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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Evidence Toolkit: Stories

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Evidence Toolkit: Stories"
display_name"Evidence Toolkit: Stories"
subtitle-3430-9380-1"Another example here of contents for our evidence toolkit."
subtitle-9400-11320-2"We've talked about stats a little."
subtitle-11350-14650-3"The other thing we want to have in our toolkit is stories."
subtitle-14830-19960-4"Again, we have to have ready stories with us, because most of the partners, decision"
subtitle-19960-25270-5"makers, want to base their decision to try something new on the experience of others."
subtitle-25270-30850-6"They want to hear that other people have done this, have succeeded doing this, have"
subtitle-30850-32440-7"had benefit from this."
subtitle-32440-37450-8"And the closer these others are, if they are, for example, another organization of the"
subtitle-37450-42580-9"same kind in our country, we tend to trust that experience because it's an experience in"
subtitle-42580-44050-10"similar circumstances."
subtitle-44380-50200-11"At the same time, we also appreciate the experience of very prestigious others."
subtitle-50560-56770-12"So if we talk to, for example, a museum in India, maybe we don't have a good example to"
subtitle-56770-60820-13"show them of another museum in that state or even the whole country."
subtitle-60820-65170-14"But if we tell them, "Hey, we've done this with the British Museum", everybody knows the"
subtitle-65170-69940-15"British Museum. And every -- almost, I guess -- every museum professional respects"
subtitle-69940-73330-16"the British Museum. And they go, "Huh, if this was good enough for the British Museum,"
subtitle-73330-78010-17"if the British Museum partnered with these people from the Internet, maybe there's"
subtitle-78020-80530-18"something valuable here!"."
subtitle-80980-83110-19"It can certainly open doors."
subtitle-83110-88150-20"So at the same time, try to look for examples that are close to the partner, but"
subtitle-88150-90070-21"also mention a few big names."
subtitle-90610-93760-22"Of course, again, you can't just mention the British Museum."
subtitle-93760-97600-23"You have to have the ready stories of how that worked out."
subtitle-97600-101680-24"So if you mention, "oh, yeah, we've done this with the British Museum", you need to know"
subtitle-101680-104800-25"the details. Because your partner will say, "really, what have you done with the British"
subtitle-104800-106690-26"Museum? When was this?"
subtitle-107900-110000-27"How did you do it? How long did it last", etc.?"
subtitle-110450-115010-28"So again, you don't have to have all the details, but you should have in your back"
subtitle-115010-121250-29"pocket, in your preparation, you should have at least a two or three sentence summary of"
subtitle-121250-125450-30"what that example at the British Museum was, if you want to use the British Museum."
subtitle-125450-129980-31"But whatever it is, just make sure you have three, four or five relevant examples,"
subtitle-129980-133880-32"stories, that you can say, "Oh yeah, we did this and then this happened."
subtitle-133880-135680-33"And the benefit they saw was that."
subtitle-135680-140420-34"And one particular high point was this", maybe you have a picture to show, related to"
subtitle-140420-142160-35"that story from the British Museum."
subtitle-142640-144080-36"Do you see what I mean by "story"?"
subtitle-144080-145310-37"Not just stats."
subtitle-145490-149750-38"You need to be able to tell a quick narrative, almost like an elevator pitch."
subtitle-149750-151520-39"But you're not pitching that partnership."
subtitle-151520-153230-40"You are reporting about that partnership."
subtitle-153230-157700-41"You're saying this is what they did, this is the benefit they saw, this is how long it"
subtitle-157700-159050-42"took, etc., etc.."
subtitle-162190-169690-43"And testimonials – people from the partner, the other partner saying in their own words,"
subtitle-169690-171790-44"the benefit they saw – are very powerful."
subtitle-172000-173830-45"Because you're a person from the Internet."
subtitle-173830-178330-46"But if a museum person hears another museum person from another country or whatever,"
subtitle-178390-183070-47"saying, "Yeah, the reason we chose to work with Wikimedia was that we thought blah,"
subtitle-183070-187210-48"blah, blah. And the benefit we saw was blah, blah, blah." That makes a bigger difference."
subtitle-187210-193090-49"So if you can have some quotes, some recordings, whatever, from actual partners"
subtitle-193090-197170-50"explaining why it's a good idea, partnering with you or with other Wikimedia groups,"
subtitle-197170-198520-51"that's powerful. That's great."
subtitle-198520-200560-52"You should have those ready in your evidence toolkit."
subtitle-201760-206380-53"And if you have external news coverage of that partnership, again, that makes a more"
subtitle-206380-208210-54"objective impression."
subtitle-208450-214210-55"You can say, "Oh, yeah, it was so interesting that the New York Times wrote"
subtitle-214210-217870-56"about our partnership with the Metropolitan Museum in New York!", and they did."
subtitle-217870-220150-57"You can find that and have it prepared."
subtitle-220150-222280-58"But again, it takes some effort."
subtitle-222280-224170-59"You need to work on preparing this toolkit."
subtitle-224170-226960-60"Now, a lot of this has already been collected for you."
subtitle-226960-232990-61"And I'm going to show you some sources you can draw upon to build your customized"
subtitle-232990-237460-62"toolkit, but you still need to put in the work of reading these other collected things"
subtitle-237460-242980-63"and picking the one, two, three, five that are especially relevant for your context and"
subtitle-242980-251060-64"your partner. Don't be ashamed to leverage things like language pride or national pride"
subtitle-251060-252500-65"or institutional pride."
subtitle-252530-260180-66"And what I mean by that is you can say, suppose you are pitching to the Spanish"
subtitle-260390-267200-67"Foundation: If you can say something like, you know, "the Catalan Wikipedia" –"
subtitle-267740-272930-68"Catalan is for those who don't know, another language spoken in Spain, – "the Catalan"
subtitle-272930-279200-69"Wikipedia already has better coverage of these topics than our Spanish Wikipedia"."
subtitle-279230-284330-70"That can be an extra boost to the partner that can actually trigger some language pride"
subtitle-284330-285590-71"moment and go "wait, what?"
subtitle-285590-290480-72"The Catalans have better coverage of this than we do?" And likewise, I mean, don't"
subtitle-290480-292000-73"start any wars, please."
subtitle-292010-296780-74"But if you are in North Macedonia, you can say "the Bulgarian Wikipedia is already"
subtitle-296780-299930-75"partnering. We should do it as well!" Etc., etc.."
subtitle-300620-307400-76"Again, don't start wars, but feel free to to give that little nudge and say these other"
subtitle-307400-309080-77"people, these other groups are doing it."
subtitle-309080-310160-78"We should as well."
subtitle-313210-315460-79"So that was about stories."
subtitle-315460-317610-80"And here are some sources that you can use."
subtitle-317620-321580-81"Again, you cannot click on these links right now, but once you download the slides, you"
subtitle-321580-322940-82"can click on all these links."
subtitle-322960-329620-83"These are collections of reports and stories about actual ongoing or concluded"
subtitle-329620-335110-84"partnerships across the movement about GLAM in three different places, and about"
subtitle-335110-337300-85"Education projects from the education newsletter."
subtitle-338080-341930-86"And you can filter them by country or by type."
subtitle-341930-347350-87"Again, depending on the partnership you have in mind, you can collect information from"
subtitle-347350-349870-88"there for your evidence toolkit."
subtitle-349990-352540-89"Again, don't just copy stuff from there."
subtitle-352570-357340-90"Really think about what would be convincing or relevant for your partner in your"
subtitle-357340-360220-91"language, in your country, in your context."
subtitle-360970-366610-92"And while I mentioned the British Museum, the New York Metropolitan Museum, etc., these are"
subtitle-366610-368890-93"really big names and they're success stories."
subtitle-369340-373630-94"So by all means you can mention them, but don't automatically just pick the biggest"
subtitle-373630-378310-95"names again, pick the most relevant names, and it may be a good investment of your time"
subtitle-378310-383890-96"to really dig through these things, not just this week in your assignment, but at your"
subtitle-383890-385810-97"leisure as you are preparing to partner."
subtitle-385810-391690-98"Really pick through this and make sure you find the best, most suitable stories for your"
subtitle-391690-393600-99"evidence toolkit."
subtitle-396520-406450-100"Here's a quick example of more statistics actually – I think I"
subtitle-406750-407830-101"misplaced this."
subtitle-407830-410860-102"This should have been along with the statistics – This is an example of a"
subtitle-410860-417960-103"statistics slide, a graph slide, that's part of The Wikipedia Library pitch."
subtitle-418150-422410-104"The Wikipedia Library, for those who don't know, is a program where publishers of"
subtitle-422410-429100-105"academic sources give access, which is usually paid, give access for free to editors"
subtitle-429100-435610-106"at Wikipedia, so they can access these paywalled academic sources, and use them and"
subtitle-435610-437230-107"cite them on Wikipedia."
subtitle-437410-444130-108"So this is a graph that shows how one particular such publisher, HeinOnline, saw"
subtitle-444160-449200-109"the number of links to HeinOnline grow."
subtitle-449200-451840-110"So they started partnering with Wikipedia in 2015."
subtitle-452830-460810-111"You can see that they had about what is it, 1300 links to HeinOnline on Wikipedia."
subtitle-460810-466570-112"And from the moment they started, you can see there's been a tremendous rise, linear"
subtitle-466570-467830-113"but still quite large."
subtitle-467830-474310-114"And in about two years they doubled the amount, or nearly doubled the amount of links"
subtitle-474310-477430-115"to their database, to their sources, to their journals."
subtitle-477430-482110-116"And as you know, if you've been around academics, this matters a whole lot."
subtitle-482500-487720-117"Academics really care about whether their work is cited, how many people link and point"
subtitle-487720-489730-118"to and refer to their work."
subtitle-489730-494230-119"So it's a big, big benefit and it is very visibly illustrated here."
subtitle-494230-499450-120"So this is a strong graph that, of course, The Wikipedia library people were showing"
subtitle-499450-503890-121"other academic publishers and they said, look at the benefit HeinOnline got."
subtitle-504040-505630-122"You could have a similar benefit, presumably."
subtitle-508690-514660-123"Here's another example also from the Wikipedia Library pitch, you can see here,"
subtitle-514660-519100-124"this shows the incoming traffic from Wikipedia."
subtitle-519790-523780-125"So not the links, but the actual number of people clicking those links."
subtitle-524290-528100-126"And you should ignore this little zero range here."
subtitle-528370-532180-127"It has to do with some temporary technical issue at the Wikimedia Foundation."
subtitle-532180-536650-128"Never mind. You can see that generally if you ignore that, there's generally a rise in"
subtitle-536650-543670-129"the views per day coming in to this academic publisher directly from Wikipedia, meaning"
subtitle-544510-550810-130"200 and something times every day someone is clicking one of those citations, one of those"
subtitle-550810-555310-131"links, and coming to your academic publishing site."
subtitle-555910-563620-132"Again, growing from almost none in early 2014 to about 200 times a day."
subtitle-564950-570620-133"So again, a very clear demonstration of impact that we can and should include in our"
subtitle-570620-577310-134"pitch or in our evidence toolkit when we talk to a relevant similar partner."