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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Outcome mapping

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Outcome mapping"
display_name"Outcome mapping"
subtitle-60-9000-1"So, we have a Partnership Value Proposal and we have our self-presentation ready and we"
subtitle-9000-14400-2"have identified the shared goals and we have done our research of our partner, so we can"
subtitle-14400-15420-3"schedule a meeting, right?"
subtitle-15420-17100-4"And discuss the partnership?"
subtitle-18000-19470-5"Theoretically, yes."
subtitle-20870-30380-6"But in practice, most potential partners will struggle to understand us sufficiently,"
subtitle-31340-36320-7"and they won't be able to brainstorm what could be done together just based on what we"
subtitle-36320-41390-8"have so far. Which means if we go and schedule a meeting right now, the first"
subtitle-41390-49040-9"meeting is likely to turn into an, at best, an unplanned introduction to Wikimedia,"
subtitle-49040-52160-10"because they'll ask a lot of questions and we will have to start explaining how"
subtitle-52160-55910-11"Wikipedia works, and how Commons works, and what are free licenses."
subtitle-56060-58370-12"And we won't actually get to talk about the partnership."
subtitle-59240-64370-13"Or, at worst, it will be incomprehensible to the partner, it will frustrate the potential"
subtitle-64370-68990-14"partner, and it could even destroy the prospect of a partnership."
subtitle-69230-75290-15"So I would say we are not quite ready to have the meeting with the partner, not just"
subtitle-75290-83000-16"yet. So we have a good understanding now of the partnership, but we need to do a little"
subtitle-83000-85010-17"more preparation to help the partner."
subtitle-85610-90260-18"And I have validation here from [someone], who reports that she has experienced this"
subtitle-90260-92750-19"firsthand. Yes, so have I."
subtitle-93170-96050-20"So. What do we do?"
subtitle-98100-104340-21"The additional planning from our side before we initiate the meeting is to actually build"
subtitle-104340-112680-22"out our Partnership Value Proposal into a draft program plan as a basis for discussion"
subtitle-112680-116850-23"with the partner. Of course, with openness to revise it and to change it."
subtitle-116850-121440-24"Because all the preparation we've done could still have missed something about the"
subtitle-121440-125190-25"partner. The partner might tell us, "Oh yeah, we know what's on the website, but"
subtitle-125190-129240-26"actually our priorities have changed and we haven't updated it", or all kinds of things"
subtitle-129240-134130-27"like that. So, of course we're open to changes, but we should actually enter the"
subtitle-134130-139530-28"meeting not just with a "Hey, we could do this and it would be great", but actually"
subtitle-139530-144270-29"with a draft program of what that would look like."
subtitle-144270-150120-30"Because like I said, the partner may have difficulty imagining what it could look like"
subtitle-150120-153240-31". Because this whole idea of Wikimedia is new to them."
subtitle-153240-155250-32"For most of our partners, it will be new."
subtitle-155280-157350-33"They won't be able to imagine what is possible."
subtitle-158010-163620-34"They might be tempted to imagine things that aren't possible, considering our policies."
subtitle-163620-170040-35"So it is best if we are at least able to offer a plan, even if we end up during the"
subtitle-170040-174030-36"meeting changing it so much that it's nothing like the plan we came in with."
subtitle-174030-177120-37"But we should have a plan when we come into the meeting."
subtitle-177570-183420-38"So how do we design our partnership as a program, as a project?"
subtitle-183870-189910-39"And we are going to use basic program design tools that are good for any program, not just"
subtitle-189930-194220-40"partnerships. And we'll cover them today."
subtitle-195200-202280-41"So the main tool that we'll use is a tool called Theory of Change."
subtitle-202880-204140-42"Theory of Change."
subtitle-205810-212470-43"And it is a set of practices, that helps us express"
subtitle-215890-224830-44"our ideas in a more convincing way, because right now we have something like this: we're"
subtitle-224830-232930-45"going to do A and B and then a miracle will occur and the outcomes C and D will happen."
subtitle-233500-236380-46"We will do this, and voila, we have these results."
subtitle-237580-245140-47"It may be obvious to us how A and B directly causes C and D, but it may not be obvious to"
subtitle-245140-253210-48"our partner. We want to not have to rely on hand waving or pink clouds of miracles."
subtitle-253210-261490-49"We want to be able to really express how A and B lead to C and D, possibly through E and"
subtitle-261490-264700-50"F and G. There may be some interim steps."
subtitle-264880-270220-51"So we don't want to rely on miracles or even the perception that miracles are needed."
subtitle-271390-279940-52"So if we don't have any miracles, we will make explicit our expectations about how"
subtitle-279940-281680-53"these goals can be reached."
subtitle-281680-286980-54"And we will express them as a series of cause and effect relationships."
subtitle-286990-290500-55"We call this a theory of change."
subtitle-292530-296970-56"And here's a very quick example of a cause and effect series."
subtitle-296970-302460-57"It's not a complete theory of change, but it's a cause and effect series that has been"
subtitle-302460-309170-58"used to describe Wikipedia itself, not any particular program, but Wikipedia, the site."
subtitle-309170-314730-59"And this cause and effect chain, as you can see, is a circle."
subtitle-314910-316350-60"It doesn't have a beginning."
subtitle-316770-323940-61"It basically asserts that the more readers we have, the more content we have."
subtitle-324420-326430-62"The that's actually."
subtitle-327250-328690-63"I would have I would have drawn it a little differently."
subtitle-329530-331750-64"But let's go from the content."
subtitle-331750-336040-65"The more content we have, the more contributors we have, because the wiki itself"
subtitle-336040-338290-66"draws people to volunteer."
subtitle-338290-343210-67"Most people who contribute to Wikipedia have just clicked the edit button and started"
subtitle-343210-348620-68"editing. Most of them were not recruited at an editathon or an event or a workshop."
subtitle-348640-353680-69"Most people respond to the wiki itself, so the more content we have, in more languages,"
subtitle-353680-357910-70"the more contributors we'll have; the more contributors we'll have, the more quality"
subtitle-357910-362880-71"we'll have. Because quality tends to increase as more and more people work on it."
subtitle-362890-366250-72"The better quality we have, the more readers we'll attract."
subtitle-367600-368920-73"And that's why it's a circle."
subtitle-369160-370810-74"Because with more readers, we will have more contributors."
subtitle-371410-372850-75"With more contributors, we will have more quality."
subtitle-375070-380320-76"It's a simplistic diagram, but it expresses something very core about Wikipedia."
subtitle-380650-385690-77"You might argue, you might say "That's not true", but we have reason to believe that the"
subtitle-385690-388340-78"higher quality a wiki is the more people read it."
subtitle-388360-392500-79"We have reason to believe that the more readers we have, the greater number of"
subtitle-392500-396760-80"contributors show up, even though it's a fraction of the readers and a fraction of a"
subtitle-396760-400930-81"fraction that actually save an edit and a fraction of a fraction of a fraction who"
subtitle-400930-402580-82"actually make more than one edit."
subtitle-402820-403870-83"That's all true."
subtitle-403870-408250-84"But still, even if it's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, the bigger the source"
subtitle-408250-412810-85"group of readers, the bigger the fraction of a fraction of a fraction will be."
subtitle-412810-416710-86"So that's a very simple example of cause and effect."
subtitle-418210-424900-87"And interestingly, when you have such a series of causes and effects, you can already"
subtitle-424900-432810-88"imagine that we could potentially intervene at each spot in this cycle."
subtitle-433210-437740-89"I mean, we could do something to increase the number of readers."
subtitle-439180-441400-90"We could publicize the wikis."
subtitle-441400-444580-91"We could make reading more convenient on mobile devices."
subtitle-444730-449890-92"I mean, there's any number of things we could do to to affect this point about"
subtitle-449890-453730-93"readers. Likewise, we could do all kinds of interventions."
subtitle-454450-460360-94"We could take all kinds of proactive actions about contributors or about quality."
subtitle-460930-467140-95"In other words, once we have this series of of cause and effect, you will notice that in"
subtitle-467140-469630-96"the previous slide there was no action by us."
subtitle-469870-474310-97"We were just saying the fact that there are more readers means there will be more"
subtitle-474310-478240-98"contributors. The fact that there are more contributors means there will be more"
subtitle-478240-480340-99"quality. I mean, these are cause and effect."
subtitle-480640-483490-100". More contributors leads to more quality."
subtitle-483490-484930-101"How much more quality?"
subtitle-484930-489310-102"That depends and that can be studied, but generally it leads to more quality."
subtitle-489580-494470-103"But now, in addition to the basic cause and effect, we are also saying we could do"
subtitle-494470-500290-104"something about it. We could try and influence this circle at this point about"
subtitle-500290-505450-105"quality or at that point about readers or at this point about contributors."
subtitle-507390-514680-106"So already we see one value of making explicit this cause and effect chain, because"
subtitle-514680-521010-107"it shows us different points where we might intervene, and "intervene" here means the"
subtitle-521010-525090-108"most general sense of "take action", proactively do something."
subtitle-528010-533950-109"So how do we come up with an actual theory of change?"
subtitle-533960-538130-110"And there are six steps that I offer you, and we will go through them one by one."
subtitle-538130-540440-111"But this slide summarizes them."
subtitle-540890-547580-112"We start with long term goals, long term goals, meaning three years or more into the"
subtitle-547580-549980-113"future. Long term goals, we call them "outcomes"."
subtitle-550610-552350-114"These are the outcomes we want."
subtitle-552920-560960-115"And then we map backwards from those long term goals to interim goals or interim"
subtitle-560990-567410-116"outcomes. And one tool that we can use to do that is a problem/solution tree, which we'll"
subtitle-567410-568820-117"cover in a minute."
subtitle-569300-575390-118"And then for each interim outcome that we have identified, we will define – and we will"
subtitle-575390-582020-119"explain this – we will define an indicator, a measured group, and a threshold of success"
subtitle-582020-587120-120"that would tell us whether or how much we are achieving this outcome."
subtitle-587540-594020-121"We should also document our assumptions that underlie this whole cause and effect thing."
subtitle-594020-598400-122"So our theory of change should come with a list of documented assumptions."
subtitle-600790-605380-123"After we have all that, then we're ready to identify those intervention points, those"
subtitle-605380-608470-124"places where we can take specific action."
subtitle-609070-613240-125"And finally, we should kind of read through our theory of change and make sure that it"
subtitle-613240-615010-126"makes sense now that we have it all in writing."
subtitle-615610-621150-127"We should kind of tell ourselves the story and make sure that it is plausible, that it"
subtitle-621160-624970-128"makes sense in terms of the logic of the cause and effect, and that it is feasible"
subtitle-624970-628330-129"that the interventions are things that we could actually do."
subtitle-629200-633760-130"So this is an overview of the process, and now we're going to zoom in."
subtitle-634870-638710-131"So here's an example of picking some long term outcomes."
subtitle-639490-642490-132"And I'm starting with two long term outcomes."
subtitle-643540-648340-133"One of them is a Wikimedia goal and the other is a non Wikimedia goal."
subtitle-649150-652780-134"As we've seen in partnerships, it's okay to have two goals."
subtitle-652780-653950-135"One Wikimedia goal."
subtitle-653950-656230-136"One not a Wikimedia goal as long as they are compatible."
subtitle-657580-664360-137"The non Wikimedia goal here is that Ghanaian youths have better job prospects in software"
subtitle-667400-671560-139"It's a great goal. It's beneficial for Ghanaian youths, it's beneficial for"
subtitle-672490-674110-140"diversity in the workplace."
subtitle-674110-677470-141"It's not specifically related to Wikimedia."
subtitle-677470-683080-142"But a Wikimedia goal, that is a strategic goal of Wikimedia, that has been identified"
subtitle-683080-689650-143"in the strategy, is that Wikimedia's technical volunteer base is diversified, and"
subtitle-689650-695140-144"that we need more women, we need more people of color, we need specifically more people"
subtitle-695140-699220-145"from Africa. That is a Wikimedia goal."
subtitle-699580-704050-146"Now, I hope you will agree these two goals are compatible."
subtitle-704830-708520-147"Because achieving one can certainly contribute to the other."
subtitle-710480-716690-148"So this is just an example of two long term outcomes that we would like to see."
subtitle-718580-726200-149"And what we can do with them now is we can ask "okay, how do we attain these goals?"
subtitle-726530-728540-150"What are the prerequisites?"
subtitle-728540-731810-151"What would it take to reach such an outcome?""
subtitle-735480-742920-152"One thing that we can do is map backwards – that's the second phase – we start mapping"
subtitle-742920-745890-153"backwards and thinking, "what would it take?"
subtitle-745890-751080-154"What outcome do we need to reach so that more Ghanaian youths have better job"
subtitle-751080-754830-155"prospects, etc.?" And I offer you this interim outcome."
subtitle-755190-763020-156""Ghanaian youths undergo practical training as interns or volunteers in real world"
subtitle-763020-764670-157"software projects"."
subtitle-765840-774240-158"So that's the specific outcome that, if it is achieved, then we can draw an arrow, the"
subtitle-774240-782430-159"arrow going upwards, this arrow, this will – if the real-world software project is"
subtitle-782430-787740-160"Wikimedia – then it will lead to diversifying Wikimedia's volunteer base with"
subtitle-787740-792000-161"more Ghanaian volunteers, and it will also lead to Ghanaian youths having better job"
subtitle-792000-793470-162"prospects in software engineering."
subtitle-793470-797730-163"Because Wikimedia technical experience is valuable experience."
subtitle-797730-800430-164"It's not just any other software experience."
subtitle-802080-804390-165"So these lines here are cause and effect lines."
subtitle-805140-808350-166"These solid lines from the interim goal to the final goal."
subtitle-808650-815130-167"And whereas, I'm not quite sure – if you just look at this final goal, "the technical"
subtitle-815130-820600-168"volunteer base is diversified", well, we all want this, but how?"
subtitle-820600-824160-169"How do we do this? What is the clear intervention that I can do here?"
subtitle-824160-825420-170"It's a little less clear."
subtitle-825570-831660-171"But if I look at this outcome, the outcome of giving trainings as interns or volunteers"
subtitle-831660-836730-172"to Ghanaian youths, that already suggests itself as a potential intervention."
subtitle-836730-838740-173"Because we can do that."
subtitle-838740-841980-174"We can conceivably arrange such trainings."
subtitle-844630-846210-175"And we don't stop there."
subtitle-846430-851350-176"We can develop this backwards and backwards until we find outcomes that we are ready to"
subtitle-851350-855910-177"really take interventions and affect."
subtitle-856120-862810-178"So, for example, we may need one more step here, because in order for Ghanaian youths to"
subtitle-862810-867910-179"undergo such trainings, they need to discover the technical opportunities in"
subtitle-867910-873220-180"Wikimedia. Most of them don't know – they probably know about Wikipedia if they're"
subtitle-873220-874810-181"students; they know about Wikipedia, probably."
subtitle-875440-880000-182"But they may not realize that Wikipedia is open source, that there is an active"
subtitle-880000-884740-183"developer community, that volunteers are very welcome and very active in that"
subtitle-884740-885850-184"developer community!"
subtitle-886180-889270-185"They may assume it's a dot com business."
subtitle-889510-890680-186"It's done by others."
subtitle-890680-892680-187"It's developed by others, like Facebook."
subtitle-892690-893710-188"They may assume that."
subtitle-893710-895600-189"So there's an awareness issue here."
subtitle-895600-903790-190"And again, if we identify the discovery of the technical opportunities as an outcome, we"
subtitle-903790-906070-191"can conceivably do something towards that outcome."
subtitle-906700-908920-192"So this is another potential intervention here."
subtitle-909940-913300-193"I mean, I'm not even spelling out what the intervention is, but now that we've"
subtitle-913300-920440-194"identified it as an interim goal, outcome, goal, we can begin designing programs,"
subtitle-920440-922420-195"activities that would result in that."
subtitle-925000-930340-196"So I hope this is clear how we can start mapping backwards into more and more"
subtitle-930580-936560-197"achievable interim goals and then start looking for interventions that we can do."
subtitle-936580-939400-198"We and the partner in the case of a partnership plan."