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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Evaluation plans

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Evaluation plans"
display_name"Evaluation plans"
subtitle-990-9580-1"In fact, I'm going to get to that, actually, but an evaluation can actually be as simple"
subtitle-9580-11520-2"as a table with two columns."
subtitle-11950-18190-3"Here's the threshold that we were hoping for, and here is the actual measurement that"
subtitle-18190-20560-4"we had. That is also an evaluation."
subtitle-20800-24420-5"It doesn't have to be a logic model."
subtitle-24420-30220-6"To get these indicators, to do these measurements, to to get that data, you should"
subtitle-30220-31900-7"use the tools that already exist."
subtitle-31900-36790-8"And statistically, at least some of you don't know at least some of these tools."
subtitle-36790-41050-9"So again, this slide has a bunch of links that I encourage you to explore."
subtitle-41080-46870-10"I have mentioned some of these tools already before, but there is a list here to a page"
subtitle-46870-50770-11"that I run, which is just a list of tools I like and find useful."
subtitle-50770-56650-12"And there's an even more comprehensive page called Hay's Tools Directory, which lists"
subtitle-56650-59590-13"more than 900 Wikimedia tools."
subtitle-59740-64390-14"One of the fascinating things about our movement is that we hide our tools."
subtitle-64390-69730-15"If you're on Wikipedia or on Commons, we don't tell you that these tools exist."
subtitle-69730-73630-16"There's no button that will take you there, which is weird."
subtitle-73630-81070-17"So here you are with a link to a directory of tools that you can search."
subtitle-81070-86800-18"If you just type "uploads" or "media" or "graphics" or whatever you need, you can get"
subtitle-86800-92950-19"a filtered list of only the relevant tools that are about uploading or about math or"
subtitle-92950-99820-20"whatever it is. So I'm encouraging you to not do everything manually."
subtitle-99820-102730-21"There's a lot of tools that can save you a lot of work."
subtitle-102730-107740-22"If you don't know it already, you absolutely should know the Programs and Events Dashboard"
subtitle-107740-110110-23"because it is phenomenally useful."
subtitle-110110-111490-24"I've already demonstrated it."
subtitle-111570-116840-25"You may remember last time we had some screenshots from that tool."
subtitle-116840-118630-26"And there are a lot of other tools that can be used."
subtitle-118630-126040-27"For example, Denelezh, or however you pronounce that Celtic word, is a tool that is"
subtitle-126040-132040-28"used to measure the gender gap in the projects with fantastic statistics and charts"
subtitle-132040-137980-29"and things. So make sure that you avail yourself of the tools that already exist, for"
subtitle-137980-142430-30"at least the most common kinds of things that we measure."
subtitle-142430-148750-31"Now, when we have captured these measurements, we should document it in"
subtitle-148750-152740-32"writing. Again, it doesn't have to be a logic model."
subtitle-153250-157870-33"It can be a document, it can be a set of slides, it can be a spreadsheet."
subtitle-157960-167940-34"But we basically want some kind of record of what is the degree to which we achieved the"
subtitle-167940-170520-35"impact that we were hoping for?"
subtitle-171410-176370-36"Per indicator; we had a list of indicators and we want to make sure that we have data"
subtitle-176370-179340-37"for each of the indicators that we're able to, at least."
subtitle-180030-187080-38"And that can be our basis for decision making about what we should change or do more"
subtitle-187080-189660-39"of or do less of, or even stop doing."
subtitle-190350-196680-40"Documenting our evaluation, not just looking at the numbers and going, "I guess it's going"
subtitle-196680-203280-41"well" or not going well, but documenting it can be the basis for a later documenting"
subtitle-203280-210090-42"because some of these tools, many of these tools will only give you a current snapshot."
subtitle-211030-215830-43"They can't tell you what the situation was three months ago or six months ago."
subtitle-215860-217420-44"For many of these questions."
subtitle-217420-222190-45"So if you don't copy these numbers and store them somewhere, record them in a document."
subtitle-222220-227830-46"If you want to compare how well we're doing today versus how well we were doing three"
subtitle-227830-231830-47"months or six months ago, you won't be able to do it with just the tools!"
subtitle-231830-238030-48"You need to record somewhere, what the metrics were at a certain date, so that you"
subtitle-238030-240220-49"can compare later."
subtitle-240250-246070-50"Now, the format of this evaluation can be, again, whatever works for you, whatever"
subtitle-246070-251230-51"matches your needs and expectations, and whatever your partner expects."
subtitle-251920-256940-52"They may expect something very simple or they may expect something very bureaucratic."
subtitle-256960-258880-53"Maybe you can negotiate about that."
subtitle-258940-267760-54"But at the most basic, what you want is to compare the actual measured indicators, to"
subtitle-267760-272110-55"the thresholds of success that we defined in our theory of change."
subtitle-273040-279390-56"So it can be as simple, like I mentioned, as a two column table, or it can be richer."
subtitle-279400-285430-57"Maybe we want a spreadsheet, for example, with numbers per month and then some chart"
subtitle-285430-287110-58"that is visualizing it with a graph."
subtitle-287950-289870-59"That shows us the change over time."
subtitle-290200-296140-60"It can be, again, as rich or as sophisticated as you are comfortable making it."
subtitle-297240-301140-61"Now to do all this, it helps to have a plan."
subtitle-301140-302880-62"An evaluation plan."
subtitle-303090-305100-63"And a plan, again, is very simple."
subtitle-305100-313320-64"It's basically a timeline and a series of planned steps for when and how the act of"
subtitle-313320-315450-65"evaluation would happen."
subtitle-316290-322380-66"Ideally, you set off on a project, you begin already having some kind of evaluation plan."
subtitle-322380-323910-67"Again, it's not it doesn't have to be complicated."
subtitle-324540-325890-68"It can be a single page."
subtitle-326940-332910-69"But basically you want to talk about when we're going to evaluate, and that "when" can"
subtitle-332910-338880-70"be particular times of the project like every event or every six months or every two"
subtitle-338880-345060-71"months or whatever, or it can be every time we meet a certain condition, for example,"
subtitle-345360-351450-72"after we have reached 500 people, let's evaluate, or before we're about to ask for"
subtitle-351450-355830-73"another grant, let's evaluate, because that's a relevant moment to evaluate so that"
subtitle-355830-360240-74"we can show the results of our evaluation to our grant maker."
subtitle-361350-366390-75"So the when can be either a specific time or a condition."
subtitle-368070-374220-76"And then in the how we should specify how we're going to evaluate meaning, what data"
subtitle-374220-379350-77"we're going to consider and how we're going to process it or analyze it, what we're going"
subtitle-379350-382170-78"to compare it to, etc.."