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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Contingency plans

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Contingency plans"
display_name"Contingency plans"
subtitle-330-4430-1"So, how do we plan for trouble?"
subtitle-4460-7220-2"These are the principles in one slide for your convenience."
subtitle-7580-9740-3"How do we actually go about planning for trouble?"
subtitle-11820-20700-4"So one way we can do that is using what we will call a "contingency plan"."
subtitle-21600-26940-5"Contingency plan, and a contingency is just a fancy word for "possible future"
subtitle-26940-29370-6"occurrence", something that may or may not happen."
subtitle-30030-31440-7"That's a contingency."
subtitle-31740-37470-8"And a contingency plan is a set of such possible occurrences."
subtitle-38300-42350-9"Usually only negative ones are discussed in a contingency plan."
subtitle-43100-49970-10"And what is our plan for mitigating the contingencies, which is another fancy word"
subtitle-49970-56000-11"that means reducing the impact, reducing the negative effect, or even eliminating the"
subtitle-56000-60200-12"negative effect of the contingency, of the unexpected occurrence."
subtitle-62320-66480-13"Not unexpected! Of the future occurrence, because here we are expecting it."
subtitle-67120-68830-14"So that is a contingency plan."
subtitle-68830-72280-15"And how do we go about making one?"
subtitle-72970-79750-16"So we just sit and try to think up things that could go wrong, in the context of your"
subtitle-79750-84550-17"project plan. You look at your project plan, your planned activities, your theory of"
subtitle-84550-92740-18"change, and you try to think "in what ways could this go wrong?" And for every plan,"
subtitle-92740-95260-19"there are at least several ways it could go wrong."
subtitle-96010-97900-20"All kinds of things could go wrong."
subtitle-98320-103690-21"But these things that could go wrong are different from each other, in terms of how"
subtitle-103690-110410-22"likely they are, and also in terms of how damaging they would be, if they happen."
subtitle-111850-118060-23"So for each such scenario or each such problem that you think up, you want to ask"
subtitle-118060-120870-24"yourself, "how likely is it?"
subtitle-120880-126370-25"Roughly." Obviously, none of us is a professional risk assessor."
subtitle-126460-131830-26"That's an actual profession that is used in the insurance business, for example."
subtitle-132460-137980-27"So most of us are not risk assessors, but still we usually are able to assess a very"
subtitle-137980-143740-28"rough, intuitive estimate of how likely things are."
subtitle-144280-149950-29"For example, when I leave my house, I could be run over by a bus."
subtitle-150670-152230-30"That is a possibility."
subtitle-152230-153640-31"It's something that could happen."
subtitle-154390-161620-32"But the fact that I do leave my house quite frequently does mean that I am, even if"
subtitle-161620-167200-33"subconsciously, assessing that likelihood, to be very, very low."
subtitle-168320-172580-34"If I thought that it was 80% likely that I would be hit by a bus when I leave my house,"
subtitle-172580-174020-35"I probably wouldn't leave my house."
subtitle-174230-175580-36"That's a huge risk."
subtitle-177770-183110-37"But if I think my chances of being run over by a bus are one in a million, then it's"
subtitle-183110-186890-38"probably a risk I'm willing to take in order to live my life."
subtitle-187760-196040-39"So we all do such intuitive, maybe even subconscious calculations of risk when we go"
subtitle-196040-199400-40"about our lives, when we cross the road, when we get into a car."
subtitle-199400-201380-41"When we take an airplane."
subtitle-202380-205320-42"And so that's the kind of thing we need to do for our partnership."
subtitle-205320-209970-43"But we'll put it in writing and we'll try to do it in a slightly more disciplined way."
subtitle-210450-217950-44"So, for example, what if we have an event and we're counting on the fact that the"
subtitle-217950-222930-45"place, the venue, would have Internet, would have WiFi."
subtitle-225180-228690-46"It's possible that they won't, even though they said they would, etc.."
subtitle-228870-233340-47"It's possible that their equipment failed or there's some outage in their Internet"
subtitle-233340-235310-48"provider. That sort of thing happens, right?"
subtitle-236100-237960-49"How likely is it?"
subtitle-237960-239850-50"How likely is it that their Internet would fail?"
subtitle-241080-242310-51"Well, it depends."
subtitle-242520-246420-52"It depends on what we know about the place, and our country."
subtitle-246660-250590-53"Some countries have more outages than others, so we can estimate it."
subtitle-250590-252660-54"Maybe it's a 10% chance the Internet won't work."
subtitle-253110-255060-55"Maybe it's less than 1%."
subtitle-257070-263160-56"Maybe from our experience, this place loses connectivity on average every 2 hours, so"
subtitle-263160-265110-57"it's very likely there will be an outage."
subtitle-267370-271120-58"Whatever it is, we need to try and assign some kind of number to it."
subtitle-271120-275530-59"And then we need to ask ourselves, "okay, suppose there is no WiFi."
subtitle-275560-277050-60"What is the impact?"
subtitle-277060-281440-61"How would it affect my project, my partnership, my work?"
subtitle-281440-284850-62"Would it be an inconvenience?"
subtitle-285630-294750-63"Would it cause me my partnership to have less impact?" And the slides are slightly"
subtitle-294750-295770-64"confusing here."
subtitle-296220-302430-65"The negative impact is that we would have less positive impact is what I meant here."
subtitle-303270-308700-66"We would have less positive impact, programmatic impact."
subtitle-309210-312360-67"So would it have us have no impact?"
subtitle-312360-315690-68"Would it cause our event, our program to have no impact?"
subtitle-315690-318900-69"If this happens, then we will have no positive impact."
subtitle-319410-324820-70"Or is the risk to be damage to property, or physical harm to people?"
subtitle-324840-326010-71"These are very different things."
subtitle-326430-332370-72"If something may happen and if it does happen, would cause inconvenience, that's"
subtitle-332370-336090-73"different from something that may happen and would cause physical harm."
subtitle-336920-338750-74"We need to think about it differently too."
subtitle-345800-353150-75"So again, we think about the likelihood of a certain contingency, and about its negative"
subtitle-353150-358580-76"impact on our program, on our programmatic impact, on our work."
subtitle-360290-369720-77"For example: For each contingency, we want to also think up the possible"
subtitle-369720-377400-78"mitigations, the possible ways we might deal with that contingency, and what they would"
subtitle-377400-380640-79"cost, in terms of time or money."
subtitle-382110-387870-80"Because some mitigations don't cost any money and effort up front."
subtitle-388050-392220-81"They don't require any investment in case that something happens."
subtitle-392430-397020-82"Rather, they are just becoming part of our plan, so we can tell ourselves, "okay, if X"
subtitle-397020-398970-83"happens, we will just do Y"."
subtitle-399000-400430-84"It's an option we have."
subtitle-400440-402110-85"We don't need to prepare for it."
subtitle-402120-403950-86"We don't need to invest anything."
subtitle-403950-408750-87"We just know what we're going to do, if a certain kind of problem happens."
subtitle-409980-415590-88"But some mitigations require us to spend money or effort in advance."
subtitle-416190-424230-89"We need to decide in advance whether, given the likelihood and the potential impact that"
subtitle-424230-431760-90"a certain contingency could have, whether we should spend the time or effort to create the"
subtitle-431760-433560-91"mitigation, to create the potential mitigation."
subtitle-434100-439050-92"Or if we say, you know what, that's really expensive and it's quite unlikely."
subtitle-439050-442200-93"So we will take that calculated risk."
subtitle-442620-448440-94"That is a decision we need to make if our mitigation is not just, "Oh, I guess I'll do"
subtitle-448440-454980-95"that then", but "in that case, we will need this equipment" or "we will need some"