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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Typical structure of a pitch meeting

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Typical structure of a pitch meeting"
display_name"Typical structure of a pitch meeting"
subtitle-90-4590-1"So what would that meeting look like typically?"
subtitle-5430-11080-2"Typically. Again, this is different across cultures and countries, but typically, we"
subtitle-11080-13740-3"would have some kind of introduction, some kind of small talk."
subtitle-13960-18550-4"We will be shown to some room or something or maybe it's a Zoom meeting, and we will"
subtitle-18550-20410-5"spend a few minutes doing introductions."
subtitle-20410-23860-6"This is important and that's why we've already prepared for it, with Assignment"
subtitle-23860-28750-7"three, you remember, the brief self introduction, quite apart from the pitch,"
subtitle-28750-32980-8"remember! Assignment three wasn't about the partnership, it was about who we are, how"
subtitle-32980-34810-9"long we've been around, how many people we are."
subtitle-35020-38320-10"Remember? If you don't remember, go back to assignment three and see."
subtitle-39570-45810-11"A very quick two, three minutes, ideally, tops 5 minutes, introducing yourselves, your"
subtitle-45810-50010-12"groups, and when you are face to face, it is especially important to introduce your"
subtitle-50010-55140-13"personal self, not just the group you need to say "I'm Asaf, You know, this is what I"
subtitle-55140-56790-14"do. This is what I do as a volunteer."
subtitle-56790-60930-15"I mean, I'm volunteering here, but what my day job is this and that", so that people"
subtitle-60930-62940-16"have a sense of who's in the room with them."
subtitle-63300-69420-17"Don't only speak in "we", also speak in "I", introduce your colleagues who are there with"
subtitle-69420-75720-18"you at the meeting, and do all that in just a few minutes, and also ask your partner to"
subtitle-75720-79050-19"introduce themselves, if you just move on to your pitch."
subtitle-79380-83760-20"Some partners are okay with it because of course introducing themselves may be boring"
subtitle-83790-88590-21"to themselves, but some partners may think it as a sign that you don't care about them."
subtitle-88590-91260-22"You're just here to speak your piece."
subtitle-91260-92880-23"You don't care who's in front of you."
subtitle-93330-98490-24"So by all means, invite people to introduce themselves briefly."
subtitle-98490-99840-25"If they don't do it themselves."
subtitle-99840-102810-26"Now, the center, of course, of the meeting is to pitch!"
subtitle-102810-107250-27"Is the main pitch, to present our partnership proposal."
subtitle-108210-111780-28"That's what a pitch is, our partnership proposal."
subtitle-111780-115680-29"To present it, and to discuss it."
subtitle-115680-121410-30"So the pitch itself actually should start with something like your elevator pitch."
subtitle-121620-124110-31"Now you might say, "Wait, spoilers!"
subtitle-124110-126630-32"the elevator pitch is the summary of all the thing..."
subtitle-126870-130170-33"We should start with our elevator pitch?" Yes, you should!"
subtitle-130170-132690-34"Because you should get to the point as quickly as possible."
subtitle-132690-138030-35"So before you go into the details, the arguments, the stats, the supporting"
subtitle-138030-143370-36"evidence, you should state, again, as quickly as possible, – and the elevator pitch"
subtitle-143370-147840-37"is the quick version – the main points of the partnership, you should state what are"
subtitle-147840-149510-38"the benefits, who does what,"
subtitle-149520-151020-39"that's what we're proposing."
subtitle-151590-154410-40"Okay, got it? Now we're ready to argue for it."
subtitle-154560-158190-41"We're ready to prove to you why this is a good idea."
subtitle-158190-163530-42"But you start with the elevator pitch so that they don't have to wait through 40"
subtitle-163530-167280-43"slides to understand the general idea of the partnership."
subtitle-169020-174240-44"So we start even our full pitch with the elevator pitch."
subtitle-175560-180000-45"After we say the elevator pitch, they may immediately stop us and have questions and"
subtitle-180000-181380-46"then we answer those questions."
subtitle-181380-186270-47"But if they don't, we proceed to talk about the arguments for collaboration, what are the"
subtitle-186270-193020-48"benefits? And this is something we have expanded in assignment six, our PVP, why it"
subtitle-193020-196110-49"makes sense, and you really show evidence for that."
subtitle-196830-201870-50"And then we move on to describe the actual workings, how would we do it?"
subtitle-201900-203370-51"What would lead to what?"
subtitle-204860-209600-52"Meaning what we did in Assignment seven, theory of change, where we literally lay out:"
subtitle-209900-211350-53"So this is what we propose to do."
subtitle-211370-215060-54"We would have this intervention and that intervention, and this would lead to these"
subtitle-215060-220340-55"outcomes. You really walk them through your thinking, for why you think this partnership"
subtitle-220340-222110-56"would lead to these results."
subtitle-222110-226190-57"And we kind of practiced this with our theory of change in Assignment seven."
subtitle-227540-231500-58"And I hope some of the examples we shared earlier today help you see how that would be"
subtitle-231500-233870-59"useful for our main pitch."
subtitle-233870-235940-60"If they haven't already stopped you to ask questions."
subtitle-236570-240620-61"This is the moment where you have laid out the partnership proposal, and you take"
subtitle-240620-246170-62"questions. You answer their questions, you discuss the potential obstacles and risks,"
subtitle-246890-251210-63"and ideally you reach agreement on what are the next steps."
subtitle-251390-256490-64"Again, not necessarily signing a contract, but you reach agreement on how do we proceed."
subtitle-256490-261380-65"Or maybe it's very clear at this point that it's not going to work and you bid them a"
subtitle-261380-262580-66"friendly farewell."
subtitle-263390-267230-67"Now, you may notice on the right side of the slide I wrote "Wiki Primer?"."
subtitle-267980-274700-68"(A primer is a tutorial.) Because at any point during this first meeting with the"
subtitle-274700-281150-69"partner, you may be called upon, you may be forced to give them a kind of improvised"
subtitle-281150-285600-70"tutorial on Wikipedia, or on wikis in general."
subtitle-285600-291050-71"And that's not really directly relevant to our pitch, but we may have to do it anyway."
subtitle-291050-295190-72"So I put it like on the side like that because it doesn't belong here in the logical"
subtitle-295190-297500-73"structure, but we may have to do it anyway."
subtitle-297500-300680-74"And I'm going to show you some comments on how to do that."
subtitle-300680-301580-75"So now we're going to zoom."