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WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: How to Inform the Community - part 2

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description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: How to Inform the Community - part 2"
display_name"How to Inform the Community - part 2"
subtitle-40-8100-1"Touching on [someone]'s question about when to inform, I think the best time to inform"
subtitle-8100-13860-2"the community is not the moment you have an idea, but actually after you've done the"
subtitle-13860-18540-3"preparation. So more or less right now where we are in the course, when you've already"
subtitle-18540-24060-4"built your evidence toolkit, your pitch, and you're basically ready to pitch to the"
subtitle-24060-27330-5"partner, first, talk to the community."
subtitle-28230-34050-6"It gives you a chance to catch any serious obstacles or any objections."
subtitle-34050-38700-7"But at the same time, if there's a lot of support, you are ready to go ahead instead of"
subtitle-38700-43260-8"getting a bunch of support on-wiki, but then you need two months to start working on all"
subtitle-43260-44430-9"of your materials."
subtitle-44790-47580-10"So I think that's the perfect time to inform the community."
subtitle-47910-54120-11"And then once a partnership has been agreed to, you should inform the community again,"
subtitle-54120-55830-12"and say, "Hey, remember this thing?"
subtitle-55830-58560-13"So we have agreed we are doing it."
subtitle-58560-63600-14"And then now that we've agreed, here is the timeline, here are some initial tasks, help"
subtitle-63600-65340-15"welcome, etc., etc."."
subtitle-65340-71070-16"So I think ideally you want to inform the community at least twice: once just before"
subtitle-71070-73290-17"you are entering kind of the serious negotiation."
subtitle-74130-78690-18"And again, it's okay if you have some background talks with the partner, some"
subtitle-78690-82410-19"initial meetings with the partner, but before you are ready to really pitch the"
subtitle-83840-89880-21"And then again, if and when you have a positive result and you're ready to partner,"
subtitle-90030-92050-22"I mean, you have partnered."
subtitle-92050-97830-23"Now, when you describe that partnership on -wiki, I want to suggest to you that you"
subtitle-97830-103410-24"should spell out the roles for the community, because it may be obvious to you,"
subtitle-103410-105120-25"how other volunteers can get involved."
subtitle-105120-108540-26"Because you've been thinking about this partnership for a long time and you've been"
subtitle-108540-113460-27"submitting assignments to Asaf, but these other people are hearing about this for the"
subtitle-113460-117480-28"first time, and they may not be able to imagine, "Well, how do I fit in?"
subtitle-117480-122820-29"Where are my skills needed?" Because your description may not make obvious to them that"
subtitle-122820-124260-30"their skills are relevant."
subtitle-124440-130230-31"So spell out ways to get involved in the project, and you can start collecting lists"
subtitle-130230-131640-32"of interested individuals."
subtitle-131640-136080-33"And even if you don't have an immediate task for them, you can contact them down the road."
subtitle-136530-143850-34"Having told them that "down the road we will need people who can use GIMP or Photoshop."
subtitle-143850-147360-35"We will need people who like to edit videos."
subtitle-147360-152820-36"We will need social media experts." You can just state some of the needs and let people"
subtitle-153210-158400-37"volunteer or self list, so that you have a team ready to support you."
subtitle-161460-166440-38"Another thing is that you want to somehow set expectations with the community, and it"
subtitle-166440-171270-39"may help to remind the community that we don't control the partner."
subtitle-171270-175920-40"By the way, just like we tell the partner, we don't control Wikipedia, we cannot"
subtitle-175920-180930-41"guarantee you certain outcomes on Wikipedia, the same way we need to remind the community"
subtitle-180930-182520-42"sometimes, that we don't control the partner."
subtitle-183120-189240-43"And the partner may make newbie mistakes, even serious newbie mistakes, like copyright"
subtitle-189240-191880-44"violation, unintentionally!"
subtitle-192850-195970-45"Who among us was born an expert on copyright law?"
subtitle-197500-200860-46"No one, not even Commons admins."
subtitle-201130-205240-47"So, you know, most people don't know anything about copyright."
subtitle-205270-210340-48"Most people don't have the education and certainly don't have the level of detail that"
subtitle-210430-215260-49"Commons has spent thinking about copyright."
subtitle-215710-217690-50"So I'm sure you've all seen this."
subtitle-217690-218950-51"People don't know about copyright."
subtitle-218980-222610-52"People violate copyright every day on Facebook: They share memes."
subtitle-222610-224020-53"They post things."
subtitle-224020-228460-54"And so it's very easy to bring over this behavior onto Wikipedia."
subtitle-228460-229480-55"And you all know this."
subtitle-229480-232660-56"You've all encountered this, when teaching people how to edit."
subtitle-233020-237250-57"So your partner may make the same mistakes, or they may try to improve the article about"
subtitle-237250-238780-58"themselves, things like that."
subtitle-239800-241420-59"Yes. These are mistakes."
subtitle-241420-242890-60"These cannot be tolerated."
subtitle-242890-244060-61"They will be reverted."
subtitle-246190-247750-62"So it's okay."
subtitle-247780-254320-63"And your role as the person at the center of this partnership is to communicate between"
subtitle-254320-256450-64"both sides and to assume good faith."
subtitle-256600-261640-65"I encourage you don't automatically defend the partner."
subtitle-262180-269650-66"If the partner uploaded copyright-violating photos, or plagiarized text, don't just say,"
subtitle-269650-271480-67""hey, no, this is okay, because they're a partner..."."
subtitle-272590-274780-68"No, obviously it's not okay."
subtitle-275170-280480-69"But if the community starts fuming and frothing at the mouth and saying, "what, this"
subtitle-280480-284620-70"partner is no partner!", you can also de-escalate that,"
subtitle-284620-287050-71"and say, "okay, they don't know better."
subtitle-287200-288790-72"I'm going to explain it to them."
subtitle-288790-290920-73"By all means, let's undo those edits."
subtitle-290920-296140-74"Let's delete that file, and then I'm going to discuss it with the partner, and then we"
subtitle-296140-301780-75"will upload materials properly." Your job is to de-escalate on both sides, and the partner"
subtitle-301780-306700-76"equally may be upset that they got deleted or they may be upset because some Wikipedian"
subtitle-306700-312610-77"was very curt to them, or wrote to them "stop violating copyright!", or maybe they"
subtitle-312610-318370-78"wrote to them, "you copied this from some other site, you're breaking the law!", which"
subtitle-318370-323080-79"is technically true, but maybe the partner was just not ready to be told they're"
subtitle-323080-325120-80"breaking the law. It sounds very dramatic."
subtitle-325660-331600-81"So, again, your role is to de-escalate on both sides, and calm everyone down, and make"
subtitle-331600-333640-82"sure that, yes, these are mistakes."
subtitle-333820-338080-83"Now that we understand that they are mistakes, we can correct them and move on,"
subtitle-338080-343240-84"and remind people, especially Wikipedians, none of us was born knowing this."
subtitle-343240-345070-85"Everybody has to learn this at one point or another."
subtitle-345460-347500-86"So the partner is learning it today."
subtitle-348770-353880-87"But it helps to sort of prepare the community, if the partner is a university and"
subtitle-353880-358220-88"they are going to involve a lot of students, we all know students have the"
subtitle-358220-363830-89"potential to write good quality work, informed by academic sources, but also"
subtitle-363830-365450-90"they're newbies, like all other newbies."
subtitle-365450-366800-91"They will make newbie mistakes."
subtitle-366800-368570-92"Some of them will try to plagiarize."
subtitle-368570-370550-93"Some of them will just screw up the syntax."
subtitle-371410-373840-94"It's completely normal, completely to be expected."
subtitle-374380-376760-95"But some people need reminding of this."
subtitle-376780-380920-96"Especially people who have been around so long, they literally don't remember what it's"
subtitle-380920-382510-97"like to be a newbie."
subtitle-383530-387100-98"So this is what I wanted to say about preparing the community."
subtitle-387490-392140-99"Now, what if, after all this, the community doesn't like it?"
subtitle-392170-394000-100"They don't like our plan."
subtitle-394000-395560-101"They don't like our announcement."
subtitle-396070-401830-102"Again, you probably won't get, and you shouldn't expect, universal approval."
subtitle-401860-404980-103"Very few ideas get 100% support."
subtitle-405400-410560-104"And I already told you you don't need permission, but you do need significantly"
subtitle-410560-414700-105"more support than active opposition."
subtitle-415380-424720-106"So generally, even if people don't like your idea, most people will tolerate it."
subtitle-424960-426700-107"Would say, "all right, I don't like it."
subtitle-426700-428860-108"I don't think it's useful. I think it's a waste of time."
subtitle-428860-434170-109"I don't think it's a valuable thing to do." But most of them won't try to actively"
subtitle-434170-439570-110"disrupt it. And for the few who would, we will spend some time."
subtitle-445100-447740-111"dealing with disruption in lesson seven."
subtitle-448640-450710-112"Again, that's the topic for a whole course."
subtitle-450710-455990-113"But I will share a few comments about how to deal with deliberate disruption."
subtitle-456080-461300-114"Most people will not try to disrupt your work, even if they don't think it's very"
subtitle-461300-470830-115"valuable, don't think it's worthwhile, think some other things should be done first, etc.."