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Wiki Id Africa/Wiki Loves Africa/Ambassadors

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This page is a translated version of the page Wiki In Africa/Wiki Loves Africa/Ambassadors and the translation is 80% complete.

Intangai ngangawi posisi hiti: Wiki Id Africa

Momolohou do duta 2024

Konteks Wiki Loves Africa

Now entering its 10th year, Wiki Loves Africa is one of the largest photography and media contests on the African continent. It is run across the whole continent, however, some specific actions (training, communication etc.) are held in some countries with national organisers.

Wiki Loves Africa has achieved much over 9 years:

  • Lobi 102,026 gambal notimung
  • 11,165 papaatod di oginggo
  • Gambal nointangan soginumu 1,044,490,672 (June 2022)
  • 337+ kaantakan id 26 pogun-pogun Africa
  • Gambal di nakaatod nointangan soginumu 25,072,328 monikid tulan (June 2022);
  • 80%+ ; i monongkiala nopo nga tulun wagu;
  • Wiki Love Afrika nakalantoi gambal ponihompit id suang Journeys Through Our Fragile Heritage pameran di UNESCO, Paris; om
  • Kakamot Wiki Lovs Africa’s ISA nopo nga ii nakalantoi do Multimedia Tool Prize di ogingo kopio id WikiData Conference 2019

Over the last 9 years, Wiki Loves Africa has been activated by up to 31 communities in 26 countries across Africa's many linguistic regions. We wish to provide more support for these linguistic communities, through effective communication in those languages.

The theme for the 2024 Wiki Loves Africa will be Africa Creates. The 2024 contest will take place from 1st March – 30th April 2024.

Paranan - WLA Duta Linguistic

Mogihum yahai 4 kouan do sumiliu Duta Wiki Loves Afrika Linguistik do popoingkawas koukaban ginawo do, support mamaso, om mampayat do piboia'an Wiki Love Afrika om ababayan di kopionit. Duta dii monguhup ndo do tiim pongonjulan sompomogunan om popotindu projek solinaid 2024 om kaanu popoidar kategori linguistik:

  • Perancis
  • Portugis
  • Inggeris
  • Arab

We are looking for people who have proven organizing experience within their language Wikimedia community. They must enjoy good standing amongst the members of their community accompanied by significant past participation experience in Wiki Loves Africa, and a passion for photography and other media (desirable). The roles are entirely remote and volunteer.

Tonggungan kohompit kanto, nga au abatos do, pointanud:

  • Translations - Translate (or facilitate community translations of) 2024 contest pages, resources, press releases, and publicity materials as provided by the international organizing team.
  • Social media - Assist with sharing contest information, publicity and social media materials amongst members of their linguistic communities.
  • Office Hours support - Participate in and encourage linguistic community attendance of the Wiki Loves Africa organizer office hours.
  • Sesi minluda- Mampai id suang om soguo' topik pinludaan tumanud korohian om komi mantad komuniti mongongobi.
  • Jury support - Nominate jurors to assist the international team with facilitating more linguistically balanced juries to ensure equal representation.
  • WLA Website - Translate (or facilitate community translations of) updated contest-related webpages, including information about representative communities.

Ababayan di kopisuai tumanud komuniti linguistik, Pomitanan:

  • mingo kopio o kopomodolinan mongok komuniti Perancis, nga au montok Komuniti English;)
  • iti oponsol kanto do mintorodok do kopomodolinan om Sosial Media di ongodimpot montok Portuguese, mantad juri sandad (tu aiso komuniti Porutguese di mampayat ...)
  • etc.

duta tosonong

Pomusarahai do mangaplai nung kihoro ko sumusuhut diti:

Kabaalan toponsol
  • 2+ toun kaba'alon id suang Wikimedia boros komuniti di otutunan - [Fr, Ar, Pt or En]
  • kitoilaan kokomoi Wikimedia Commons, kohompit lisin, kasagaan, etc.
  • Kaabalan momoguno English di kabagal do mikomunikasi miampai tiim sompomogunan.
  • Kaabalan mimboros boros tina montok duta boros di kinomoi.
  • Kaba'alon id monginsonong tinimungan om popoturidong komuniti,
  • Notutunan om kouhupan di kihinta id boros komuniti lokal miampai kaabalan boros kipiromutan.
  • Demonstrated experience contributing to websites (WordPress), social media platforms (such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, and/or Instagram), word processors and spreadsheets.
  • Kaba'alon kawawagu do Wiki Loves Afrika nopo nga bonus!
Kaabalan di nagatangan
  • Photography sabaagi rahi toi ko' profesion

Timpu om terma

  • Iti nopo nga posisi do volinteer.
  • 8 tulan linaid; tumimpuun 1hb Januari - tohuri 31 Ogos 2024.
  • Aga'o 3-5 jaam sominggu maso timpu timpak (January-April).


  • Aplai hiti
  • TADAUWULAN TOHURI DO PANGAPALAIAN: 4 Desember 2023 - Tangatuong , honggo nopo id pomogunan
  • Boros aplikasi : English toi ko' Perancis