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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Studying a prospective partner

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Studying a prospective partner"
display_name"Studying a prospective partner"
subtitle-960-4260-1"So this is assignment number four."
subtitle-4290-7500-2"Again, shouldn't take you much more than half an hour."
subtitle-7770-9450-3"No more than an hour, tops."
subtitle-11670-16350-4"Moving on to our final subject for the day."
subtitle-16440-19650-5"And this is about studying our prospective partners."
subtitle-20160-29640-6"So we've had a list of prospective partners, and now we zoom in a little more, because"
subtitle-29640-34410-7"partnerships are not just based on benefit, as we've discussed so far, but also on trust"
subtitle-35190-40050-8". Before people partner with you, they need to trust you, at least tentatively trust you."
subtitle-40860-45330-9"Establish trust. One of the best things you can do sometimes – even just to get their"
subtitle-45330-51360-10"attention – one of the best things you can do is to demonstrate that we understand the"
subtitle-51360-56460-11"partner, that we speak their language, that we know what they care about."
subtitle-56580-62520-12"The partner, quite apart from what we care about, from what we want from them, we first"
subtitle-62520-64890-13"need to show that we know, we understand them."
subtitle-66950-74810-14"And to do that, we need to actually spend time studying our potential partner, and we"
subtitle-74810-80480-15"should try to do so as much as possible on the partner's terms, regardless of the"
subtitle-80480-81890-16"partnership we're interested in."
subtitle-82190-87860-17"We need to somehow curb our enthusiasm, our eagerness to already think about, "Oh, and"
subtitle-87860-92450-18"you'll give us this and we'll do that...", put that aside and try to really pay"
subtitle-92450-98150-19"attention to what the partner cares about, what the partner is doing, including in"
subtitle-98150-104570-20"fields and areas that you, the Wikipedians, are less interested in; because the partner"
subtitle-104990-106280-21"is interested in it!"
subtitle-106700-112280-22"So really put aside your idea about the partnership and just try to understand this"
subtitle-112280-117680-23"partner as an organization or as a group: what they want, what they care about."
subtitle-118340-119960-24"And this thing does take time."
subtitle-119960-122750-25"I told you the stakeholder mapping shouldn't take a lot of time."
subtitle-122750-124700-26"This activity does take time."
subtitle-124700-125840-27"So how do we do it?"
subtitle-126050-128360-28"And I want to really demonstrate a technique here."
subtitle-131520-137700-29"The technique is reading or listening to your partner in their own words."
subtitle-137970-145080-30"You need to look up your partner's self descriptive documents; for example, their"
subtitle-145080-149850-31"mission statement. We now know all about the mission statement and how a well crafted"
subtitle-149850-151950-32"mission statement really expresses quite a lot."
subtitle-152860-158280-33"So we should read the mission statement of your prospective partner, if they have one."
subtitle-158850-163950-34"Maybe they have an annual report, maybe last year's annual report, that is public, that"
subtitle-163950-166710-35"you can read, just their official website."
subtitle-166890-167940-36"What does it say?"
subtitle-169110-174540-37"Maybe they don't have much of a mission statement and stuff, but they gave a speech,"
subtitle-174540-175590-38"or an interview."
subtitle-175590-181680-39"I say speech or interview, not a newspaper article about a speech or an interview."
subtitle-181680-184260-40"Is the partner speaking in their own voice?"
subtitle-184560-185970-41"This is what we're looking for here."
subtitle-186210-190410-42"A speech or an interview where the partner or representatives of the partner are"
subtitle-190410-195960-43"actually expressing themselves, the partner's, the organization's views, wishes,"
subtitle-195960-197220-44"plans, etc."
subtitle-197940-199500-45"This is what we're looking for."
subtitle-200100-205050-46"And why is it important to pay attention to the self description?"
subtitle-205050-211530-47"Why am I making such a point of looking for the way the partner speaks about themselves?"
subtitle-212190-219630-48"The reason is you learn a lot by looking and reading and listening to how people describe"
subtitle-219630-221430-49"themselves in their organizations."
subtitle-221430-225930-50"We've already gotten a bit of a taste of it by doing the exercise about our own groups,"
subtitle-225930-227730-51"and now we're going to do an exercise."
subtitle-227730-230700-52"I'm going to demonstrate reading about other organizations."
subtitle-236270-239660-53"Additionally, you want to read about your partner."
subtitle-240440-246830-54"So the first segment is reading the partner in their own words, whether on their site or"
subtitle-246830-248030-55"on the mission or whatever."
subtitle-248030-249770-56"But then you supplement it."
subtitle-249770-253160-57"You add to that reading about your partner."
subtitle-253160-257410-58"You want to find descriptions of your partner and their work by others."
subtitle-257420-265610-59"This could be news coverage, but I want you to try to distinguish PR – public relations –"
subtitle-265610-267800-60"from actual reportage."
subtitle-268640-274430-61"Very often you see something in the news, in a news website or a newspaper or something,"
subtitle-274430-277430-62"but in fact, it is a glorified press release."
subtitle-278360-283400-63"For those who don't know, the press release is a piece of communication issued by an"
subtitle-283400-291140-64"organization sent to media vessels with the goal of having them publish it, with"
subtitle-291140-296180-65"variations, or at least publish a story and article based on the press release."
subtitle-298380-302100-66"Those of you who have some experience with this know that sometimes the press release is"
subtitle-302100-304650-67"published literally as-is."
subtitle-305310-307080-68"In other cases, they rewrite it a little bit."
subtitle-307320-311280-69"Sometimes they even pick up the phone or an email and ask a few follow up questions and"
subtitle-311280-316350-70"then write an article still largely based on the press release; in other words, largely"
subtitle-316350-321420-71"expressing what the organization wanted to express in the first place."
subtitle-321900-324180-72"So that's one kind of coverage."
subtitle-324180-328680-73"But there is another kind of coverage where a real journalist, a real reporter, is"
subtitle-328680-333810-74"actually doing reporting, is actually investigating, covering, asking questions,"
subtitle-333810-338700-75"interviewing, and then putting together a story that didn't start as a press release"
subtitle-338700-340320-76"coming from the organization."
subtitle-340710-344700-77"Now, it is out of scope for us to really learn how this all works."
subtitle-344700-348270-78"This is kind of a communications training that we will leave for another opportunity."
subtitle-348270-353550-79"But I'm just calling out that not every piece of coverage in the news is objective"
subtitle-353550-358260-80"reporting. Very often, if you scratch it a little bit, you will see it's basically a"
subtitle-358260-359940-81"press release, it's basically a promotional piece."
subtitle-361440-368520-82"But you may want to find what other partners of your partner are writing about them, even"
subtitle-368520-370380-83"if the other partners are completely irrelevant."
subtitle-370890-375870-84"For us as Wikipedians, it's still interesting to learn about your potential"
subtitle-375870-380040-85"partner from other groups that have partnered with them, even if they partnered"
subtitle-380040-382440-86"about irrelevant things."
subtitle-382440-386130-87"It's interesting to see how they describe the partner, how they describe working with"
subtitle-386130-388170-88"the partner, etc."
subtitle-388170-393150-89"And you can also find descriptions of your partner from the beneficiaries of the"
subtitle-393150-398550-90"partner's work, like the general public or the specific parts of society that this"
subtitle-398550-401430-91"partner organization serves or interacts with."
subtitle-402540-404850-92"Again, I don't have a recipe for you to follow here."
subtitle-404850-409050-93"It's a very general description, but I hope you get the point, as distinct from the"
subtitle-409050-411180-94"documentation from the partner."
subtitle-411180-417060-95"We also want to see what we can find on the open Internet about the partner."