Wiki Loves Living Heritage/German Nationwide Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage/list
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Star singers
Children and young people in central Europe dress as the Three Kings, walk from house to house, sing traditional and new carols, collect money for charity and bring the blessing for the new year to the people.
hunting with a trained bird of prey
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Craft techniques and customary practices of cathedral workshops, or Bauhütten, in Europe, know-how, transmission, development of knowledge and innovation
Knowledge and practices concerning the construction and maintenance of churches
Further Drachenstich
folk play in Furth im Wald, Bavaria, Germany
knowledge and skills of making watches
East Frisian Tea Culture
East Frisia has been a tea-drinking region for around 300 years. To this day, tea culture is a unifying cultural practice throughout East Frisia.
Historical Documentary Play “Landshut Wedding of 1475“
Historical documentary play every 4 years re-enacting the wedding of the Duke of Wittelsbach, Duke George the Rich of Bavaria-Landshut with the Polish princess Hedwig
China painting
Art of painting on ceramics
Dealing with the Pied Piper of Hameln
German legend
Paper Theatre
Small stage made of paper on which the technical diversity of a human stage can be imitated or tested in model form.
Swabian-Alemannic Carnival
carnival folkways of southwestern Germany, north-central Switzerland, Alsace (France) and Vorarlberg (Austria)
health science and profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including care of the newborn)
handmade glass production
craft of making glass objects using various techniques
modern dance
genre of western concert or theatrical dance
timber rafting
craft of rafting involving the transport of wood by waterway
Hessian Scratching Finery
Historic rendering in the rural building tradition in Hesse
charcoal burner
occupation of manufacturing charcoal
Natural healing methods with the aim of maintaining or restoring human health according to Sebastian Kneipp
Innercity Horticulture in Bamberg
Inner-city commercial vegetable gardening in Bamberg is accompanied by various social, religious, and corporate traditions of the gardeners. They are expressed e.g. in housing, clothing and language
Saint George Ride and Historical Sword Dance in Traunstein
Horse pilgrimage in honour of St. George every year on Easter Monday in Traunstein, Bavaria, with over 400 festively decorated riding horses and teams from the surrounding communities.
Traditional Funfair of Fuerth
Festival on the occasion of the anniversary of the consecration of St. Michael's Church in the 12th century
Eisenach's Summer Gain
Spring tradition in Eisenach, Thuringia, which focuses on the victory of summer over winter or of life over death.
Historical Play “The Master Draught” in Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Annual historical play in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Bavaria
Traditional Manufacturing of Darss Doors
Artfully carved doors from Darß, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
autonomous association of persons or organizations
The Passion Play of Oberammergau
passion play festival held in Oberammergau, Germany, since 1634
production of digital audiovisual works
reserve-print-process applied to natural materials such as linen, cotton or silk
The Forest Festival of Kamenz
The week-long school and home festival is always held around August 24

Breeding Trakehner Horses
Specific knowledge and expertise regarding Trakehner horses and their breeding

Hauberg Management in Siegerland and Adjacent Regions
locally anchored and sustainable form of forest management

Chess Tradition in Ströbeck
Lively practice of chess tradition in Ströbeck

Morse Telegraphy
By means of shorter and longer signalising elements messages can be sent as so-called Morse signals without materials

Wine Culture in Germany
culture and traditions concerning wine in Germany

The World Dance Program
Method of combining collective movement with music

Meadow Irrigation in the Queichwiesen Between Landau and Germersheim
Technique of meadow irrigationIt that is based on the sustainable use of water as a natural resource

Orchard Cultivation
Maintenance and management of orchards and fruit processing.

Palatinate Forest Hut Culture
In Pfälzerwald and the neighbouring regions non-profit local groups run huts for hikers, inns for travellers and refuges.They pass on traditions, information on regional nature conservation and knowledge about managing wooden huts and hiking paths

Planting and Care of Pleached Hedges
Pleached hedges are a cultural-historical practice of field fencing

The Tradition of The Shepherd's Run and Shepherd's Trade Market in Markgroeningen, Bad Urach and Wildberg
Key element of the tradition are the classic shepherd's run and various other playful contests

South German Nomadic Sheep Farming and Herding
In nomadic sheep farming, flocks of sheep, led by their shepherds, follow the available fodder supply in seasonal and local circles between summer, autumn and winter pastures

Traditional Carp Pond Culture in Bavaria
In Bavaria, small-scale pond landscapes developed as early as the Middle Ages, and their traditional cultivation by fishing companies gave rise to a species-rich cultural landscape

Traditional Meadow Irrigation in Franconia
Traditional irrigation uses gravity-fed drip systems

Traditional River Fishing at the River Sieg’s Mouth into the Rhine
Knowledge and skills concerning flora and fauna of the area, fishing techniques as well as crafts that contribute to the existence of fishing, such as net knitting and basket weaving

Transmission of Knowledge and Skills Regarding Carrier Pigeons
The racing pigeon sector includes keeping, breeding and assessing racing pigeons

Tree Fields Agriculture and Production of Dried Fruits in the Steigerwald
Traditional craftsmanship, knowledge about cultivated landscape and the preservation of local fruit varieties are the centre of this tradition.

Two-Rhythm Dance
Zwiefache is a typical Bavarian-Bohemian musical genre that is played, danced and sung

running at the ring
equestrian sport in which the rider has to spear a small ring at a gallop with a lance

The character of Kasper is a central figure in the puppet theatre. It embodies a play principle that evolves with social changes rather than being static

trombone choir
polyphonic amateur brass ensemble in which all instruments of the brass family can be found

Honorary Land Surveying in Bavaria
Field juries establish and protect voluntarily land and property boundaries for hundreds of years already

The Citizens’ Sons’ Parade of Lingen "The Kivelinge" from 1372
Historic market event and a big festival parade in honor of the citizens’ sons

The Tradition of the "Martensmann"
Since the Middle Age the Martensmann has delivered a barrel of wine from the Hanseatic City of Lübeck to the Dukes of Mecklenburg in Schwerin

Peter-and-Paul-Festival in Bretten
The festival is based on historical events and traditions, the siege of Bretten by Duke Ulrich von Württemberg in 1504

The “Rhineland Carnival” in all its Local Variants
Various local carnivals in Rhineland region in Germany

Barrel Hitting
Folk custom that is mainly practised near the coasts of Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. Equestrian competition in which the participants gallop through a course and hit a decorated barrel with a wooden club

Wunsiedel’s Fountain Festival
Festival in Wunsiedel, Bavaria

Finch Manoeuvre in Harz
Finch beauty and singing contest

Theatres and Orchestras in Germany and Their Socio-Cultural Spaces
Artistic forms of expression that can be experienced in a variety of genres, such as dramas, puppets theatres, operas, operettas, musicals, dances, concerts as well as in performative events of all kinds

Cemetery Culture in Germany
Design of cemeteries, burial practices and mourning and commemoration rituals in Germany

Malchow Folk Fair
Folk festival in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania

Choral Singing
Choral singing as a special form of choir music that has its origins in the early Middle ages

Manufacturing of a book block by binding paper, which can be finished with a gold or coloured edge

Choir Music in German Amateur Choirs
Music of choirs in German lay choirs

Historical Play „The Children’s Feast“ (Kinderzeche) in Dinkelsbühl
children's and Heimat festival, which celebrated a historical play of a local saga after which Dinkelsbühler children are said to have saved the city from the army of Sweden during the Thirty Years' War

Low German Theatre
Combination of theatre and the regional language Low German

Poetry-Slam in German-Speaking Regions
In a fixed time limit, self-written texts of any text form, such as poems, spoken word texts, stories or rap lyrics, may be recited

Non-Professional Instrumental Music-Making in Germany
instrumental music played by amateur musicians in Germany

Saxon Boy’s Choirs
In many parts of Germany and also beyond, there are boys’ choirs with a long tradition. From as long ago as the 13th Century boys’ choirs have existed in Saxony

Singing the Songs of the German Labour Movement
Typical songs in the context of actions of the labour movement are sung. Singing of these songs is an expression of the discrimination and suppression of those dependent upon their wages and of their resistance and confidence in the future

Regional Diversity of Dialect Theatre in Germany
Dialect theater and oral folk theater is practiced by several thousand amateur stages, more than a thousand of which are organized in associations.

Folk Dance Movement in all its Regional Variations in Germany
The folk dance movement is characterised by many different manifestations.Traditional regional music, the social environment and local customs characterise the respective forms and practices

Candlemas in Spergau
Celebrated every year at the beginning of February in Spergau, a district of the town of Leuna in Saxony-Anhalt

Children’s Festival in Barth
Every year, the Children's Festival takes place in the town of Barth in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where, among other things, a children's king and queen are chosen to hold the title for one year.

Easter-Wheel-Run in Luegde
On Easter Sunday Evening, in Luegde (North Rhine-Westphalia) burning oak wheels are rolled down a hillside outside the historic city centre

Forst’s Twitthimble-Game
Every year on Laetare Sunday, the game is performed a total of six times in Forst. It is a folk-play with rude words

Heiligenstadt’s Palm Sunday Procession
The Palm Sunday Procession of Heiligenstadt is a religious parade, which takes place annually on Sunday before Easter and moves a determined, traditional way through the town’s streets

Honorable Court of Fools in Grosselfingen
Southern German Carnival tradition maintained over centuries, which takes place in irregular intervals of three to seven years

Lime Tree Fair Limmersdorf
Festively dressed “Kerwaburschen” (young lads) dance with their “Kerwasmadla” (young maidens) round dances and waltzes accompanied by dance-band music on a podium in the crown of the tree

Miners' Parades and Processions in Saxony
Related traditions to mining, metallurgy and mining engineering are still alive today and contribute to the identity of their practitioners

Peace Festivals of Sennfeld and Gochsheim
The Peace Festivals in the municipalities of Sennfeld and Gochsheim date back to the regaining of imperial immediacy and the freedom to exercise the Protestant faith in 1649

Social Customs and Festivals of the Lusatian Sorbs over the Course of a Year
Varied living customs of the Sorbs in the course of the year

Carriage Rides for Saint Leonhard of Noblac in Bad Tölz
Pilgrimage in honour of St. Leonhard in Bad Tölz every year at the beginning of November

The Culture of Nativity Sets in Marktredwitz
Stones, roots, moss and berries are used to create an artistic mountain landscape in miniature, in which hundreds of small clay figures recreate everyday scenes from the mountains

The Grasedanz
The Grasedanz, in which women play the lead role, is a living tradition in two villages in the Harz region

Willibaldsritt in Jesenwang
Hundreds of people ride their horses in a celebratory procession through a Church

Craft Beer Brewing
Traditional craft of brewing beer

Artistic Printing Techniques of Relief, Gravure, Planographic, Pressure Printing and their Mixed Forms
In Germany and Europe, traditional artistic printing techniques are mainly maintained by visual artists today

Bobbin-Lace Making in the Upper Palatine Forest
Lace, threads wrapped around lathed sticks called “lace bobbins” are interwoven by systematic crossing and twisting

Painting, Setting and Gilding Techniques of Church Painters and Gilders
Traditional painting, setting and gilding techniques by church painters and gilders have provably existed for over 600 years

Pottery Tradition of Westerwald’s Stoneware in Höhr-Grenzhausen and Breitscheid
Traditional of the production of pottery in Westerwald

Preparation and Application of Traditional Lime Mortar
Knowledge about the use and production of lime mortar

Preservation and Use of Maritime Boats called “Zeesboote” in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Tradition concerning the "Zeesboote” in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area

The Production of Hand-Blown Glass Tree Ornaments in Lauscha
Tradition concerning the production of glass tree ornaments in Lauscha, Thuringia

Traditional Milling in Wind or Water Mills
Knowledge and skills concerning Milling in Wind or Water Mills

Turnery - Traditional Technique of Mechanical Material Processing Based on Rotating Workpieces
Rotating workpieces made of natural materials such as wood or amber are refined with the help of cutting tools to craft artistic (utility) objects

Vogtland Musical Instrument Construction in Markneukirchen and the Surrounding Area
Production of musical instruments in the Markneukirchen region

Artisan Cidermaking
Artisan cidermaking combines skills regarding the management of meadow orchards with knowledge and expertise about cider production and the customs associated with it

Age Comrades' Festivities in Schwaebisch Gmuend
Since 1863, age comrades in the Swabian city of Schwaebisch Gmuend organize themselves to engage in social activities and festivities

Community-Oriented Sports Club Culture
There are around 90,000 sports clubs in Germany. Around one million club members volunteer in sports, including training, competitions or match management

Cultural Forms of Communal Forest Management in the Steigerwald and Neighbouring Regions
The communal forests in the Steigerwald and the neighbouring regions are commons, which are managed according to long-established rules and practices with the help of traditional skills

Heligoland‘s Steamboat Service
Small wooden boats carry passengers of the ocean-going vessels at anchor from board and aboard

Journeymen's Wanderings on the Road
tradition in certain trades in Germany

Marksmanship in Germany
Traditins concerning Marksmanship

Raffle of Osing
centuries-old tradition, where every ten years jointly owned fields are redistributed among the farmers of the villages Humprechtsau, Krautostheim, Herbolzheim and Rüdisbronn near Bad Windsheim (Bavaria)

Salt Panners’ Fraternity in the Valley of Halle
Since 1491 the salt panners have verifiably been organised in their own fraternity, the members of which are known as “Halloren”

storytelling in Germany
German oral tradition

The Idea and Practice of Art Associations
Art associations combine civic engagement with volunteer art education

The Traditions of Schwörtage in the Former Free Cities
The municipalities constituted themselves by a joint public oath of the head of the city, the council and the entire citizenry to the respective city constitution

The Upper Palatinate Culture of Zoiglbeer
Collective brewing and enjoyment of Zoiglbeer

Use and Transmission of Braille in Germany
Braille and its application are the foundation for the educational opportunities of blind people and their professional and social participation

Allgäu’s High Alpine Agriculture in Bad Hindelang
The broader area of Bad Hindelang in the Bavarian Oberallgaeu has the most Alps in Germany: there are 45 recognized and state-sponsored Alps with an area of 8,000 hectares.

Manufactory Production and Design of Jewellery
Manufactory production techniques of jewellery

Preservation and Fostering of the Culture, Diversity and Quality of Regional Specialties in Upper Franconia
Upper Franconia offers a multitude of culinary specialties, frequently relating to carefully preserved customs and their creative further development

Research and Documentation of Cadastral Sections’ and House Names in Bavaria
Names for cadastral sections describe fields, meadows, forests, waters and mountains

Revitalisation of Playing the Diatonic Accordion in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Since the 1860s, playing the diatonic accordion has been one of the style-defining practices in the methods of playing instrumental folk music in Mecklenburg and Vorpommern

Revitalisation of Synagogal Choral Music of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Central and Eastern Europe
Synagogal choral music originated at the beginning of the 19th century. oday, the musical tradition is being revived by a number of choirs that rehearse and develop the composers' repertoire and perform it in concerts or festivals

Safeguarding the Building Craft Practice of the Jurahäuser in the Altmühljura Region
The Jura house is a typical regional house shape in the Altmühljura. It features a cubic shape, small windows and stone roofs made of limestone slabs

The Diversity of Legend Telling in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Legends differ from fairy tales thanks to their local character. The orally conveyed literature is related to the regional cultural and natural heritage and remains alive through active storytelling

The German-Danish Minority Model in the Borderland
Minorities and majorities today live together peacefully in the German-Danish border region

The "Pentecostal dance" as the Basis of Communal Development in the Association of Municipalities Mansfelder Grund-Helbra
Events and traditions around Pentecost customs. The events have as their background the expulsion of winter and the longing for spring as a “fruitful time”

The Trade of Paving: Passing-on, Maintaining and Promoting Knowledge and Techniques
The trade of paving is continuously adapting to technical developments and shapes particularly town planning in Germany

Non-Professional Music-Making in Baden-Württemberg
The non-professional music club culture in Baden-Württemberg involves the preservation of cultural heritage with artistic and musical development

Bad Dürrenberg’s Fountain Festival
The Fountain Festival has been celebrated in Bad Dürrenberg for more than 250 years. The traditional occasion for the celebration, which lasts several days, is the commemoration of the development of the Dürrenberg brine spring in 1763

Hip-Hop Culture in Heidelberg and its Networking in Germany
The emergence of hip-hop in Heidelberg originates in the hip-hop culture of the South Bronx in New York City in the 1970s

Construction and Use of the Spreewald Barge
The Spreewald barge is a historical means of transport adapted to the conditions of the countless Spreewald streams

Design and Traditionally Handcrafted Production of the Western Pomeranian Fisherman’s Carpets
Oral tradition passd on for about 100 years on the coast of Bay of Greifswald

Sail Training on Traditional Ships
Active sailing on traditional ships as part of a crew in which the skills and knowledge of sailing, navigation, ship maintenance and ship operation are practised and passed on by a permanent crew of young people

Circus as an Independent Form of Performing Arts in Germany
The circus presents performances based on specific skills to an audience

Singing of the Steigerlied
The Steigerlied is the anthem of German mining industry and has achieved a popularity that continues to this day

Idea of the Kindergarten according to Friedrich Fröbel as a Cultural Form of Early Childhood Education and Upbringing
The concept of a kindergarten according to Friedrich Fröbel focuses on learning through playing as a component of early childhood education

Network „Kachelofenbau“ - Traditional, Handcrafted Construction of Tiled Stoves
Under the umbrella of the Foundation Museumsstandort Velten, the friends' association Ofen- und Keramikmuseen Velten e. V. and the association 850° bring together the informal network "Kachelofenbau"

Preservation of Knicks in Schleswig-Holstein
Knicks are man-made earth walls planted with trees and shrubs, which have been part of the cultural landscape of Schleswig-Holstein for centuries

The Englmarisuchen is a spectacle that takes place every year at Pentecost in the municipality of Sankt Englmar. The occasion of the spectacle is the legend of the death and discovery of the hermit and local patron Engelmar

Hand Weaving
Manufacture of woven fabrics on looms, flat looms or other non-machined looms

Classical Equitation in Germany
Classical equitation is a method of training horses that is passed on from generation to generation and is oriented to the needs as well as the natural and individual abilities of the horse