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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Examples for assignment 9: Stories

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Examples for assignment 9: Stories"
display_name"Examples for assignment 9: Stories"
subtitle-570-7740-1"The next section of examples is less about visualizations and statistics and more about"
subtitle-7740-12420-2"stories and external coverage of what we do."
subtitle-12780-16680-3"And here we have a couple of quotes."
subtitle-17520-25890-4"External testimonies or reports about what it's like working with Wikimedia."
subtitle-25890-32250-5"So we're quoting here, the head of the British Library Labs who was involved in the"
subtitle-32250-33960-6"Wikimedian in Residence project."
subtitle-34380-36390-7"Who says it is very important here."
subtitle-36990-42510-8"The British Library, a world famous institution, and the head of the British"
subtitle-42510-48630-9"Library Labs, has this to say: "partnering with Wikimedia, sharing the institution's"
subtitle-48630-54660-10"collections and uploading images and data to open portals, significantly increased"
subtitle-54690-56640-11"audience reach."
subtitle-56730-62000-12"This effect grows over time." This is golden."
subtitle-62870-68570-13"This is a great testimony to the value of partnering with Wikimedia."
subtitle-68570-71540-14"This is music to the partner's ears."
subtitle-71690-78020-15"So if I partner with Wikimedia, I can also expect to significantly increase my audience"
subtitle-78020-82190-16"reach! And I shouldn't be disheartened if it doesn't happen immediately."
subtitle-82190-84500-17"This effect grows over time!"
subtitle-84800-85810-18"It's a great quote."
subtitle-85820-90170-19"I encourage you to use it if you are talking to libraries, for example."
subtitle-91970-96560-20""The British Library was seen in the sector," in the library sector, "as risk"
subtitle-96560-102770-21"averse", as conservative, "but the fact that we hosted a Wikimedian in Residence was a"
subtitle-102770-108230-22"signal that we are open to innovative projects." So this is another interesting"
subtitle-108230-115610-23"quote. They're talking about the value to their own image in their industry or their"
subtitle-115610-124400-24"sector, the sector of public libraries, where the mere fact of engaging with such a"
subtitle-124910-132290-25"modern and Internet-age thing as Wikimedia proves that they are open to innovation and"
subtitle-132290-138800-26"to innovative projects despite whatever dusty image they might have had as a"
subtitle-139130-140660-27"centuries old institution."
subtitle-141230-147080-28"So that's another benefit to this establishment from the partnership and the"
subtitle-147080-157040-29"partner themselves, the representative of the partner, is attesting to this"
subtitle-157040-161600-30"effect. Is really stating it in their own voice, their own identity."
subtitle-161600-167120-31"So this is a great thing to quote or use in your evidence toolkit."
subtitle-167480-173150-32"Another example, this one is by the Scottish Culture Secretary."
subtitle-173480-178850-33"The minister of culture or..."
subtitle-179090-180620-34"I'm not sure if it's a minister or not."
subtitle-180620-184100-35"Anyway, in the Scottish government."
subtitle-184250-186590-36"And what does she say?"
subtitle-186590-191360-37"She says "the National Library of Scotland is one of Europe's major research and"
subtitle-191360-196310-38"reference libraries, offering world-class special collections as a rich resource to"
subtitle-196310-199130-39"promote Scotland's unique heritage and distinctive culture."
subtitle-199250-203750-40"With the many millions of people worldwide who view themselves as Scots, this"
subtitle-203750-208730-41"initiative", working with Wikimedia, "offers an easy and user friendly way for Wikipedia"
subtitle-208760-213650-42"users to enhance their learning about Scotland, its people and its place in the"
subtitle-213650-220100-43"world." You can see here that she is speaking her mission, this organization's"
subtitle-220100-227240-44"mission. The National Library of Scotland is interested in people who identify as Scots"
subtitle-227240-234860-45"all over the world, many Americans, etc., interested in them enhancing their learning"
subtitle-234860-238310-46"about Scotland, its people and its place in the world."
subtitle-238790-241400-47"She literally says, This is what we care about."
subtitle-241730-243710-48"We want this to be enhanced."
subtitle-243710-250070-49"And we find that Wikipedia, "Wikipedia users", she says, readers, people who consume"
subtitle-250070-256040-50"knowledge through Wikipedia, will be able to do that, thanks to this collaboration,"
subtitle-256040-257960-51"working with Wikipedia."
subtitle-258350-264320-52"Many millions of people worldwide will be able to do that, many more than would have"
subtitle-264320-269570-53"done that, if all this content were only available at the National Library of"
subtitle-269570-272110-54"Scotland's own website."
subtitle-272110-273500-55"This person gets it!"
subtitle-273830-279350-56"She understands that it's in their interest to share this knowledge through Wikipedia,"
subtitle-279350-281840-57"and not just keep it in the National Library site."
subtitle-283140-285030-58"So again, a useful example."
subtitle-286880-288020-59"Here's another example."
subtitle-288020-294410-60"This one is coming from New Zealand and it describes a six-week project led by one"
subtitle-294410-302870-61"person, that resulted in 50 new Wikipedia articles, 50 articles improved, 1000"
subtitle-302870-309470-62"photographs uploaded, 12 media articles, including international coverage by"
subtitle-309470-315200-63"Vietnamese paper and the British paper "The Telegraph", about this Wikipedia-at-large"
subtitle-315200-320180-64"project. So this is a much smaller scale project, and I'm deliberately giving you a"
subtitle-320180-322030-65"smaller example as well."
subtitle-322070-330890-66"It's a one person project in a particular area of New Zealand, and yet it had all this"
subtitle-330890-336440-67"impact and you are pointing to it and you have a link here, and you can show that even"
subtitle-336440-342290-68"such a relatively small, relatively localized partnership or project can get"
subtitle-342290-347060-69"international coverage, can get a lot of attention to the topics that you are"
subtitle-347720-350090-70"documenting or describing."
subtitle-352920-358360-71"And here's another quote that's offered to the partner."
subtitle-358370-363260-72"This one is again in connection with the castles and National Heritage partner:"
subtitle-363920-368210-73""The Wikimedia movement has had several successful image donation partnerships,"
subtitle-368210-375020-74"including such institutions as:", and now we give a list of successful partners we've"
subtitle-375020-380540-75"had, and you will notice that this list includes big international names – The"
subtitle-380540-383150-76"British Museum, everybody's heard of the British Museum."
subtitle-383150-389510-77"And if people from a less well known museum or Heritage Authority hear, "oh, the British"
subtitle-389510-391670-78"Museum has already worked with Wikimedia?"
subtitle-391670-396410-79"Well, so it's not such a crazy idea and we can also do it!" So you want to use the big"
subtitle-396410-401150-80"names: British Library, British Museum, the National Archives of the UK."
subtitle-401690-408860-81"But then, there's another component to this list: This example is coming from Central and"
subtitle-408860-414440-82"Eastern Europe. And so they're listing relevant institutions, institutions in"
subtitle-414440-419510-83"neighboring countries, including Serbia, Austria, Slovenia or the Visegrád four"
subtitle-419510-420620-84"countries like Poland."
subtitle-422140-429340-85"So not only the big names, it's also important, useful to mention neighbors or"
subtitle-429340-435220-86"countries that are culturally alike or something like that, because sometimes your"
subtitle-435220-439840-87"prospective partner may think something like, "Oh, well, yeah, the British Museum,"
subtitle-439840-442630-88"but they have a completely different context to us."
subtitle-442630-450550-89"They have a lot of money." If you're not in the that part of the world, you might say,"
subtitle-450550-454660-90""well, they're over there in England; they're nothing like us."
subtitle-454900-460600-91"They could do it. But maybe we can't, maybe it can't work in a context such as ours." And"
subtitle-460600-463030-92"that's where this second list comes in handy!"
subtitle-463600-467740-93"You say, "no, no, no! It's not just the British Museum or the National Archives of"
subtitle-467740-470680-94"the United States or or Oxford University!"
subtitle-470680-473200-95"No, it's also partners in Serbia!"
subtitle-473200-478600-96"Partners in Slovenia, partners in countries like ours!" In this case, in the neighborhood"
subtitle-478630-480070-97"of Central and Eastern Europe."
subtitle-480550-485320-98""These were different in scale or timeline, ranging from one time donations to repeated"
subtitle-485320-490720-99"donations from a few hundred images to several thousands." So again, we're making"
subtitle-490720-496660-100"the point that not everything has to be super big, not everything has to be a years"
subtitle-496660-498010-101"long relationship."
subtitle-498310-500380-102"And that's why this paragraph is a good one."
subtitle-500380-505150-103"It sends a very comprehensive field of opportunity."
subtitle-506200-508390-104"We could do it big. We could do it small."
subtitle-508720-513340-105"It's been done in the West, it's been done in Eastern Europe, etc.."
subtitle-514850-517460-106"So this is a good paragraph."
subtitle-519890-525450-107"And here is again an example of making things concrete."
subtitle-525470-532250-108"This is a table that shows a list of castles and the specific status of the knowledge"
subtitle-532250-535550-109"about those castles right now on the local Wikipedia."
subtitle-536510-538870-110"So you see that we have articles about most of them."
subtitle-538880-543000-111"There's one that says "No", but how good are these articles?"
subtitle-543020-544490-112"What is the size of the article?"
subtitle-544500-548180-113"So you can see that number two and four have an OK size, whatever that means."
subtitle-548180-553970-114"But the first and third one should be expanded and the fifth and seventh one are"
subtitle-553970-556250-115"very short. What is the status of the sources?"
subtitle-556850-558200-116"What about images?"
subtitle-559160-564260-117"For example, the first one has only exterior images of the castle, nothing from inside,"
subtitle-564260-567850-118"and they're not very recent, etc., etc.."
subtitle-567860-577520-119"So we're showing the partner very concretely a snapshot of the state right now"
subtitle-577550-582200-120"of content and knowledge about the things they care about, in this case, specific"
subtitle-582200-586580-121"castles. But again, this is something that's relatively easy for us as Wikipedians to sort"
subtitle-586580-591230-122"of put together, and it gives it to them in one slide so they can look at it and go, "Oh,"
subtitle-591230-592490-123"yeah, there's a lot to improve."
subtitle-592490-597920-124"There's a lot to do here, and we can partner with Wikipedia to do it." Rather than just"
subtitle-597920-601730-125"sending them themselves to Wikipedia and saying, "Oh, look at the articles about the"
subtitle-601730-606890-126"castles and you'll see there's a lot to improve," If we do the work and combine it"
subtitle-606890-610730-127"and concentrate it into a single slide, it makes more of an impression."
subtitle-613210-623070-128"Another example: This one is showing the impact of working with the wiki club, the"
subtitle-623070-624210-129"local wiki club."
subtitle-624480-629850-130"For example, the wiki club and the Association for Rare Diseases had a"
subtitle-629850-635100-131"partnership. The goal was to raise public awareness about the existence of diagnoses"
subtitle-635100-636720-132"for rare diseases."
subtitle-636900-642660-133"So in February, as the month of rare diseases, every day a new rare disease was"
subtitle-642660-647730-134"read in the media under the slogan "Let's get to know rare diseases." So it was read in"
subtitle-647730-649230-135"either the radio or TV."
subtitle-649350-655470-136"We as the wiki club contributed by processing the same article that went on the"
subtitle-655470-658050-137"media every day as a Wikipedia article."
subtitle-658230-664050-138"So by creating or improving a Wikipedia article about that rare disease of the day."
subtitle-664790-670790-139"By sharing our link to their platform, to the Association of Rare Diseases, the"
subtitle-670790-674660-140"awareness has increased and thus the use of the encyclopedia has increased."
subtitle-674780-680660-141"That is why our slogan was and still is, "so that those who know about rare diseases are"
subtitle-680660-686930-142"not rare". "From this collaboration, we as the local wiki club became part of the World"
subtitle-686930-690260-143"Organization for Rare Diseases and their partners."
subtitle-691130-695090-144"And the Wikipedia education newspaper wrote about us as a good example."
subtitle-695090-699530-145"The media showed interest and wrote articles about us and did several interviews."
subtitle-699560-707440-146"The partnership resulted in over 80 articles on rare diseases." So again, this is while"
subtitle-707440-712840-147"talking to a new prospective partner, but you're showing them a very concrete example"
subtitle-712840-720160-148"of how working with Wikipedia, improving content, actually helped put that spotlight"
subtitle-720160-726160-149"of attention on something that the partner cares about, in this case, rare diseases."
subtitle-728940-730920-150"Another useful quote."
subtitle-730920-733370-151"This one again coming from Brazil."
subtitle-733380-736290-152"And again, first of all, let's look at who says this."
subtitle-736320-743640-153"This is the Brazilian National Archives director, the director of National Archives"
subtitle-743640-746970-154"of Brazil. That's a big country, big national archives."
subtitle-746970-753930-155"And this is the director, a very high ranking person in the cultural sector in"
subtitle-753930-759610-156"Brazil is saying this and they say: The GLAM initiative from Wikipedia has already"
subtitle-759610-764160-157"published items for more than 100 institutions on all continents."
subtitle-764160-768160-158"In Brazil, more than 500 images began to illustrate entries in the virtual"
subtitle-768160-772990-159"encyclopedia and documents from the National Archives, such as the Golden Law, the"
subtitle-772990-776470-160"country's constitutions, and the institutional acts of the military"
subtitle-776470-782260-161"dictatorship. This completely changes the citizen's relationship with the"
subtitle-782260-788290-162"documentation", says the deputy director general, Diego Barbosa."
subtitle-788680-791410-163"So he's deputy director general or director of whatever."
subtitle-791710-799270-164"The point is, this person who is senior at the National Archives, is telling you that"
subtitle-799270-806650-165"putting those images on Wikipedia and Commons, putting it there changes the"
subtitle-806650-808510-166"citizen's relationship with the documentation!"
subtitle-810250-811990-167"That's a pretty strong statement."
subtitle-812440-817960-168"The person in charge of holding these documents at the National Archives is"
subtitle-817960-823660-169"admitting that there is a difference when the documents, or at least the images of the"
subtitle-823660-829120-170"documents, are available digitally, comfortably through Wikipedia to discover, to"
subtitle-829120-836710-171"see, than only to people who actually show up at the national archive and ask for the"
subtitle-836710-841600-172"document. The fact it is digital, free unpaywalled, etc."
subtitle-841810-846620-173"makes a difference "to the citizen's relationship with the documentation"."
subtitle-846640-852820-174"I think that's a very interesting phrase that can be effective if you're talking to"
subtitle-852820-855460-175"other managers of archives, etc.."
subtitle-856800-859500-176"Here's another example from Brazil."
subtitle-861740-866840-177"The same guy, but also someone from the Paulista Museum in São Paulo."
subtitle-868130-872540-178""It is very important for the Brazilian population to know its history so that there"
subtitle-872540-879770-179"is a feeling of belonging." Yes, an agency, etc."
subtitle-880490-887120-180""The law on access to information provides for passive but also active transparency."
subtitle-887150-892910-181"The agencies have an obligation to reveal a series of data spontaneously."
subtitle-892940-896720-182"This documentation belongs to society, not to the state."
subtitle-896750-904250-183"The archives were created to restrict access and are now being passed for this new phase"
subtitle-904250-911720-184"of expanding access." So again, these are people who really understand the"
subtitle-911720-918920-185"transformative role of making documents digitally available, freely available, rather"
subtitle-918920-925460-186"than hoarding them at the archive and protecting them from the public, restricting"
subtitle-925460-927170-187"them from access."
subtitle-927500-928940-188"So that's a good quote."
subtitle-930620-933440-189"Here's a different kind of story."
subtitle-933860-939950-190"This one is an actual scholarly article from the Journal of Economics and Management"
subtitle-939950-946760-191"Strategy. And you can see that there are a few academics here who wrote a paper called"
subtitle-946760-948770-192"Wikipedia Matters."
subtitle-949250-952820-193"And in this paper, I'm only bringing you the abstract, but you're welcome to look at the"
subtitle-952820-961700-194"paper, they document a causal impact of online user generated information on real"
subtitle-961700-964250-195"world economic outcomes."
subtitle-965690-971960-196"The impact of user generated information, that is, Wikipedia articles, for example, on"
subtitle-971960-974480-197"real world economic outcomes."
subtitle-974480-982520-198"In other words, content on Wikipedia has economic outcomes or benefits, and in"
subtitle-982520-990020-199"particular, they did a randomized field experiment to see whether additional content"
subtitle-990020-997100-200"on Wikipedia pages about cities affects tourists' choices of overnight visits."
subtitle-997700-1004000-201"In other words, whether creating a better article about a certain city would result in"
subtitle-1004000-1008920-202"more tourists choosing that city to stay in."
subtitle-1010110-1016200-203"And the findings highlight the value of content in digital public goods for informing"
subtitle-1016230-1018630-204"individual choices."
subtitle-1020340-1025080-205"The impact is largely driven by improvements to shorter and relatively incomplete pages on"
subtitle-1025080-1029970-206"Wikipedia. So maybe the article about Paris is already very good."
subtitle-1029970-1034440-207"And also Paris is already a very popular tourist destination, so you won't see an"
subtitle-1034440-1040790-208"effect there. But if you have a relatively poor article or no article about a smaller,"
subtitle-1040800-1046950-209"less famous city and you improve it and you make it high quality, that could actually"
subtitle-1046950-1050340-210"affect tourists' choice to visit that city."
subtitle-1050670-1059550-211"That's a very interesting, statistically demonstrated effect by scholars."
subtitle-1059550-1065070-212"That's an interesting piece of evidence to bring, here about the tourism field."
subtitle-1065070-1074940-213"But we can assume that similar effects could be about, whether a zoo is visited more"
subtitle-1074940-1079770-214"because the article about the zoo is better, and has more pictures."
subtitle-1080550-1083980-215"I predict that there will be, probably, a similar effect."
subtitle-1084000-1092310-216"Anyway, we can at least suggest to a partner that this is one case or one aspect in which"
subtitle-1092310-1095520-217"Wikipedia has a real world economic impact."
subtitle-1095520-1096810-218"Economic benefit."
subtitle-1097230-1102450-219"In this case, it is presented to the tourism partner, to a partner in the tourism"
subtitle-1102450-1105900-220"industry. So it's especially relevant and interesting to show."
subtitle-1108130-1111760-221"And here's another scientific paper."
subtitle-1112090-1116770-222"Wikipedia in the tourism industry, forecasting demand and modeling usage"
subtitle-1116770-1126250-223"behavior. Basically this one is trying to see whether monitoring the"
subtitle-1126250-1134110-224"usage of Wikipedia articles, monitoring page views, can predict behavior of tourists."
subtitle-1134110-1136480-225"So it's a very similar topic to the other one."
subtitle-1136630-1144480-226"It's a different approach, but basically, they also find that the better the content on"
subtitle-1144480-1150550-227"Wikipedia, the more likely tourists are to pick that destination."
subtitle-1150570-1158730-228"So another example of a very relevant and serious piece of evidence that you can"
subtitle-1158730-1161040-229"include in your toolkit if it's relevant."
subtitle-1161310-1163470-230"In this case, the tourism industry."