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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Feedback on assignment 3

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Feedback on assignment 3"
display_name"Feedback on assignment 3"
subtitle-240-3090-1"Finally we had assignment number three."
subtitle-4030-5530-2"Last section."
subtitle-5620-11410-3"Assignment number three asked you to create self presentation."
subtitle-15220-18190-4"A way to introduce your group in just a few minutes."
subtitle-19330-25750-5"And a couple of repeating comments that I had is, first of all, it's very useful to end"
subtitle-25750-28980-6"with a contact information slide."
subtitle-28990-35170-7"So at the very end, the last slide that you show should have your contact information, be"
subtitle-35170-40390-8"it an email address, a Twitter handle, whatever it is, phone number, something, so"
subtitle-40390-45190-9"that the last thing people see after you had your impressive self presentation is"
subtitle-45190-47980-10"immediately something that they can take action on."
subtitle-47980-52390-11"They can take a picture of it or note it in their notepad so that they can contact you"
subtitle-52390-58690-12"again. If you put your contact information earlier, by the time you're done, they may or"
subtitle-58690-60280-13"may not have gotten that contact information."
subtitle-61800-67350-14"And another repeating comment is that even though this is a group presentation, right,"
subtitle-67410-71190-15"you are speaking on behalf of your affiliate or group."
subtitle-71760-77850-16"It is useful to include a few words about your own professional background, that is,"
subtitle-77850-81880-17""real life". What do you do when you're not doing Wikimedia?"
subtitle-81880-85980-18"And something, a word or phrase about your personal motivation."
subtitle-85980-91050-19"And the reason this matters is that this creates rapport and empathy and satisfies"
subtitle-91050-93990-20"people's curiosity, which helps them listen better."
subtitle-94560-96290-21"And don't underestimate it, right?"
subtitle-96360-100320-22"When you just show up and start talking about your group and what we do in the"
subtitle-100320-106020-23"projects and the mission, for some people at least, they will only be half listening"
subtitle-106020-107850-24"because they will still be wondering."
subtitle-107850-109470-25"But who is this person?"
subtitle-110700-112050-26"They say they're volunteers."
subtitle-112050-114030-27"What do they do? How do they make a living?"
subtitle-114030-116850-28"Are they students or are they professionals?"
subtitle-118050-121440-29"And this can, like I said, get in the way of their listening."
subtitle-121440-129570-30"So it's good to satisfy that curiosity with however much or little information you're"
subtitle-129570-131310-31"comfortable with, you don't have to go into specifics."
subtitle-131880-133920-32"You don't have to name your employer, for example."
subtitle-134370-139230-33"You can say something very general like "I'm in the software industry" or "I'm a student","
subtitle-139230-148200-34"you know, but including that helps humanize you, helps make you less generic, and"
subtitle-148200-152340-35"especially if you talk about your own motivation, why you do this, why you are"
subtitle-152340-157020-36"volunteering beyond the mission, "why are you putting in the time?", really helps"
subtitle-157020-158610-37"people feel "okay, I get it"."
subtitle-158610-160710-38"That's why this person is doing it now."
subtitle-160710-162120-39"I'm ready to listen."
subtitle-163300-165760-40"So that's a general comment about the self introductions."
subtitle-166570-172690-41"And I want to demonstrate again some slides from past learners."
subtitle-172690-179900-42"And I remind you that for this assignment I asked not to spend time on fancy graphics and"
subtitle-179920-182620-43"good design. We're here for the content this time."
subtitle-182980-189070-44"Obviously, when you're actually presenting to a partner, you want to have good design."
subtitle-189070-192670-45"But for now, for the purposes of our course, we're not spending time on it."
subtitle-192670-199510-46"So ignore anything that may look very basic or shabby or anything, or asymmetrical to"
subtitle-199510-201820-47"you, and focus on the content here."
subtitle-202960-205240-48"So here's an example of an introduction slide."
subtitle-206230-212470-49"This is an introduction slide by someone who wants to talk to us about their group and"
subtitle-212470-214660-50"they start by introducing themselves."
subtitle-214660-216820-51"They have a photo which I've removed."
subtitle-216820-223030-52"They have their name, their day job, their profession, some hobbies, this and that and"
subtitle-223030-224740-53"that. And editing Wikipedia."
subtitle-224740-229600-54"I have removed the specific details, but I'm trying to give you a sense of what that slide"
subtitle-229600-234130-55"looked like. Something about this person's Wikipedia track record."
subtitle-235060-236740-56"They've been around for this many years."
subtitle-236740-242980-57"They have this many edits and they've been a trustee, a board member of Wikimedia Examplia"
subtitle-242980-244960-58"here since 2019."
subtitle-244960-249490-59"Right. This is one way to introduce yourself to your audience."
subtitle-249490-250690-60"Here's another way."
subtitle-253350-255300-61"By telling a little story."
subtitle-255780-259530-62""Two years ago, two gentlemen and a lady with backgrounds in computer science"
subtitle-259530-260630-63"statistics and banking."
subtitle-260640-264870-64"After years of volunteering their services individually to open source projects and"
subtitle-264870-269820-65"discovering so many opportunities in the open movement decided to come together to"
subtitle-269820-276390-66"form an organization through which they can help a lot of Examplian youths experience and"
subtitle-276390-282030-67"acquire the opportunities and privileges that they had." So this is a story."
subtitle-282030-286410-68"It's a lot of words. It doesn't have to all be written in the slide, of course, this is"
subtitle-286410-287970-69"something they can speak."
subtitle-288240-291060-70"But we're bringing it here in the slide so that you can see it."
subtitle-292770-299010-71"This is less maybe easy to digest than just a kind of a list of little fields."
subtitle-299010-300360-72"But it tells a story."
subtitle-300660-307050-73"It tells a story that says we benefited from opportunities and professional development"
subtitle-307050-308760-74"and things in the open movement."
subtitle-308760-313400-75"And we wanted to share that with other young people from our country."
subtitle-313410-315920-76"We wanted to pay it forward, if you will."
subtitle-315930-320880-77"We wanted to make sure other young people have access to these opportunities and"
subtitle-320880-322530-78"privileges we have had."
subtitle-322620-328260-79"And this is what I meant when I said, share something about your motivation."
subtitle-328440-333390-80"When you hear that that's why these people are standing before you, you are likely to be"
subtitle-333390-338580-81"more interested in what they have to say because you can identify perhaps with what"
subtitle-338580-346320-82"drives them. Here's another example slide; I'm mixing and interweaving slides from"
subtitle-346320-348800-83"different learners, of course."
subtitle-348810-354150-84"I'm trying to show you aspects of useful self introduction."
subtitle-354150-359070-85"So this is an example where someone shares a bit from their annual report, their previous"
subtitle-359070-361770-86"annual report, and they link to it."
subtitle-361770-366990-87"Of course, the link to the file and comments where you can read it and you can talk about"
subtitle-366990-369270-88"the impact in numbers."
subtitle-369450-374820-89"That's always useful to include, some hard numbers in your introduction."
subtitle-374820-378180-90"So we've had over 300 events throughout the country."
subtitle-378720-381720-91"We've had this many wiki data items added."
subtitle-381720-388620-92"We have had volunteers contribute 13000 hours to our programs, this many new editors,"
subtitle-388620-390390-93"this many students, etc."
subtitle-390390-392460-94"The details here of course don't matter."
subtitle-392460-397200-95"The point is you are giving people a sense of who they're dealing with."
subtitle-397920-404550-96"Is it a group of four volunteers who have made one or two events or as these numbers"
subtitle-404550-411300-97"show, is it a national level group that has had 300 events in last year?"
subtitle-411540-414120-98"That's almost an event per day, right?"
subtitle-414150-415560-99"That's a different scale."
subtitle-415560-421040-100"That's a different level of capacity, maturity, of this organization."
subtitle-421050-426420-101"And it gives you a sense – for you as the partner or the person getting this"
subtitle-426420-432600-102"introduction – it gives you a sense of what the scale of this group is, what the level of"
subtitle-432600-437520-103"activity is. Even if you don't quite understand: what does it mean, 400,000"
subtitle-437520-439500-104"Wikidata items, for example?"
subtitle-439500-441660-105"It still gives you a sense of scale."
subtitle-443650-448900-106"Moving on: Here is a slide that shows the main goal."
subtitle-449440-452770-107"And I think it's interesting because it is so minimalistic."
subtitle-453560-455360-108"It has a simple statement."
subtitle-455450-464120-109""Most of the content written about Examplia wasn't written by Examplian people.""
subtitle-465860-470660-110"You can just substitute whatever you like, for example, here and just think about it."
subtitle-471470-477650-111"Most of the content written about a certain country or a certain city or a certain group"
subtitle-477650-486640-112"of people, ethnicity, wasn't written by people from that country or belonging to that"
subtitle-487060-488320-113"group or ethnicity."
subtitle-489890-496730-114"That simple statement is itself very potentially motivating for people who are"
subtitle-496730-502190-115"from Examplia. They might go "oh wait, who does write about Examplia on Wikipedia?"
subtitle-502190-506210-116"Where does the content about our country or our group come from?"
subtitle-506240-507470-117"Who does write it?"
subtitle-507470-514100-118"And why don't more people from Examplia write it?" It can get people thinking about a"
subtitle-514100-518630-119"whole host of questions around who volunteers, how to volunteer, what are"
subtitle-518630-519860-120"barriers to volunteering?"
subtitle-519860-524870-121"Why is it that most of the content written about us is not by us?"
subtitle-525320-527480-122"It's a great opener for a discussion."
subtitle-527480-531440-123"It's a great way to shake people out of their indifference."
subtitle-532940-535370-124"When they start a meeting, they are kind of cold, right?"
subtitle-535370-536720-125"They don't know anything about you."
subtitle-536720-539960-126"They're not interested yet in what you have to say."
subtitle-539960-547340-127"And this slide is a great little – not even provocation – but food for thought that gets"
subtitle-547340-548870-128"people engaged."
subtitle-548870-552200-129"So that's a great example of getting people's attention."
subtitle-554330-562570-130"And here's another example, from that performing arts group discussing the "why"."
subtitle-562570-566240-131"Performing arts info, for example, is scanty."
subtitle-566390-572740-132"For example: A certain foundation has existed for 30 years, gives more than"
subtitle-572740-579280-133"$100,000 every year in performing arts awards and fellowships, but has only a"
subtitle-579280-584260-134"two-line entry on Wikipedia naming one previous recipient."
subtitle-585570-591750-135"So this is, again, a very concrete example to people presumably who care about"
subtitle-591750-593670-136"performing arts in Examplia."
subtitle-593700-599640-137"It tells them, "hey, the situation on Wikipedia is scanty, is poorly covered." It's"
subtitle-599640-605040-138"poorly covered. Even this foundation that they probably know about that has existed for"
subtitle-605040-611160-139"30 years, that has given out dozens or hundreds of awards and fellowships: Only one"
subtitle-611160-614490-140"of them is mentioned on Wikipedia, and it's only a two-line entry."
subtitle-615090-620310-141"Again, a motivation for caring, not necessarily immediately going and editing"
subtitle-620310-622530-142"that article, but at least now, now we're curious."
subtitle-623130-625180-143"Why is that? How can that be fixed?"
subtitle-625200-627870-144"What can be done? It engages people."
subtitle-629480-630530-145"More bullets here."
subtitle-630530-636680-146"There are more than 20 major arts festivals in our country and Wikipedia knows about two"
subtitle-636680-639770-147"of them. Again, makes you wonder why."
subtitle-639770-642510-148"Why only two? What's the problem with listing all of them?"
subtitle-642530-645950-149"This can lead to a discussion about notability and sources."
subtitle-648100-655480-150"In further examples: There are no articles for dance in Examplia, theater in Examplia,"
subtitle-656110-660700-151"and opera has two lines on the Music in Examplia page."
subtitle-660790-665530-152"So again, just making concrete examples of the missing coverage."
subtitle-665860-673750-153"Another good example of a slide that generates interest and empathy."
subtitle-675170-679100-154"And here is another special introduction slide."
subtitle-679610-686840-155"It's full of text, and you can imagine it with less text and the text is spoken."
subtitle-687080-691820-156"But this person introducing herself says: "I am so-and-so from so-and-so."
subtitle-691820-695030-157"I work as a language teacher in one of the primary schools in the city."
subtitle-695210-699080-158"I became acquainted with the possibility of editing Wikipedia seven years ago at a"
subtitle-699080-700100-159"teacher conference."
subtitle-700100-702170-160"I immediately had a desire to contribute, etc."
subtitle-702800-707750-161"etc. The personal mission of mine and the knowledge I gained as an editor, I started to"
subtitle-707750-708860-162"share with my students."
subtitle-708860-711500-163"So I formed the school wiki club."
subtitle-711680-715100-164"I've been a member of the local affiliate for four years and coordinator of the Wiki"
subtitle-715100-721010-165"Club and an education program." So we have a sense of what this person is about."
subtitle-721310-723290-166"We know about her day job, we know about her motivation."
subtitle-724250-727760-167"We know already about something that she's done, accomplished."
subtitle-727970-733720-168"She set up a wiki club in her town and she shares with us a little personal anecdote:"
subtitle-733730-735530-169""My husband is a hunter."
subtitle-735560-740390-170"The same day he took the hunting exam to get a license, the commission asked him a"
subtitle-740390-742210-171"question about forest deer."
subtitle-742210-746360-172"Because his friends doubted the correct answer, he checked Wikipedia for the facts"
subtitle-746360-747740-173"and proved them right."
subtitle-748310-754940-174"Guess what? That article is the first Wikipedia article I wrote." So in this"
subtitle-754940-760900-175"person's language, which isn't English, she was the one who wrote the article on Forest"
subtitle-760910-769400-176"Deer and her husband, following his exam, used that Wikipedia article that she wrote to"
subtitle-769880-771680-177"win an argument with his friends."
subtitle-772400-773900-178"It's just a little anecdote."
subtitle-773900-775160-179"It's just a little story."
subtitle-775160-777500-180"But it's great because it's short."
subtitle-777500-785600-181"And it is a material example of the value or the usefulness of Wikipedia, and it makes you"
subtitle-785600-790340-182"smile. This idea of the husband reading the article that his wife wrote, it's just cute."
subtitle-790340-794480-183"It's just nice. Whatever your opinions of hunting, let's leave that aside."
subtitle-795080-802700-184"It's a good example of a timely personal anecdote, not too personal, that makes people"
subtitle-802700-807380-185"smile, makes people laugh and breaks the ice and makes them more ready to listen to you,"
subtitle-807380-808580-186"to what you have to say."
subtitle-808850-811040-187"So it's a good self introduction."
subtitle-813120-815520-188"This is another useful slide for the introduction."
subtitle-816600-822840-189"This is of course a screenshot from the Programs and Events dashboard and it just"
subtitle-822840-827180-190"shows – I've blanked the specifics, but it doesn't matter."
subtitle-827180-833160-191"– The point is it shows a bunch of programs run by this particular group or affiliate and"
subtitle-833160-835080-192"their aggregate impact."
subtitle-835080-839880-193"And again, your partner or the person listening to you won't necessarily understand"
subtitle-839880-841710-194"all the different numbers here."
subtitle-841710-843900-195"You can talk them through some of these numbers."
subtitle-844410-852330-196"For example, our programs have had 131,000 words added and the articles we worked on"
subtitle-852330-854550-197"were viewed 10 million times."
subtitle-854550-856770-198"I mean, just these numbers are quite impressive."
subtitle-857580-864000-199"Again, just used to establish that what you do matters and what your group does reaches a"
subtitle-864000-865050-200"lot of people."
subtitle-865620-871590-201"Maybe your partner doesn't reach 10 million views in their own website or in their own"
subtitle-872190-873420-202"communication work."
subtitle-873420-875250-203"So that's why these numbers can really matter."
subtitle-876270-880530-204"And it also shows people that we are technological, that we have tools and"
subtitle-880530-884520-205"statistics, and it's not just all wishful thinking: "Oh, we're writing and we hope"
subtitle-884520-885770-206"people read it"."
subtitle-885770-887670-207"It shows that we can track things."
subtitle-887670-892890-208"We have the technology, and that itself can be attractive for some partners."
subtitle-895630-905500-209"Here's another slide that shows some summary of"
subtitle-905680-910750-210"what we offer and note that phrase: note the title "what we offer"."
subtitle-910750-916450-211"So we are presenting ourselves in terms of how can we be useful to you."
subtitle-917110-922660-212""We offer knowledge of community processes in the projects." We know how Wikipedia"
subtitle-922660-925360-213"works, in other words, or how Commons works."
subtitle-925360-927880-214"And we can help you, the partner."
subtitle-927880-933790-215"We can help you understand how these wiki communities work, and we all know sometimes"
subtitle-933790-935230-216"it's quite complex."
subtitle-935830-938320-217"We have the technical tools for mass contributions."
subtitle-939280-943240-218"We are the people who understand how crowdsourcing works."
subtitle-943600-950710-219"How to get many people to collaborate constructively on things and really make"
subtitle-950710-957700-220"progress on big, daunting tasks like all the world's knowledge."
subtitle-959260-964480-221"We offer, specifically, the service of running Wikipedia and Wikidata editing"
subtitle-964480-973090-222"workshops. And we can promote our content and that can be your donated content on our"
subtitle-973090-974200-223"social media channels."
subtitle-974380-976890-224"So we also have reach."
subtitle-976890-978690-225"We also reach certain people."
subtitle-978690-985200-226"So this is just a simple slide that really packages it for the partner or for the"
subtitle-985200-992550-227"listener. "These are the kinds of things we can do for you." It's a useful way to frame"
subtitle-992550-998520-228"your self presentation or to include in your self presentation a kind of "How can we be"
subtitle-998520-1000590-229"useful to you?" slide."
subtitle-1001790-1004850-230"And finally, an example of a contact slide."
subtitle-1005120-1008900-231"I have, of course, removed the specific contact details here."
subtitle-1008900-1010340-232"But just a quick example."
subtitle-1010340-1011630-233"It can be as simple as this."
subtitle-1011900-1012980-234"You say thank you."
subtitle-1013010-1018470-235"You have your logo, you have your Twitter handle, your website, your username on wiki."
subtitle-1018860-1022640-236"These can be clickable links, of course, so that when you send the slides after your"
subtitle-1022640-1027980-237"talk, people can also click on them and it can be fancier if you like, or it can be even"
subtitle-1027980-1031580-238"simpler. It can be just your username or just your Twitter handle."
subtitle-1031590-1035990-239"Doesn't matter; whatever is appropriate for your context."