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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Feedback on assignment 5

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Feedback on assignment 5"
display_name"Feedback on assignment 5"
subtitle-1200-4200-1"So feedback about assignment number five."
subtitle-4200-11940-2"Assignment number five was to pick one of our potential partners and to research them;"
subtitle-12180-19410-3"research that partner along the lines I demonstrated in the previous section how to"
subtitle-19410-26850-4"research the partner and I'm again sharing repeated feedback from past learners."
subtitle-26970-29040-5"Maybe this will be useful for some of you."
subtitle-29730-36000-6"Some past learners did not provide an analysis of the social media presence of the"
subtitle-36000-37290-7"potential partner."
subtitle-37560-44730-8"I strongly encourage you to include that in your research because these days a partner's"
subtitle-44730-49950-9"social media presence and even non-presence is really instructive."
subtitle-49950-56220-10"We can really learn something about the way this partner perceives themselves, the way"
subtitle-56220-62370-11"this partner expresses themselves, what they want to be seen to be about, what they are"
subtitle-62370-63900-12"proud of, etc."
subtitle-64290-69660-13"can all be gleaned from their social media presence as well as some numbers like how"
subtitle-69660-74130-14"many people comment or like on their posts in terms of reach, right?"
subtitle-74160-76320-15"Do they reach two people or thousands of people?"
subtitle-77340-79260-16"That makes a difference."
subtitle-80280-87570-17"And some of the past learners did not provide an analysis of external sources."
subtitle-88140-94800-18"Some some external angles on this potential partner, newspaper coverage, blogging,"
subtitle-94800-102300-19"whatever, some other source that discusses the partner, mentions the partner, praises"
subtitle-102300-104280-20"the partner, criticizes the partner."
subtitle-105030-112740-21"But that's very useful to enrich our picture with some independent information about this"
subtitle-112860-117100-22"potential partner from other people who have had some dealings with them or partnered"
subtitle-117100-120210-23"with them. So these are some general comments."
subtitle-122080-124120-24"And now some examples."
subtitle-124240-126160-25"Again, they're anonymized."
subtitle-127560-133740-26"Here at the top is a paragraph, just a selection from the research about a cultural"
subtitle-133740-136470-27"foundation as a potential partner."
subtitle-137270-147080-28"And this cultural foundation is said to have a very active presence in social media."
subtitle-147410-150680-29"They have accounts on Facebook with over 100,000 followers."
subtitle-150680-154520-30"They have 50,000 followers on Twitter, Instagram, etc.."
subtitle-154610-162890-31"So this person actually went and found the various social media presence of this partner"
subtitle-162890-171200-32"on the various big networks, and they even have YouTube channels for several different"
subtitle-171200-174830-33"areas. They're maintaining multiple YouTube channels."
subtitle-175670-181130-34"Again, that tells you something: that they consider YouTube an important venue or an"
subtitle-181130-187590-35"important way to reach their audience or to broadcast their messages and their content."
subtitle-187610-189890-36"That itself is telling you something."
subtitle-190370-196760-37"It means probably they have a good capacity for producing videos or a lot of content in"
subtitle-196760-198280-38"video form."
subtitle-198280-202010-39"Already from this little detail, I can deduce that."
subtitle-204950-214400-40"And so this is something that we can learn from really just these very bare facts."
subtitle-214420-217570-41"An example below is of a university."
subtitle-218310-225450-42"And this learner identified that the university is run by a certain group that is"
subtitle-225450-231030-43"involved with five universities, so it would be easier to conduct similar partnerships"
subtitle-231030-232470-44"with their sister universities."
subtitle-232680-235590-45"So this person is identifying the network effect."
subtitle-236520-243060-46"If we partner with this university, it can also be a gateway to partnering with their"
subtitle-243060-244400-47"sister universities."
subtitle-244410-245460-48"That's worth knowing."
subtitle-247000-249670-49"They have a community radio in their campus."
subtitle-252740-255770-50"It may or may not directly serve us."
subtitle-255770-259100-51"Maybe we can get hosted on one of the radio programs."
subtitle-259700-262070-52"Maybe we can use it to disseminate our message."
subtitle-262490-268880-53"Maybe we can use it to recruit students by having some kind of ad or being a guest on"
subtitle-268880-271160-54"some program on that community radio."
subtitle-271160-277100-55"It's a useful little bit to learn about this potential partner university."
subtitle-278270-283460-56"The Chancellor of this university is also deeply involved in organizing literature and"
subtitle-283460-284750-57"arts festivals."
subtitle-285080-291680-58"So we, a user group, can have similar partnerships in such fields, including the"
subtitle-291680-293900-59"Wikipedia Education Program."
subtitle-294020-299180-60"Again, they identified that the particular person at the top of this university, beyond"
subtitle-299180-304460-61"the university, is involved with the literature and arts festivals scene in the"
subtitle-304460-311870-62"country. So maybe through them we can also build bridges to these fields of literature"
subtitle-311870-314180-63"and art festivals beyond the university."
subtitle-314210-318130-64"Again, a fact worth recording."
subtitle-318130-321560-65"An interesting thing to know about them is that they have a code of professional ethics"
subtitle-321560-324680-66"for teachers, and it's available on their website."
subtitle-328170-329340-67"What do we learn from this?"
subtitle-329370-335880-68"Well, we learn that they care about professional ethics or to be a little"
subtitle-335880-341550-69"cynical, at least want to be seen to care about professional ethics to the point that"
subtitle-341550-343860-70"they bother to have such a page."
subtitle-343860-345120-71"And it's on their website."
subtitle-345900-347580-72"So that's good to know."
subtitle-348450-353760-73"Maybe less directly relevant to Wikimedia partnerships in particular."
subtitle-354000-359790-74"And this group, the group that kind of runs or owns this private university, has a"
subtitle-359790-361140-75"publication house."
subtitle-361140-367260-76"So they publish books, they publish things, which means they have some capacity in that"
subtitle-367260-371130-77"area. Again, that might be useful for us if we build a partnership."
subtitle-371130-375390-78"Maybe that partnership could include printed materials, etc."
subtitle-375390-380610-79"Again, a useful thing to learn about the partner that we're studying."
subtitle-380700-383160-80"Again, this isn't a complete piece of research."
subtitle-383970-387750-81"As you can see, it doesn't mention social media, it doesn't mention other things."
subtitle-387750-394020-82"I'm just bringing you bits from the complete analyses that people have brought, to"
subtitle-394020-395670-83"highlight different angles."
subtitle-395760-401910-84"But of course we want both the kind of data we have above and the kind of data we have"
subtitle-401910-405960-85"below. Here are some more examples."
subtitle-405960-409320-86"On the left, a National Heritage Authority."
subtitle-410430-416430-87"Their website showcases castles with short descriptions and histories, opening hours,"
subtitle-416430-419580-88"ticket prices, links and photographs."
subtitle-419670-421730-89"For example, so and so."
subtitle-421730-425700-90"The website is professionally done with high quality photos."
subtitle-425970-432030-91"Again, we learn that this partner cares about high quality photography."
subtitle-432030-433620-92"They care about design."
subtitle-433620-438930-93"They invested the time and the money to have a professionally designed website."
subtitle-439990-445900-94"They showcase services available at certain locations like weddings and photography and"
subtitle-445900-447280-95"event hosting, etc."
subtitle-447280-452670-96"at those national heritage sites."
subtitle-452670-454840-97"They have Facebook posts that are related to news."
subtitle-455590-462580-98"They have good quality photos of stages of renovation, of the national heritage sites."
subtitle-463510-467800-99"They have event announcements, etc., and they have approximately 6000 followers."
subtitle-467800-472330-100"So again, now we have not just the numbers, but also a little analysis of what kinds of"
subtitle-472330-474790-101"things they post on Facebook."
subtitle-475970-479090-102"Instagram presence – mostly promotional photos and videos."
subtitle-479090-484760-103"They have approximately so-and-so followers, and their YouTube presence is promotional"
subtitle-484760-489110-104"videos, some interviews, some behind the scenes of construction and renovation."
subtitle-489260-493070-105"Only 50 subscribers overall, 3000 views."
subtitle-493070-498050-106"So not a lot of impact of their YouTube presence so far."
subtitle-499080-505800-107"Again, a good angle, a good view of our prospective partner."
subtitle-506040-510750-108"And on the right, we have an example from a local history association."
subtitle-511410-517410-109"And here I want to highlight you see the title, what others say about them."
subtitle-518250-525660-110"So this is quoting what other groups, not the Local History Association say about the"
subtitle-525660-527190-111"Local History Association."
subtitle-527610-534630-112"So the National Archives see it – the partner – as a follow up organization to the"
subtitle-534630-539850-113"blah, blah, blah, which was one of a number of bodies parented by the whatever service"
subtitle-539850-544770-114"with a view to promoting the social and cultural well-being and activities of local"
subtitle-544770-550220-115"communities. Records are held from the 1930s and here is a link."
subtitle-550220-557490-116"And another external testimony or reference about this local history association: The"
subtitle-557490-562140-117"Charity Commission describes it as: "The Association's purpose is to encourage and"
subtitle-562140-567840-118"assist the study of local history throughout the country as an academic discipline and"
subtitle-567840-571110-119"rewarding leisure pursuit for both individuals and groups."
subtitle-571110-574380-120"The association also regularly organizes, visits", etc."
subtitle-574380-584170-121"etc.. And a third external source: History Today has an article about the local"
subtitle-584170-589390-122"partner from 1991 describing the activities undertaken with a particular focus on their"
subtitle-589390-591700-123"publications. And here is a link to that article."
subtitle-593500-597730-124"The organization and particularly its publications, talks and visits are detailed"
subtitle-597730-602950-125"on many local history society websites, and their journal is held and indexed by the"
subtitle-602950-604570-126"University of Whatever."
subtitle-604570-606840-127"And here is a link to the journal."
subtitle-606850-611170-128"So again, this gives me an external view of this partner."
subtitle-611380-617560-129"I already see that the National Archives know and care about this local history"
subtitle-617560-625510-130"association. I see that a certain university has taken the effort to index the issues of"
subtitle-625510-628720-131"the journal published by this local history association."
subtitle-629920-637720-132"So it's not an insignificant association."
subtitle-638020-643630-133"It's an association that was noticed, that is acknowledged as a meaningful presence in"
subtitle-643630-645940-134"this field of local history."
subtitle-646590-652150-135"And these are all sort of positive or neutral, at least, descriptions of it."
subtitle-652150-656050-136"There's no scandal, no negative assessments of this partner."
subtitle-656050-657220-137"So that's a good sign."
subtitle-659370-662520-138"And moving on to another example."
subtitle-662940-666210-139"This is from a certain environmental nonprofit."
subtitle-667830-671610-140"And this is from its About page or Who We Are page."
subtitle-671880-677610-141"And you can see that this organization was established as an environmental NGO providing"
subtitle-677610-679950-142"conservation interventions, etc., etc., etc.."
subtitle-680580-686790-143"But what I am pointing out here is that they, the site, the nonprofit, in their own site"
subtitle-687150-694530-144"list as one of their core values, the five core values of their network, the very first"
subtitle-694530-697650-145"one is they are Christian."
subtitle-698960-705230-146""Underlying all we do is our biblical faith in the living God who made world, loved it"
subtitle-705230-711560-147"and entrusted it to the care of the humankind." And then they have conservation"
subtitle-711560-712790-148"community, etc., etc.."
subtitle-713360-720740-149"And the learner who was hoping to partner with this environmental nonprofit in the"
subtitle-720980-727880-150"research that they submitted left out this fact that this organization is faith-based,"
subtitle-729290-734960-151"even though they're not about theology or Bible study or something, they're about"
subtitle-734960-737120-152"conservation of the environment."
subtitle-737390-745070-153"Nonetheless, they themselves listed as their first core value, and it was left out of the"
subtitle-745640-747200-154"research report."
subtitle-747350-751940-155"And I'm pointing out that this is an example of something that's really important to"
subtitle-751940-754410-156"capture and not to miss."
subtitle-754430-761000-157"You want to know that this partner considers themselves, first and foremost, a Christian"
subtitle-761000-767700-158"organization. And that has implications, for partnering with them."
subtitle-768870-775250-159"It's something that would need to be, engaged with, in one way or another."
subtitle-775250-782180-160"For example, if we are a Wikimedia group, Wikimedia, of course, is not a faith-based"
subtitle-782630-787640-161"organization. Of course, individual Wikimedians can be very devout, can have"
subtitle-787640-794890-162"faith, but the framework of Wikimedia is neutral, on matters of faith."
subtitle-794900-797780-163"It does not have a faith in particular."
subtitle-798110-804230-164"And so it's important, if we want to partner with this faith-based organization, that they"
subtitle-804230-810680-165"understand that we as a Wikimedia group are not a faith-based organization."
subtitle-810680-813080-166"And why is it so important that they understand it?"
subtitle-813870-820260-167"Because, for example, if we want to partner with them on improving the content about"
subtitle-820260-823320-168"conservation efforts in this country on Wikipedia."
subtitle-825220-829780-169"They might expect, since they are a faith-based organization and they consider"
subtitle-829780-836320-170"their conservation work part of their worship, part of their service of God, etc.,"
subtitle-836410-839170-171"they might expect that to go on Wikipedia."
subtitle-839770-848110-172"They might expect Wikipedia to now say conservation is important because it is, you"
subtitle-848110-853360-173"know, "God made the world and entrusted it to the care of humankind", as they say."
subtitle-854350-860620-174"But as we know, Wikipedia is not going to say that; that is a non-neutral view that"
subtitle-860620-862390-175"doesn't belong on Wikipedia."
subtitle-863500-869950-176"Certainly if there were an article about this organization, the article can certainly"
subtitle-869950-876010-177"mention that this organization considers conservation part of their worship of God,"
subtitle-876010-881110-178"etc., etc.. Just representing the views of this organization is absolutely okay on"
subtitle-881110-884440-179"Wikipedia. But you see the difference, right?"
subtitle-885910-891190-180"So the reason I'm dwelling on this is that missing this or saying, "Oh yeah, okay, they"
subtitle-891190-894550-181"are Christian, but whatever, we care about the environment here, that's what we want to"
subtitle-894550-900910-182"collaborate on." may set you up for friction and difficulty later on."
subtitle-901330-904390-183"I'm not saying you cannot partner with this [organization], despite their being"
subtitle-904390-906220-184"faith-based and Wikimedia not being faith-based."
subtitle-906970-908260-185"You certainly can."
subtitle-908260-915250-186"But ideally you would somehow clarify this difference in advance and make sure that"
subtitle-915250-921550-187"they're okay with it. Make sure that they understand that their point of view with the"
subtitle-921550-927760-188"values that come from their religious belief are not going to be expressed on Wikipedia"
subtitle-927760-931270-189"and in whatever work your partnership involves."
subtitle-933160-938890-190"So again, this may seem niche to some of you, but it's not just about religion or"
subtitle-938890-945280-191"faith. I'm saying: when a partner tells you "this is my top value, this is what I care"
subtitle-945280-946600-192"about", you should listen."
subtitle-946600-950560-193"You should take note and realize that's what this partner cares about."
subtitle-950590-956470-194"And I need to either be okay with it or to clarify to them that that's not really"
subtitle-956470-961510-195"something we share. But maybe we can work together on this narrow overlap that we do"
subtitle-961510-966460-196"share. Or maybe we can't work together because our values are incompatible."
subtitle-967000-972610-197"Or maybe it's all okay because it so happens that every member of my Wikimedia group"
subtitle-972640-974490-198"actually shares this same faith."
subtitle-974500-978910-199"And even though Wikipedia won't, we as people are all aligned around this and"
subtitle-978910-979960-200"everything is okay."
subtitle-980290-987250-201"Anyway, it's important to notice it, to record it, to realize that this is what"
subtitle-987250-991340-202"matters [to], what motivates, this particular partner."
subtitle-991340-999900-203"So I wanted to use that opportunity to stress these kinds of things we can learn from an"
subtitle-999900-1002000-204"About page or a Who We Are page."
subtitle-1002120-1006270-205"Here's another example."
subtitle-1006270-1013170-206"This is a nonprofit that is dedicated to promoting the creative arts in Examplia in"
subtitle-1013170-1015840-207"the country. This is the partner, right?"
subtitle-1016050-1017130-208"So who are they?"
subtitle-1017160-1019050-209"They are Creative Examplia."
subtitle-1019050-1021510-210"And they are a government department."
subtitle-1021840-1023460-211"Very important. We already know."
subtitle-1023850-1026520-212"This is part of the government bureaucracy."
subtitle-1026520-1027990-213"This is a government department."
subtitle-1028350-1029910-214"And what do they care about?"
subtitle-1029940-1035340-215"They are responsible for funding capability development, international development, but"
subtitle-1035340-1041070-216"most of their communication focus appears to be on funding, with awards in different"
subtitle-1041070-1042470-217"sectors of the arts, etc."
subtitle-1042480-1046260-218"They are keen to be seen as multicultural."
subtitle-1047270-1055040-219"But don't follow through with, for example, a website in a certain minority language of"
subtitle-1055040-1061660-220"the country. So this is already I mean, this is interpretation or commentary by the"
subtitle-1061660-1063550-221"learner who did the research here."
subtitle-1063820-1065770-222"It's not just an objective fact."
subtitle-1066130-1072010-223"The objective fact is that they write or they communicate about being multicultural or"
subtitle-1072010-1074410-224"valuing being multicultural."
subtitle-1074410-1080470-225"And then this learner observes that although they speak highly of multiculturalism, they"
subtitle-1080470-1085870-226"did not go to the effort of actually offering their own website in a minority"
subtitle-1085870-1086920-227"language as well."
subtitle-1087910-1095880-228"That's an interesting gap or inconsistency to point out."
subtitle-1096840-1099930-229"You have to dig a little deeper to find training or international development"
subtitle-1099930-1104130-230"information, which means they don't prioritize communication of this information"
subtitle-1104130-1109470-231"to citizens of this country, or at least they expect people to find it because they"
subtitle-1109470-1111540-232"have come specifically to look for it."
subtitle-1112170-1117670-233"This is this learner's analysis of what do they care about."
subtitle-1117670-1119240-234"And what are they proud of?"
subtitle-1119250-1123330-235"They're proud of their multicultural awards, the amount of money they distribute."
subtitle-1123330-1129120-236"These are things that the partner specifically highlights."
subtitle-1129840-1131040-237"What do they do?"
subtitle-1131340-1136890-238"They distribute money within the country and also advocacy for creative arts within the"
subtitle-1136890-1141480-239"government and publicly, and policy."
subtitle-1141540-1143400-240"Not sure about the grammar here."
subtitle-1143850-1146940-241"Also conduct research and make international connections."
subtitle-1148020-1152670-242"But the focus in their communications is very much on the money they distribute."
subtitle-1153210-1156990-243"What are they looking for, this partner?"
subtitle-1156990-1161670-244"As many opportunities as possible to show the breadth of what they have supported."
subtitle-1162030-1167820-245"For example, they might be keen on better representation of their awards on Wikimedia."
subtitle-1168540-1173730-246"So we're already identifying something that this partner seems to be looking for."
subtitle-1174000-1177720-247"And if we can provide it, well, that's a basis for a partnership, maybe."
subtitle-1178910-1182570-248"It's possible that this might reflect an increased problem of funding for creatives"
subtitle-1182570-1183770-249"during the pandemic, etc."
subtitle-1183770-1190400-250"etc.. Again, a good example of the kinds of things we can learn by listening to our"
subtitle-1190400-1196090-251"partner, by reading their communications and drawing conclusions."
subtitle-1196100-1202970-252"And the final example slide I'm giving you from researching of partners is this: This is"
subtitle-1202970-1210650-253"a slide about a particular partner, and that partner "gets first female president"."
subtitle-1210650-1211760-254"That's the title."
subtitle-1212090-1215030-255"And it's from their own website, the partner's own website."
subtitle-1216010-1222190-256"So it's an example of the news that this nonprofit is featuring, is telling the world."
subtitle-1222970-1226330-257"We now have our first female president."
subtitle-1226720-1231970-258"Which of course, suggests that until now they had not had a female president."
subtitle-1231970-1237010-259"So there was some lacking diversity because they've been around as this little arrow at"
subtitle-1237010-1239650-260"the bottom says, 17 years."
subtitle-1239860-1245520-261"This nonprofit has been around for 17 years and has not had a female president until now."
subtitle-1245530-1249010-262"I don't know if it's because they've only had one president until now and it happened"
subtitle-1249010-1254380-263"to be a man, or if they've had six presidents in those 17 years and none of them"
subtitle-1254380-1256390-264"was was a woman until now."
subtitle-1257080-1259780-265"But anyway, it's something to pay attention to."
subtitle-1260350-1262780-266"And clearly, they are proud of it."
subtitle-1262780-1266860-267"They are celebrating it that we have a first female president."
subtitle-1267100-1273010-268"So they have an interest in doing something about this lack of diversity or again,"
subtitle-1273010-1276280-269"cynically, at least appearing to be doing something about it."
subtitle-1276280-1283750-270"At least they want us to think or to know that they care about this and that they now"
subtitle-1283750-1284890-271"have a female president."
subtitle-1285670-1294370-272"So, again, just something that we can learn or begin to understand the terms or"
subtitle-1294370-1300790-273"categories in which this partner thinks just by looking at their news section or what they"
subtitle-1301720-1304900-274"publicize or advertise about their work."
subtitle-1305850-1308850-275"And that's all the examples we have for this assignment."