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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Final project examples: presenting a plan

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Final project examples: presenting a plan"
display_name"Final project examples: presenting a plan"
subtitle-890-3860-1"Moving on to another part of the presentation."
subtitle-5000-10250-2"When we're pitching to a prospective partner, the part where we're presenting a"
subtitle-10250-13310-3"plan. So we've already introduced ourselves."
subtitle-13310-19160-4"We had an opening, we've already pitched the partnership, we've described the win-win."
subtitle-19160-26510-5"We've described broadly what actions or what investment we expect from both sides."
subtitle-26780-30680-6"Okay, now let's give it some form."
subtitle-30680-34070-7"Let's specify how do we plan to do this?"
subtitle-34070-37160-8"On what timeline, how would we measure this?"
subtitle-37160-40400-9"How would things work? Presenting a plan."
subtitle-40520-42560-10"And here are some slides."
subtitle-42560-45140-11"Examples of presenting a plan."
subtitle-45850-50610-12"Here's one example: "Proposed actions", again, a super clear title."
subtitle-51130-54340-13"This is what we propose to do."
subtitle-55280-56630-14"We've discussed the goals."
subtitle-56630-58200-15"We've discussed the benefits."
subtitle-58220-60350-16"Now let's talk about actions."
subtitle-61480-66100-17"For the "more articles on built heritage goal", we're going to do we're going to"
subtitle-66100-67120-18"recruit volunteers."
subtitle-67120-68950-19"We're going to write articles and improve articles."
subtitle-69760-75580-20"You, the partner, will provide data and sources for the articles, and maybe both of"
subtitle-75580-77590-21"us will provide prizes."
subtitle-77740-81760-22"That's how we're going to get more articles on built heritage."
subtitle-82270-84880-23"How are we going to get promotion for this project?"
subtitle-85720-90220-24"We're going to jointly promote on social media and websites, and we're going to try"
subtitle-90220-92770-25"and get external media coverage of the project."
subtitle-93370-98590-26"We're going to try, and you're going to try, to get external media coverage, etc., etc."
subtitle-98590-100270-27"We don't have to go through all the details."
subtitle-100270-105700-28"But again, one simple, clear slide that shows us the actions, also shows us a"
subtitle-105700-107050-29"timeline at the bottom."
subtitle-107290-111310-30"There's going to be a contest, May to June, then we're going to process the images, June"
subtitle-111310-116560-31"to September, and throughout this whole thing, we're going to try and get promotion"
subtitle-116560-119830-32"and get external attention to the project."
subtitle-120420-124680-33"And finally, we're going to evaluate in the fourth quarter of the year."
subtitle-124680-129710-34"So a lot of information in a nice clean, not too busy slide."
subtitle-129720-131790-35"So this one is also nicely designed."
subtitle-134230-140650-36"Another example of a plan, again, with a very clear title "How can we do this?" Now"
subtitle-140650-142750-37"that we've talked about the goals and the benefits?"
subtitle-143830-146620-38"How? How are we going to get this benefit?"
subtitle-147550-151750-39"Well, we're going to have a campaign to disseminate the project, encouraging people"
subtitle-151750-152830-40"to participate."
subtitle-152830-156580-41"And we're going to monitor the work of the volunteers during the project through social"
subtitle-156580-157690-42"media, etc., etc."
subtitle-158170-160720-43"specifically, two training sessions for your staff."
subtitle-161650-166390-44"Thanks to them, they could learn how to use Commons and share images from their archive."
subtitle-166420-170290-45"As a result, we expect so and so many uploaded images etc."
subtitle-170290-175990-46"So again, spelling out numbers and actions."
subtitle-177550-178600-47"And moving on."
subtitle-178600-182230-48"We're going to have two training sessions per month for five months."
subtitle-182770-184660-49"We're going to expect this number of volunteers."
subtitle-185410-190840-50"We're going to expect this number of articles going through, again, the basically"
subtitle-190840-195130-51"the plan, the theory of change that we've had with the indicators, etc.."
subtitle-195490-197680-52"We are offering a timeline for this."
subtitle-197680-202960-53"Again, a very nice, clean, neat slide that shows a simple timeline."
subtitle-203730-209890-54"To help people kind of imagine into the future, when or how long it's going to take."
subtitle-209910-213690-55"Are we talking about a five year thing or a three month thing or what?"
subtitle-213690-216270-56"So a timeline is a very good slide to have."
subtitle-218170-222400-57"Here's another example: "what a partnership could involve"."
subtitle-223030-227890-58"I like this, when you hedge a bit, and you say "this is what it could look like","
subtitle-228220-233290-59"leaving a lot of room for the partner, the prospective partner to go, "I don't know,"
subtitle-233290-234330-60"maybe something else"."
subtitle-234340-241150-61"If you express your plan in very rigid terms, the partner may get the impression,"
subtitle-241150-243520-62""Oh, this is how it has to be."
subtitle-243520-249130-63"And for certain reasons that's not going to work for us." The timeline is too long or too"
subtitle-249130-254800-64"short or "there's no way we could get legal approval in time for this." And if that's the"
subtitle-254800-257170-65"plan, then I guess we cannot do it."
subtitle-257350-265120-66"But if you use words like "could", or "a possible plan", it sends the message that"
subtitle-265450-269740-67"this is what we're proposing, but let's talk about it; if something doesn't work for you,"
subtitle-270100-271300-68"we could alter it."
subtitle-271870-278530-69"You want to leave that psychological space, or that room for flexibility, so that people"
subtitle-278530-281860-70"don't decide "this is irrelevant anyway."
subtitle-281890-287440-71"There's no way we could do it." You want to the partner to feel "okay, maybe it doesn't"
subtitle-287440-293290-72"100% fit what we could do, but if we can change the timeline a bit, or if we can"
subtitle-293740-298420-73"reduce the number of events, then we could fit it." So this is a good title."
subtitle-298420-300190-74"What a partnership could involve."
subtitle-301790-305090-75"These are the outcomes we're aiming for with the measures of success."
subtitle-305300-310790-76"The amounts of output that we want, and this is how we're going to do it."
subtitle-310790-312830-77"The interventions, the actions."
subtitle-312860-314990-78"We're going to have podcasts."
subtitle-314990-317270-79"We're going to have editathons."
subtitle-317570-322520-80"We're going to skip the details here, face to face talks, etc., etc.."
subtitle-323390-326540-81"We're specifying the rough timeline here."
subtitle-327800-329510-82"And here's how we're going to measure the success."
subtitle-330560-332160-83"We're going to measure it like this."
subtitle-332180-336180-84"We're going to check the number of photos, the number of participants, etc., etc.."
subtitle-336200-338810-85"You've seen this sort of slide here."
subtitle-338840-345350-86"Right now, we're sort of trying to understand the flow of slides or the the sets"
subtitle-345350-347030-87"of slides that make sense."
subtitle-347150-349730-88"So we're not so interested in the details here."
subtitle-351810-360030-89"And, still a part of the same example here, we want to enable individuals and group"
subtitle-360030-363960-90"members of this partner to share their work, to share their research."
subtitle-363990-368880-91"We want to encourage the knowledge of local history among our country's population."
subtitle-369000-376170-92"And another benefit, that's a benefit to the partner, a higher profile and membership for"
subtitle-376170-378030-93"your partner. You might recruit members."
subtitle-378030-381750-94"That's not a Wikimedia goal, but it's a benefit for the partner."
subtitle-381750-385920-95"And this collaborative project could achieve this partner goal."
subtitle-389650-392920-96"This is a different example."
subtitle-393010-397570-97"And it says, okay, so we've talked about goals, we've talked about benefits."
subtitle-397570-400000-98""In practical terms", what will we do?"
subtitle-400870-405130-99"We Wikimedia will train partner staff to write, edit, etc."
subtitle-405130-406260-100"to upload images."
subtitle-406270-411370-101"The partner will consider releasing a number of archival images under CC BY SA, the"
subtitle-411370-414220-102"partner will support, the partner will support, etc."
subtitle-414220-419620-103"Again, this is one way of presenting sort of the list of activities."
subtitle-419620-421810-104"You still need to add a timeline, some numbers."
subtitle-422590-430300-105"But again, it's a very clear laying out of what will be done."
subtitle-430300-435310-106"And here it is followed by a potential timeline."
subtitle-435730-437950-107"Again, very good to include "potential"."
subtitle-437950-439000-108"This is up for debate!"
subtitle-439030-440830-109"We can still move things around."
subtitle-441250-442930-110"We propose this timeline."
subtitle-445490-452030-111"Here's a different example listing the activities on the left, the indicators that"
subtitle-452030-460670-112"we're going to use to measure them, and the timeline for each of these activities."
subtitle-460670-462350-113"This one is in table form."
subtitle-465150-470280-114"These are indicators and actions that we've seen before."
subtitle-470280-472860-115"So we're not going to spend time on this."
subtitle-473970-480480-116"But notice that these tables, this one is for Wikimedia indicators and this table is"
subtitle-480480-483870-117"for partner partner activities."
subtitle-484800-487080-118"This is what the partner does."
subtitle-488920-491020-119"They provide space, they provide, etc.."
subtitle-491150-497230-120"The first table was showing us indicators and the second table is showing us what the"
subtitle-497230-504880-121"partner puts in for the same activities, for the learning about how to edit, enhancing"
subtitle-504880-505960-122"content, etc.."
subtitle-509960-517490-123"And that's it. These are the examples I have for you from past learners of slides for"
subtitle-517490-518930-124"final projects."
subtitle-519050-523580-125"I hope this is helpful for you as you are working on your final project, if you intend"
subtitle-523580-529880-126"to submit it, or, if you're just intending to go ahead and prepare your pitch for your"
subtitle-529880-533120-127"prospective partnership even without submitting it in this course."
subtitle-533660-539240-128"And I hope it was useful for you, this whole course on partnership building."
subtitle-539270-545930-129"I really hope you learned something and that you're feeling this was time well spent."
subtitle-546290-551060-130"I appreciate any feedback you may have at this email address."
subtitle-551150-551900-131"Thank you."