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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Assignment 8: feedback and examples

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Assignment 8: feedback and examples"
display_name"Assignment 8: feedback and examples"
subtitle-1190-5780-1"And finally for this section, feedback on assignment eight."
subtitle-5780-9170-2"Assignment eight was the elevator pitch."
subtitle-9920-19580-3"That's where we actually finally put our PVP into a compelling, customized statement"
subtitle-19940-21950-4"meant for the partner to hear."
subtitle-22710-29820-5"And I gave you, when I taught the section, I gave you a sample template for a pitch."
subtitle-29850-31380-6"Of course it's just a sample."
subtitle-32220-38580-7"And many of you adopted my sample pitch kind of as it was, and that's fine."
subtitle-38580-42780-8"But I actually have a little improvement to that template that I should have made."
subtitle-43200-47310-9"I opened it with "we could", we could do this and we could do that."
subtitle-47910-57420-10"And on second thought, "we could" introduces the subtlest note of doubt to the pitch that"
subtitle-57420-59640-11"maybe would be better left out of it."
subtitle-59820-61740-12"It may also depend on the culture."
subtitle-62250-68580-13"But if we say "we can", we can do this, it's more positive, more assertive."
subtitle-69830-76420-14"And would go down better, at least in some cultures and for some listeners."
subtitle-76430-80930-15"So just consider if you want to use "we can" instead of "we could"."
subtitle-81080-84410-16"Or of course, you don't have to start with those words at all."
subtitle-85010-90830-17"Feel free to improvise or to pick other compelling phrases."
subtitle-92390-99710-18"But I also want to remind as a general piece of feedback that the elevator pitch should be"
subtitle-100010-102950-19"a complete expression of the PVP."
subtitle-102980-109670-20"It should be a dressed-up and partner -oriented re-expression of our PVP, but it"
subtitle-109670-113180-21"should convey the same elements of the PVP."
subtitle-113210-120350-22"It's just that it should already be phrased in partner centered language, like you and"
subtitle-120350-126080-23"your and we should maybe add some persuasive detail, which we didn't bother with in the"
subtitle-126080-131090-24"PVP. The PVP was just very straight up stating, "This is the benefit, this is the"
subtitle-131090-133760-25"benefit and this is what we do, this is what we put in"."
subtitle-134030-138410-26"But when we're trying to convince someone to pay attention, when we're trying to convince"
subtitle-138410-144020-27"someone that there's value here, we may want to add some persuasive detail that, strictly,"
subtitle-144020-145880-28"isn't part of the PVP."
subtitle-146120-147740-29"So that's the difference."
subtitle-147740-152510-30"In case you're still confused about how is the pitch different from the PVP; it's not"
subtitle-152510-153590-31"all that different."
subtitle-153590-156230-32"It's the PVP, but it's dressed up."
subtitle-156230-166040-33"It has a few more notes of orientation towards the partner and maybe some"
subtitle-166040-169460-34"persuasive detail, and we will see some examples of that."
subtitle-172980-175830-35"So here's an example of an elevator pitch."
subtitle-176720-181970-36""We could upgrade your student skills by providing them training and workshops on"
subtitle-181970-183470-37"Mediawiki software."
subtitle-183950-189860-38"These students can help us in providing better user experience on various Wikipedia"
subtitle-189860-192410-39"projects, which are absolutely free and open source."
subtitle-193490-199400-40"We are expecting from you just a group of interested students, classroom or lab for"
subtitle-199400-202400-41"training and certificates for participants."
subtitle-202400-207770-42"And we will provide training and mentoring by top class trainers from our diverse"
subtitle-207770-209390-43"international community."
subtitle-209960-219140-44"The partnership will help the university to showcase its values with excellence." So this"
subtitle-219140-221150-45"is an expression of a PVP."
subtitle-222590-226250-46"We will provide training for your students and upgrade their skills."
subtitle-226250-227510-47"That's a benefit to you."
subtitle-227540-233690-48"Your students could help us improve user experience on Wikipedia projects by improving"
subtitle-233690-238520-49"the Mediawiki software, and here's what we're expecting from you."
subtitle-238520-239810-50"So that's what you've put in to the partnership."
subtitle-240680-243710-51"You will provide the students, the lab, etc."
subtitle-244250-246110-52"and we will provide the training."
subtitle-246350-249520-53"We will provide the trainers from our community."
subtitle-249520-252110-54"Very clear elements of the PVP here."
subtitle-252320-257300-55"And it has this little addition: "This partnership will help the university showcase"
subtitle-257300-262280-56"its values with excellence." This is a sentence that has nothing to do with the PVP,"
subtitle-262280-266090-57"but it appeals to what the university cares about."
subtitle-266480-271670-58"Presumably, right? Presumably this sentence is the result of the partner research that"
subtitle-271670-276740-59"we've done, and presumably this somehow speaks to what they care about."
subtitle-278840-280310-60"Here's another example."
subtitle-281480-287930-61""We could achieve a greater dissemination of this art from the province of whatever in"
subtitle-287930-293090-62"Wikipedia, which would help promote the revitalization of the territory in which it"
subtitle-293090-298070-63"is located, as well as quality and diversified content and new Wikipedia editors"
subtitle-298070-301310-64"with partner materials and Wikimedia training,"
subtitle-302510-306920-65"by organizing a set of sessions for the public and the partner staff, and the"
subtitle-306920-313350-66"dissemination and follow up campaign." So, so far, again, a statement of the PVP."
subtitle-313350-315570-67"I hope you recognize the elements by now."
subtitle-315570-316970-68"Benefit to you. Benefit to us."
subtitle-316980-318060-69"This is what we'll do."
subtitle-318450-324810-70"But note the second part: "we already partner with, for example, several state"
subtitle-324810-332010-71"museums or the national whatever institute, through which images from their archives were"
subtitle-332010-337310-72"uploaded and used in a multitude of Wikipedia articles in different languages,"
subtitle-337320-342860-73"improving the quality of the content." So this whole bit again has nothing to do with"
subtitle-342860-350450-74"the PVP for this partnership, but it is additional compelling material."
subtitle-350690-357470-75"It's additional persuasive context for why you might want to work with us."
subtitle-357470-358730-76"We've already done this."
subtitle-358730-363380-77"We have other partners like you, museums and institutes or whatever."
subtitle-363380-368090-78"We have taken images from their collection and not just put it on Wikipedia, but we've"
subtitle-368090-374930-79"put it on Wikipedia in different languages, which is an angle that the partner may not"
subtitle-374930-376310-80"have thought of until now."
subtitle-377030-382580-81"And so again, you can see that it's the PVP plus, it's a little dressed up and it has"
subtitle-382580-385400-82"more persuasive language."
subtitle-387170-388640-83"Here's another example."
subtitle-388910-393680-84""We could achieve the partner's goal to provide -- your goal -- to provide"
subtitle-393680-398750-85"accessibility for your activities, as well as Wikimedia chapter's intent to promote and"
subtitle-398750-403880-86"secure access to knowledge and cultural assets, by encouraging people from all parts"
subtitle-403880-408100-87"of the local society to share their knowledge and create free content."
subtitle-408110-412640-88"This can be done with your resources and Wikimedia's investment by training and"
subtitle-412640-418280-89"coordination for a hackathon or editathon to upload materials to Wikimedia Commons, to"
subtitle-418280-424130-90"begin with. We can later come up with more ways to cooperate to achieve more common"
subtitle-424130-428780-91"goals. We already partner with other organizations to do so, like the National"
subtitle-428780-431510-92"Library or whatever institute, etc."
subtitle-431510-438200-93"and got great results in terms of statistics and positive feedbacks." So a similar"
subtitle-438200-445640-94"expression of PVP, a similar assertion that we already do this, we already have success."
subtitle-445640-451640-95"So you could get the same benefits that we already get and that our partners already get"
subtitle-451640-454310-96"from similar partnerships."
subtitle-454490-458750-97"Importantly, we had here statistics and positive feedbacks."
subtitle-458900-464510-98"The word statistics is kind of a hook, and maybe our partner will go "statistics?"
subtitle-464510-468620-99"What do you mean? What numbers can you show me?" Which, of course, is an opening for us"
subtitle-468620-470990-100"to introduce beyond the elevator pitch."
subtitle-470990-472730-101"Remember, that's the very quick pitch."
subtitle-472730-477470-102"But this is an opportunity, a door that the partner may choose to knock on, or to open."
subtitle-477800-481640-103"And then we we can say, "oh, yeah, we can show you a whole bunch of statistics!" And"
subtitle-481640-487940-104"kind of lead into a longer conversation, more detailed conversation about the"
subtitle-487940-488990-105"potential partnership."
subtitle-488990-492080-106"Just the word statistics can be a hook like that."
subtitle-492920-500180-107"And one more example, this one is phrased literally as an elevator pitch."
subtitle-500180-506330-108"Suppose you're in the elevator with some senior person in the organization, Creative"
subtitle-506330-510500-109"Examplia, and you just tell them "So have you heard of Wikipedia?"
subtitle-510530-511670-110"I'm an editor."
subtitle-511670-516080-111"We're hoping to partner with Creative Examplia to better highlight all the work"
subtitle-516080-520370-112"Creative Examplia does to support performing arts in Examplia."
subtitle-521000-524030-113"Have you looked at performing arts pages on Wikipedia lately?"
subtitle-524570-526730-114"They are in pretty poor state."
subtitle-526730-531680-115"We don't even have a page for Theater in Examplia or a list of theater companies, and"
subtitle-531680-535670-116"hardly any of the arts whatever award winners have their own pages." You remember"
subtitle-535670-542120-117"this from previous examples, so you notice we don't jump into the PVP here, we are using"
subtitle-542120-545030-118"these phrases of provoking interest."
subtitle-546800-550370-119""do you realize that the content is in poor shape and that there's not enough"
subtitle-550370-556670-120"coverage...", these are things this partner cares about, so we are reminding the partner"
subtitle-556670-561950-121"that this is something they should care about before we go into the PVP."
subtitle-562710-568500-122"Then we say: "our group of Wikipedia editors really love to create content that highlights"
subtitle-568500-570750-123"Examplia subjects, our country."
subtitle-570990-574560-124"We think it would be great for all of us if we could improve the content on the big"
subtitle-574560-577410-125"performing arts awards in their winners, for instance."
subtitle-577410-583080-126"If we could use information that you, the partner, hold on theater companies, major"
subtitle-583080-587310-127"events, awards and so on, we could make a pretty big difference and quite quickly."
subtitle-587670-593920-128"And because it's on Wikipedia, it would be a difference the whole world could see." Notice"
subtitle-593920-600070-129"the sentence again, not part of the PVP, but reminding our partner Wikipedia is a huge"
subtitle-600070-605740-130"megaphone or a huge channel to reach the entire world."
subtitle-606920-608070-131""Well, this is my floor."
subtitle-608090-612730-132"It was nice meeting you. I hope we can work together sometime." You hand over your card."
subtitle-612730-617840-133""Let me know if we can do anything together on Wikipedia." So I like this because it is"
subtitle-618530-621110-134"scripted, like an actual scene."
subtitle-621110-625730-135"You can see it happen and it's very, you can see that it's very light, very casual."
subtitle-625730-628730-136"It's not pushy or oppressive."
subtitle-628730-634460-137"You can literally approach someone you don't know, who is a relevant person at the"
subtitle-634460-641690-138"partner, and just speak these two paragraphs at them and then hand them your card or your"
subtitle-641690-651500-139"Twitter handle or whatever, and invite them to get in touch or to have a deeper,"
subtitle-651500-653120-140"longer conversation about it."
subtitle-653120-655670-141"This is an excellent elevator pitch."
subtitle-655670-662150-142"It spends the first paragraph establishing interest and then it says how we could help"
subtitle-662150-662750-143"each other."