478780-95"Enhancing the content about minority groups on the Wikimedia platforms that is produced"
subtitle-478780-480160-96"by minority groups."
subtitle-480910-485470-97"Whereas the one on the left is a non -Wikimedia goal building a more diverse,"
subtitle-485470-488020-98"inclusive and plural online ecosystem and society."
subtitle-489250-494500-99"I mean, we as Wikimedians might be 100% in favor, but it's not a strictly Wikimedia"
subtitle-494530-497080-100"goal; that's more of a broader, social, goal."
subtitle-499510-509380-101"And both of these goals can be reached or can be promoted through the middle circle"
subtitle-509410-515410-102"here. Employees and register visitors, preferably from minority groups, learn how to"
subtitle-515410-519610-103"edit Wikipedia articles about women, people of color, and art."
subtitle-520750-525050-104"And what might lead to employees learning that?"
subtitle-525050-531550-105"The circle on the right: trainings organized by Wikimedia and the partner to raise the"
subtitle-531550-534880-106"amount of content about women, people of color, and art."
subtitle-535120-539890-107"So these lines here, the dotted lines, are the cause and effect lines: The trainings"
subtitle-539890-545350-108"will lead to people learning how to edit and people learning how to edit about these"
subtitle-545350-550480-109"things will contribute to enhancing the content about minority groups and will"
subtitle-550480-555910-110"contribute to a more diverse, inclusive and plural online ecosystem and society."
subtitle-559260-561900-111"Here's another example of outcome mapping."
subtitle-564260-571250-112"We want Wikipedia to be enriched with more heritage content, and we also want, on the"
subtitle-571250-577370-113"left, quality materials on certain art to achieve wider dissemination."
subtitle-577670-583550-114"Both of these can be served by the outcome of public participation in the construction"
subtitle-583550-588020-115"of knowledge. If we can get public participation, we can get more heritage"
subtitle-588020-589240-116"content, etc."
subtitle-589250-593030-117"And how would the public participate in the construction of knowledge?"
subtitle-593660-596690-118"The public gains the knowledge needed to contribute to Wikipedia."
subtitle-596870-599930-119"We need to teach the public and then the public will participate."
subtitle-600170-606830-120"And we also achieve this by having the partner discover the potential impact of"
subtitle-606830-608510-121"donating its materials."
subtitle-608510-611120-122"So the partner donates materials."
subtitle-611120-613920-123"The public is trained on how to contribute to Wikipedia."
subtitle-613940-620300-124"Together, we have the public participating in constructing knowledge, in this case about"
subtitle-620990-622940-125"art, about a certain kind of art."
subtitle-623270-628670-126"So that's another example of outcome mapping, and here's an example of documenting"
subtitle-628670-630150-127"our assumptions."
subtitle-630170-636590-128"This is also part of a theory of change, and here are examples of documented assumptions."
subtitle-637190-640400-129"The partner members will be willing to share their knowledge."
subtitle-640520-643340-130"You might say, "Well, obviously!" but no, it's not obvious!"
subtitle-643610-645290-131"You might be speaking to a partner."
subtitle-645290-649880-132"And then it turns out that the partner members don't want to share their knowledge,"
subtitle-649880-651140-133"or don't want to share it under a free license."
subtitle-653210-657860-134"Another assumption that is worth documenting is that the partner has about this many"
subtitle-657860-663440-135"members and of them there are 50 affiliated groups, each of which may have certain number"
subtitle-663440-666680-136"of members. This is an assumption about the size of the partner."
subtitle-668000-670970-137"More assumptions about the Wikimedia side."
subtitle-671300-676370-138"Wikimedia has about 80 volunteers who have undertaken a "train the trainers" course and"
subtitle-676370-678350-139"have declared they are willing to help."
subtitle-678740-681020-140"But they may not be willing to be the lead trainer."
subtitle-681560-683330-141"That's a useful thing to write down."
subtitle-683870-686570-142"We shouldn't say, "oh, we have 80 trainers"."
subtitle-686690-689480-143"No, we have 80 potential trainers."
subtitle-689480-691760-144"And some of them are not willing to be lead trainer."
subtitle-692360-699650-145"They can only be assistant trainers or tutor individuals in a training event."
subtitle-701210-707150-146"Another example is that these trainers would be willing to help and lead these online"
subtitle-707150-709040-147"sessions in their geography."
subtitle-710110-716890-148"And that we, the Wikimedia group, have the technology and skills to deliver quality"
subtitle-716890-724180-149"podcasts, which is part of our plan here, in this case; we said we will have podcasts and"
subtitle-724180-730210-150"we are documenting the assumption that somewhere in our group we have the ability to"
subtitle-730210-737530-151"deliver professional quality podcasts, which may or may not be true."
subtitle-737560-742300-152"Documenting this assumption gives people a chance to go, "Oh, wait, no, no."
subtitle-742300-748570-153"The only person who knew how to, I don't know, record the quality podcast is really"
subtitle-748570-753550-154"busy now or I don't know, just had twins and won't be able to help"."
subtitle-753550-758650-155"And without that person we don't have the ability to deliver a quality podcast."
subtitle-758830-762940-156"But if you don't document this, it may not occur to the person who knows that the other"
subtitle-762940-767320-157"person is not available, may not occur to them to tell you, "oh yeah, you cannot count"
subtitle-767320-771400-158"on that, actually". So that's the value of documenting the assumption."
subtitle-771400-776800-159"It gives everybody a shared understanding and it gives people a chance to let you know"
subtitle-777040-782250-160"that you're making an assumption that isn't true, that isn't the case."
subtitle-782730-788880-161"More examples of documenting assumptions: The partner community has related skills that"
subtitle-788880-792210-162"would enable them to start contributing based on their skill level."
subtitle-792240-797760-163"For example, the partner has photographers, videographers, plant scientists, whatever."
subtitle-798900-803400-164""We are also looking forward to members to train their colleagues or volunteers who were"
subtitle-803400-806610-165"not available during the training session." This is interesting."
subtitle-806610-814380-166"So this project, the project that this was taken from, is counting on a peer training"
subtitle-814380-820380-167"effect. It's counting on the fact that people who attended the training pass on the"
subtitle-820380-822630-168"training to people who did not attend."
subtitle-823380-824700-169"Will this happen?"
subtitle-825510-827250-170"It depends, right?"
subtitle-827640-832920-171"But whoever is writing this plan is telling you I'm counting on it."
subtitle-832950-834510-172"I'm counting on the fact that it will happen."
subtitle-836260-840880-173"So it's good to have that documented assumption because maybe it won't happen."
subtitle-840880-850300-174"And we are stating upfront that our plan and our success depends on this being true."
subtitle-850330-851650-175"Maybe it won't be true."
subtitle-853970-856010-176"Another example of listing assumptions."
subtitle-856010-860120-177""We assume the participants have sufficient skills in the use of Internet and new"
subtitle-860120-864500-178"technologies." Again, may sound obvious, it's not obvious."
subtitle-864500-868940-179"And if you are going to have an activity with members of the general public, for"
subtitle-868940-876020-180"example, you'd be surprised how many people wander in and they don't know, how to upload"
subtitle-876020-881210-181"a file, or how to navigate on their smartphone or their computer to find the"
subtitle-881210-885110-182"file they just downloaded; very basic computer skills."
subtitle-885590-886730-183"Some people don't have them."
subtitle-886730-892490-184"So again, be sure what you are expecting, what you are demanding of the people you are"
subtitle-892490-897830-185"involving. "We assume that the partner will have no legal problems in sharing its"
subtitle-897830-904520-186"materials." Again, that may not be the case, so it's good to document the fact that we are"
subtitle-904520-906560-187"counting on no legal problems."
subtitle-906560-911420-188"If there will be legal problems, maybe we cannot make the original timeline that we"
subtitle-911420-912500-189"planned, for example."
subtitle-913770-917730-190""We assume to be able to organize sessions in places agreed upon by the partner."
subtitle-917730-921030-191"We assume the partner has sufficient technical resources to carry out the"
subtitle-921030-923840-192"sessions." Again, may seem trivial."
subtitle-923850-927810-193"It's good to get it in writing, and also to share it with your partner."
subtitle-928140-931970-194"The partner may say, "Oh, wait, no, you're counting on us hosting?"
subtitle-931970-934200-195"Or "you're counting on us having a projector?"
subtitle-934200-938490-196"We don't have a projector!" If you hadn't said that, they might not have told you that"
subtitle-938490-942750-197"they don't have a projector and you might have discovered very last minute."