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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: SWOT analysis + examples

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: SWOT analysis + examples"
display_name"SWOT analysis + examples"
subtitle-1510-9490-1"And the second tool that I mentioned in knowing ourselves is quite a different tool."
subtitle-11320-16660-2"And yes, like I mentioned, some of you already have mission statements of your"
subtitle-16660-19690-3"chapter or affiliate or user group, and that's fine."
subtitle-19690-22180-4"Like I said, it's in the small print there in the assignment."
subtitle-22210-25000-5"You're welcome to take it and use it as is."
subtitle-25000-29140-6"If you think it's perfect and if you think it could be improved, go ahead and improve it"
subtitle-29140-30220-7"as an assignment."
subtitle-30220-34810-8"Even if the actual affiliate mission statement stays the same, and maybe you want"
subtitle-34810-38140-9"to discuss it with the affiliate and offer some improvement."
subtitle-38140-41440-10"But the point is for you to do the thinking about the mission statement."
subtitle-41440-44380-11"It's absolutely okay to take what's already there."
subtitle-44950-48250-12"But think about it, think about it, improve it if you can."
subtitle-48250-52600-13"And even if you don't improve anything, at least share some thoughts on why you think"
subtitle-52600-55150-14"this is a good mission statement for your group."
subtitle-56740-62380-15"All right. So SWOT Analysis, SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths,"
subtitle-62380-64750-16"Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats."
subtitle-64750-70120-17"It's a very common management tool, and it's very simple."
subtitle-70120-71590-18"It's a very simple idea."
subtitle-71620-78550-19"Very simply, it's a list of positive and negative facts about your group itself –"
subtitle-79150-84400-20"that's the Strengths and Weaknesses – and separately, a list of positive and negative"
subtitle-84400-89080-21"facts about the environment your group operates in."
subtitle-89080-94810-22"This can be the country, the commercial landscape, the other nonprofits around you,"
subtitle-94810-100030-23"everything around your group, everything that is part of its context, its environment."
subtitle-100030-102670-24"But that isn't the group itself."
subtitle-102820-108340-25"Everything else positive and negative is under Opportunities and Threats."
subtitle-108730-110590-26"And it's a very simplistic tool."
subtitle-110590-112150-27"It's an abstraction, of course."
subtitle-112150-113170-28"It's a model."
subtitle-113170-118630-29"And as George Box commented, "all models are wrong, but some are useful"."
subtitle-118720-121030-30"So it's necessarily a wrong model."
subtitle-121030-126040-31"But still, it may be a useful way to get us thinking a little more systematically about"
subtitle-126040-135160-32"our group. So it helps us think about our group's current potential, current challenges"
subtitle-135160-140710-33"or development needs, where our own group can grow, can develop or needs to improve."
subtitle-142210-146530-34"And about the external conditions, the conditions that are beyond our control, that"
subtitle-146530-152680-35"are given to us, and what we can do to respond to those conditions, to that"
subtitle-152680-157250-36"environment. Yes, of course, we're going to see an example in just a second."
subtitle-158710-163630-37"And by its nature, unlike the mission statement, a SWOT analysis can be done"
subtitle-163750-167920-38"periodically. You can do it once a year or once a month or once every three years,"
subtitle-167920-171640-39"whatever is appropriate for your group, because things can change, right?"
subtitle-171640-175720-40"Both within the organization – your strengths and weaknesses can change when"
subtitle-175720-181030-41"people come and go, when people gain skills – and the environment can change around you."
subtitle-182520-186930-42"So let's talk about how we do it."
subtitle-186930-189450-43"And then we will have two examples."
subtitle-189780-192780-44"How do we build a SWOT analysis?"
subtitle-193260-199590-45"I recommend gathering as many people from your group as possible – and there is no"
subtitle-199590-200880-46"assignment about SWOT,"
subtitle-200910-204480-47"I can already reassure you – this is just a tool I'm teaching you."
subtitle-204510-206730-48"You can do it on your own if you like."
subtitle-206730-208140-49"But you don't need to do this."
subtitle-208140-212760-50"But generally, if and when you do want to really do a SWOT analysis for your group,"
subtitle-212760-215010-51"it's best if you don't do it on your own."
subtitle-215010-218600-52"It's best if you have more than one perspective on your group."
subtitle-218610-224070-53"So gather as many people from the group as you can and brainstorm each of these four"
subtitle-224070-227520-54"lists: the list of strengths, the list of weaknesses, etc."
subtitle-227520-231840-55"Together, you can just brainstorm together and make a list, or you can do it"
subtitle-231840-235800-56"individually. Everyone will write what they think are the strengths and weaknesses, etc."
subtitle-235800-241140-57"And then you can kind of compare or read out what everyone came up with and add another"
subtitle-241140-243510-58"line after everything that is repeated."
subtitle-243510-249690-59"And then you can say, well, you know, out of the five of us, four have thought that this"
subtitle-249690-250740-60"is one of our strengths."
subtitle-250740-255150-61"So it's probably one of our strengths, whereas only one person thought that this is"
subtitle-255150-261300-62"one of our strengths, right? So it helps not just do an analysis, but also see how"
subtitle-261300-267060-63"well-shared your perspective or your perception of the group is across the group."
subtitle-268170-274650-64"So under strengths you want to cover everything that is strong or positive about"
subtitle-274650-275940-65"the group itself."
subtitle-275940-282600-66"The assets that the group has, whether financial or equipment or any any other"
subtitle-282600-283740-67"opportunities that you have."
subtitle-283740-291030-68"Maybe your group has a permanent space, right, to have activities in that is just"
subtitle-291030-293730-69"donated by someone. You just have a space that's an asset."
subtitle-293730-297780-70"That's something that you have as a group; skills that your group has, right?"
subtitle-297780-302580-71"Maybe your group has a professional journalist among your membership."
subtitle-302580-307110-72"So you have some skills in press relations and press releases and stuff."
subtitle-307110-310570-73"Maybe you have programmers in your group and you have technical ability, right?"
subtitle-310590-315270-74"All the skills that your group has and any other kind of advantage that the group itself"
subtitle-316420-320430-76"Under weaknesses you put all the disadvantages and the things that you aren't"
subtitle-320430-322560-77"able to do or that need improvement in the group."
subtitle-323640-327990-78"For example, if you are a very young and small group, then one of your weaknesses is"
subtitle-327990-330390-79"that you have very few volunteers, right?"
subtitle-331290-334890-80"That's a weakness because there's all kinds of things that you can't do because you"
subtitle-334890-338130-81"literally don't have enough volunteers to do it."
subtitle-338220-341970-82"Or maybe you don't have any technical volunteers, or maybe you don't have anyone"
subtitle-341970-347280-83"who can do a press release, or maybe you don't have anyone who can do a mass upload or"
subtitle-347280-348750-84"all kinds of skills that are missing."
subtitle-348750-350360-85"Maybe you have no resources, right?"
subtitle-350370-351930-86"You have no money at all."
subtitle-351930-355400-87"And you can't do anything that requires any kind of expense."
subtitle-355400-358590-88"All kinds of weaknesses that the group may have itself."
subtitle-359170-361840-89"And then the same thing for the external situation."
subtitle-362530-367210-90"And the external situation is everything outside your own group, everything,"
subtitle-367600-369370-91"including, for example, the Wikimedia Foundation."
subtitle-370210-374680-92"The Wikimedia Foundation is an external entity to all of your groups, right?"
subtitle-374740-375760-93"It's a friendly entity."
subtitle-375760-377950-94"It's an ally, but it's an external thing."
subtitle-380020-382600-95"So what are the opportunities that are facing you?"
subtitle-382630-389320-96"What are some positive forces or factors that are around you that your group operates"
subtitle-389320-394300-97"within that are promoting your mission, or at least potentially offering an opportunity"
subtitle-394300-395500-98"to promote the mission?"
subtitle-395980-399310-99"Maybe there's a public need that your group can step into."
subtitle-399340-405100-100"For example, I know that our city library is really looking for cultural activities to"
subtitle-405100-407450-101"host. That's an opportunity, right?"
subtitle-407470-408610-102"That's not about your group."
subtitle-408610-410530-103"It's about something else external to your group."
subtitle-410890-416500-104"But it's an opportunity for your group because this library needs activities; we can"
subtitle-416500-418000-105"provide these activities."
subtitle-418000-422440-106"So that's an opportunity and vice versa."
subtitle-422890-429010-107"The threats are everything that is negative, obstructing the group outside the group."
subtitle-429010-430360-108"And this can be all kinds of things."
subtitle-430360-437500-109"It can be the legislation of your country, it can be even something like traffic."
subtitle-437500-446650-110"I remember that an Egyptian volunteer once told me when someone suggested that they go"
subtitle-446650-452530-111"and see this museum and they said, well, the museum is on the other side of Cairo and it"
subtitle-452530-459520-112"takes me literally 4 hours to get across town and then take the meeting and then 4"
subtitle-459520-461410-113"hours to go back to where I live."
subtitle-461410-466300-114"It's literally a full working day to take a single meeting at that museum."
subtitle-467140-473080-115"You know, that's a significant obstacle to getting work done in Cairo."
subtitle-473080-477760-116"It's just very difficult to get around and very time consuming to take meetings to do"
subtitle-477760-479440-117"physical, in-person things there."
subtitle-479470-481060-118"This was before the pandemic, of course."
subtitle-481330-485680-119"So just as an example, this could be something that maybe you in your community"
subtitle-485680-490000-120"don't think about because you have good public transportation and/or things are close"
subtitle-490000-493750-121"by. So that's never been an issue for you, but it is an issue in Cairo."
subtitle-493780-500800-122"So there can be all kinds of difficulties, external difficulties, again, from the state"
subtitle-500800-504940-123"level to very local difficulties."
subtitle-506320-507730-124"So that's the principle, right?"
subtitle-508000-509380-125"Again, there's no rocket science to it."
subtitle-509380-513430-126"You literally just ask yourself, what are internal strengths and weaknesses?"
subtitle-513430-515980-127"What are external opportunities and threats?"
subtitle-515980-522700-128"And here is an example, again, coming from a Wikimedia context, and this is a real world"
subtitle-522700-529390-129"SWOT exercise that was done internally at the Wikimedia Foundation in 2015, a while"
subtitle-529390-532720-130"ago. But again, I think it should it should give you an idea."
subtitle-532720-535780-131"And, of course, we're not going to debate the contents here."
subtitle-535780-537830-132"Maybe you won't agree with some of what it says here."
subtitle-537830-540430-133"It doesn't matter. I want to demonstrate."
subtitle-540430-547300-134"So the strengths that were identified by people who work at the Wikimedia Foundation"
subtitle-547570-552730-135"of the Wikimedia Foundation, this is a SWOT analysis of the Foundation as an"
subtitle-552730-559270-136"organization. Not of Wikipedia, not of the entire movement – of the Foundation."
subtitle-560590-568270-137"And it was identified that the Foundation has a strength of having or operating the"
subtitle-568270-570220-138"world's most comprehensive reference work."
subtitle-570220-574060-139"At the time, five years ago, 500 million users a month."
subtitle-574420-580810-140"Today it's more. That is a unique community in scale and scope, right?"
subtitle-580810-587590-141"Very few – probably no other organization has this many communities, in this many"
subtitle-587590-590230-142"languages, with such an overarching scope."
subtitle-590230-593020-143"So our volunteers are a huge strength."
subtitle-593380-597700-144"Right? The passion for the mission which unites the staff and the volunteers and the"
subtitle-597700-599230-145"readers and the donors."
subtitle-599980-605380-146"The 2.5 million individual donors per year supporting the mission."
subtitle-605380-606490-147"Again, this is from five years ago."
subtitle-606490-608710-148"It's not current stats, but again, that's a strength."
subtitle-609190-614620-149"That's something that this organization has that not many other organizations have, etc.,"
subtitle-614620-621940-150"etc.. I don't want to read every detail here, but to take an example of a weakness:"
subtitle-622600-626950-151"change aversion in the communities, the fact that some communities or some people in some"
subtitle-626950-631690-152"communities are very strongly opposed to changes in general, even if there are good"
subtitle-631690-636790-153"changes. And I'm not saying all the changes the Foundation has tried to make are good;"
subtitle-636790-638350-154"We've made mistakes, for sure."
subtitle-638530-641140-155"But the point is that some people just don't want any change."
subtitle-641140-644230-156"They feel this situation is everything is exactly as it should be."
subtitle-644230-646510-157"And that is a weakness from the Foundation's perspective."
subtitle-647410-651070-158"Technical debt, meaning all kinds of things that should have been fixed long ago and"
subtitle-651070-655900-159"haven't been fixed, are gradually burdening the project and preventing innovation,"
subtitle-655900-657070-160"technical innovation."
subtitle-657880-662380-161"Here's an example of an opportunity, an external opportunity, the growth of mobile"
subtitle-662380-663730-162"access globally."
subtitle-664560-669090-163"Already in 2015, five years ago, we identified this as an opportunity."
subtitle-669540-674760-164"Another billion people have come online since 2015."
subtitle-675000-676630-165"So that's a huge opportunity."
subtitle-676650-684120-166"These are people who are new Internet users, people who have generally never used a"
subtitle-684120-686850-167"desktop computer like most of us have."
subtitle-687810-689550-168"And they are kind of a different new audience."
subtitle-690330-691640-169"And that's an opportunity."
subtitle-691650-692870-170"It's also a threat."
subtitle-692880-700260-171"You notice that under threats, it says, well, mobile generally tends to make people"
subtitle-700260-702420-172"consumers and not contributors."
subtitle-702420-706620-173"When you have a proper keyboard and a computer, you're more likely to edit too, to"
subtitle-706620-707650-174"contribute too."
subtitle-707670-712170-175"And when you're using a phone, you're a lot more likely to just click around and not"
subtitle-712170-716960-176"really bother with editing, especially as it's quite difficult to do on mobile."
subtitle-716970-722010-177"So again, you can argue with absolutely every detail of this, but this gives you an"
subtitle-722010-727410-178"example of what it could look like for an organization like the Wikimedia Foundation,"
subtitle-727410-728820-179"from our perspective."
subtitle-729660-733380-180"So again, just an example, we don't need to discuss the details here, but I hope it's"
subtitle-733380-735750-181"useful for you as an example."
subtitle-736230-742450-182"And here's another example to bring it to a scale that is closer to most of your groups."
subtitle-742470-748910-183"Here's a SWOT example from Wikimedia South Africa's first bid to host Wikimania."
subtitle-748920-755790-184"I think this was also around 2015 or 2016, and they later hosted Wikimedia in 2018."
subtitle-755790-760920-185"But this was the first time they bid, and they presented, they were asked to present a"
subtitle-760920-766930-186"SWOT analysis of their own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats."
subtitle-766950-769860-187"These are about hosting Wikimania."
subtitle-770280-774720-188"So it's not just generally about Wikimedia South Africa, it's about Wikimedia South"
subtitle-774720-778140-189"Africa as a host of Wikimania."
subtitle-778860-782250-190"And you can see that it looks very different, of course, from the Wikimedia"
subtitle-782250-784710-191"Foundation's SWOT, as it should, right?"
subtitle-784920-791940-192"So as a strength they listed they have a volunteer base, that the conference vision of"
subtitle-791940-796290-193"a conference in South Africa fits the WMF strategy very well."
subtitle-796290-798790-194"That's a strength."
subtitle-798790-800790-195"Supporting outreach, blah, blah, blah."
subtitle-801240-802410-196"But what about weaknesses?"
subtitle-802410-807210-197"Well, the project team is spread out across the country, large distances, and it's"
subtitle-807210-808830-198"difficult to get together, difficult and expensive."
subtitle-810270-813150-199"And they have only one full time employee -- they had at the time."
subtitle-813150-814410-200"One full time employee."
subtitle-815850-818190-201"Examples of strengths and weaknesses."
subtitle-819600-824340-202"And what are some of the opportunities not related specifically to Wikimedia South"
subtitle-824340-828330-203"Africa? These are opportunities related to the fact that they were going to host it in"
subtitle-828330-832590-204"Cape Town. The city of Cape Town has all kinds of things going for it, but it's not"
subtitle-832590-833670-205"about the group, right?"
subtitle-833670-835290-206"It's an external thing, so it's under opportunities."
subtitle-836580-841830-207"Cape Town is a sought-after conference venue and people will get value for their money and"
subtitle-841830-843870-208"it'll be off season, so the costs will be low."
subtitle-844290-850080-209"There's all kinds of benefits to Cape Town, not part of the group, but it is relevant to"
subtitle-850080-853590-210"the context of the conference that they were planning in Cape Town."
subtitle-853930-858480-211"There are also threats external to the group, like the security issues in Cape Town."
subtitle-858900-860940-212"The murder rate in that city and stuff like that."
subtitle-861360-866130-213"Real and perceived security issues, both of them can be threats to having the conference"
subtitle-866130-869790-214"there. So again, the precise details here don't matter."
subtitle-869790-878040-215"I hope it helps you with concrete examples of what a SWOT looks like for a Wikimedia"
subtitle-878040-883140-216"group. And again, you don't have an assignment to build a SWOT for yourself, but"
subtitle-883140-885540-217"you're absolutely welcome to if you like."
subtitle-887910-889290-218"So what do we do with a SWOT?"
subtitle-889320-893370-219"Suppose we have a SWOT analysis of our group or our community."
subtitle-893370-896850-220"Once we have these four lists, what can we do with that?"
subtitle-897090-904290-221"And I want to suggest to you that you can derive a strategy or an annual plan from your"
subtitle-904290-911100-222"SWOT. You look at the advantages that your strengths, plus the opportunities in the"
subtitle-911100-915490-223"environment, give you and you can figure out "this is worth pursuing!"
subtitle-915510-919020-224"These are things we can do with our strengths plus these opportunities."
subtitle-919020-924960-225"We can maybe do this." And likewise, you can look at the opposite angle and say, "Well,"
subtitle-924960-928500-226"these are our weaknesses and these are the threats that we're facing."
subtitle-928500-929670-227"What can we do about them?"
subtitle-930030-931950-228"How can we defend against them?"
subtitle-931950-935490-229"How can we mitigate them if we have a weakness that we don't have enough"
subtitle-935490-940680-230"volunteers? Maybe that should be our priority!" Like deriving your priorities,"
subtitle-940680-945690-231"your annual plan or your strategy from your weaknesses; if that's our number one"
subtitle-945690-950730-232"weakness, that's preventing us from doing more work, that should be our priority."
subtitle-951150-952560-233"Getting more volunteers."
subtitle-952590-953890-234"Now, how do we do that?"
subtitle-953910-959040-235"That's the next step. But we have a goal now derived from our weakness."
subtitle-959550-964440-236"And maybe the way we pursue that goal should be based on our strengths."
subtitle-964620-970380-237"Right. Let's do what we're good at in order to attract more volunteers to make up for our"
subtitle-970380-975960-238"weakness. So again, just having this in front of you can really help draw more"
subtitle-975960-982800-239"substantive plans, especially if in your group there's all kinds of ideas and you need"
subtitle-982800-987360-240"a way to compare them or prioritize between them."
subtitle-987990-993900-241"This person wants to do A, B and C and this other person wants to do C, D and E, but not"
subtitle-993900-997410-242"A and B, and you need to somehow agree, what are you going to pursue?"
subtitle-997440-999570-243"A SWOT analysis can help."
subtitle-1000560-1007340-244"You can also communicate your SWOT analysis, like Wikimedia South Africa did by sharing"
subtitle-1007340-1013880-245"it. Because that's the way to tell your partners, your prospective partners, your"
subtitle-1013880-1019000-246"donors, your allies, your community members, "This is what we're thinking."
subtitle-1019010-1024200-247"This is our current perspective on what we're good at, what we're weak at, what we"
subtitle-1024200-1030830-248"think are the big problems facing us." It's a way of sharing context that is not often"
subtitle-1030830-1032540-249"done but is very powerful."
subtitle-1033170-1039170-250"For example, the people who were making the decision on where to host Wikimedia were"
subtitle-1039170-1043080-251"reading this SWOT and they were impressed by – "huh!"
subtitle-1043100-1046850-252"They gave it a lot of thought, and they are acknowledging the fact that there are"
subtitle-1047060-1052280-253"security risks in Cape Town, and they're thinking about steps to mitigate that!" It's"
subtitle-1052280-1057290-254"a way of showing the person reading the SWOT analysis that you have done some thinking,"
subtitle-1057290-1062130-255"that you are aware of your weaknesses or of the external risks you see."
subtitle-1062150-1068240-256"So, just communicating the thinking that you've already done is another step beyond"
subtitle-1068240-1069590-257"your own internal planning."
subtitle-1069590-1074660-258"It's another step that you can do and get value out of your SWOT analysis."
subtitle-1074690-1078830-259"Of course, some of it in some cases may be sensitive, maybe confidential."
subtitle-1079250-1086600-260"Then you don't share it. But generally sharing your SWOT is a powerful benefit."