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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Common problem and mitigations - under-attendance

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Common problem and mitigations - under-attendance"
display_name"Common problem and mitigations - under-attendance"
subtitle-420-3090-1"What about the problem of under-attendance or under-participation?"
subtitle-4860-6150-2"It doesn't have to be about events."
subtitle-6150-10920-3"It can also be about an online writing competition, for example, or some other"
subtitle-11400-16500-4"thing. Your partnership was counting on a certain level of participation by volunteers,"
subtitle-16500-22350-5"by the community. And it turns out, they did not show up, or not enough showed up."
subtitle-22860-25260-6"Far fewer people showed up than you hoped."
subtitle-25380-27210-7"What do you do? What can you do?"
subtitle-27600-34710-8"Again, you want to mitigate this in advance, by publishing widely and relevantly; you need"
subtitle-34710-41220-9"to think about where would it be relevant to publish, or advertise, that the event is"
subtitle-41220-46140-10"happening or the project is happening, to attract the people you need to attract."
subtitle-46770-52380-11"Another mitigation that you can do in advance, is that you require registration, or"
subtitle-52380-56850-12"at least encourage registration in advance, even if it's not mandatory, because that"
subtitle-56850-61280-13"gives you a rough sense of the level of interest before the actual event."
subtitle-61590-67140-14"So if you're planning an event and hoping that, 100 people show up and you require"
subtitle-67140-72750-15"registration, and a few days before the event, only ten people have registered."
subtitle-73530-74640-16"You have a problem."
subtitle-75630-80640-17"Because there's no way 100 people would show up if only ten people registered."
subtitle-80640-82530-18"Even if it's not required, even if it's just encouraged."
subtitle-84090-88200-19"The fact you got only ten people to register, gives you some idea, some"
subtitle-88200-92700-20"indication that the level of interest in this event is a little low."
subtitle-92700-96330-21"And remember that when you don't charge money, and we usually don't charge money for"
subtitle-96330-100140-22"our events, right? If you don't charge money, you just ask people to register."
subtitle-100950-104810-23"A large proportion of the people who register will not show up."
subtitle-104810-107100-24"Because free events, people just register..."
subtitle-107100-110400-25"They hope to come, they think they'll come, then they forget or whatever."
subtitle-111150-116400-26"So if you have 100 people registered to a free event, you can usually expect around 30"
subtitle-116400-119160-27"people, 40 people, 50 people to come."
subtitle-119160-123810-28"Usually not much more than half the people who register to a free event actually show"
subtitle-123810-127590-29"up. However, it is possible, of course, that 80 people will show up."
subtitle-127590-129420-30"You need to be prepared for that."
subtitle-129690-134160-31"But anyway, this kind of advance registration, even if not mandatory, gives"
subtitle-134160-139410-32"you some sense of how well you're doing so that you're not surprised at the event."
subtitle-139980-144240-33"You don't want to come to the event thinking there's going to be 100 people and then have"
subtitle-144240-145290-34"two people show up."
subtitle-145290-150000-35"If the registration was really low to begin with, you know that that's going to be the"
subtitle-150000-155940-36"situation. Maybe it's not too late, for example, to scale down the catering or"
subtitle-156570-160680-37"whatever expense you've gone to, etc., etc.."
subtitle-160680-166950-38"So registration is a way to mitigate the damage of under-participation."
subtitle-167700-174380-39"And again, if you have low participation, make the most of the situation."
subtitle-174380-179730-40"We've already mentioned, you can switch to a tutoring model and make more progress with"
subtitle-179730-181050-41"each person who showed up."
subtitle-181440-187680-42"And sometimes you should kind of turn it into an informal chat about Wikimedia because it"
subtitle-187680-192150-43"will be absurd to give some kind of talk or presentation to two people."
subtitle-192540-193850-44"It'll feel weird, right?"
subtitle-193860-198360-45"So instead you can just sit across from them on chairs and say, "Hey, so let's just talk"
subtitle-198360-200370-46"about Wikimedia. I'll tell you what we do."
subtitle-200400-203730-47"You'll tell me if you have questions..." And turn it into an informal chat."
subtitle-203730-205350-48"This is something I've done myself."
subtitle-205350-208680-49"When I was scheduled to give a talk and I had a talk prepared with a presentation and"
subtitle-208680-211170-50"slides, and only two people showed up."
subtitle-211170-212970-51"So I just sat with them and answered their questions."
subtitle-213780-216420-52"And eventually one of the questions led to slides that I had."
subtitle-216420-220440-53"So I showed them a few of those slides, but it was in conversation face to face, at eye"
subtitle-220440-225540-54"level, rather than me standing at a podium and talking to an empty hall with two people,"
subtitle-225540-228810-55"which would have been weird and uncomfortable, for them as well."
subtitle-233980-237580-56"By the way, there are other mitigations that I haven't even listed here, of course."
subtitle-237790-242590-57"If it's an online competition, for example, and not enough people are participating,"
subtitle-242590-246010-58"maybe the incentives are not strong enough."
subtitle-246010-249820-59"Maybe you need to offer prizes or better prizes."
subtitle-250570-254380-60"Maybe the topic isn't interesting enough, and you need to prove to people that it is"
subtitle-254380-257110-61"interesting. Maybe your partner can help with that."
subtitle-257110-258490-62"There are other mitigations."
subtitle-258490-260110-63"Again, these are just quick examples."