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veillée de danse
gathering for dancing

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
Inuit throat singing
form of musical performance uniquely found among the Inuit

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
rituals of the sweat lodge
ritual of First Nations

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
social gathering held by many different Native American communities

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
fish smoking
traditional technique of conservation of foodstuffs in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
salmon fishing in La Matapédia
practice of salmon fishing in La Matapédia, Quebec, Canada

traditional French Canadian method of tapping one's feet during musical performances

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
powwow dance regalia
dress worn by Native American and First Nations dancers at powwows or other dances

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
First Nations indigenous dancing
traditional dancing of First Nations in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
artisanal milling
manually milled flour often from locally grown grains

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
practice of artisanal milling at the banal mill of the Aulnaies
artisanal milling practices at the banal mill of the Aulnaies in Quebec, Canada

fingerweaving technique

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
element of intangible heritage

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
artisanal manufacturing of diatonic accordions
no description

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
manufacture of object in birch bark
traditional know-how of First Nations in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
sugaring season traditions
practices associated with the collection of maple sap, the production of maple syrup and the festivities associated with it

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
supradialectal regional variety of the Slovene language
practice of ice canoeing on the St Lawrence River
team sport activity practiced during winter on the St Lawrence River

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
traditional textile practices transmitted within the Cercles des Fermières du Québec
technical skills in the field of traditional crafts

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
jeu d'accordéon diatonique
form of musical expression

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
practice of diatonic accordion in Montmagny
form of musical expression using diatonic accordion in Montmagny, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec

maple syrup production in La Matapédia
maple syrup production in La Matapédia, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
moose hunting in La Matapédia
moose hunting in La Matapédia, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
custom of the tire Sainte-Catherine in Sayabec
local food practice in Sayabec, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
criée des âmes de Saint-Damase
annual activity in Saint-Damase, La Matapédia, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
wild fruits picking in La Matapédia
small wild fruits picking in La Matapédia, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
trapping in La Matapédia
trapping in La Matapédia, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
fascine fishing in Charlevoix, Canada
no description

practice of traditional singing in Saint-Côme
traditional singing practiced in Saint-Côme, Quebec, Canada

musical practice at the convent of Deschambault
element of the intangible heritage

traditional practice of miller at the banal mill of Les Éboulements
element of intangible heritage

technique of the fléché in L'Assomption
element of intangible heritage

whaling in Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
waterfowl hunting
element of intangible heritage

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
traditional lament
traditional song in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
building of piece of piece houses
element of intangible heritage

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
canoe races on the Lièvre
element of intangible heritage

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
small fruits picking
element of intangible heritage

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
art ironwork
element of living heritage of Mascouche, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
festivities of Mi-Carême
element of intangible heritage of Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
wool spinning
technical ability of traditional craft in Mascouche, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
Quebec gigue
gigue practices in Quebec, Canada

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
singing game
game including a song

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
la bergère et ses moutons
singing game

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
la voleuse de pommes
singing game

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
le bedeau
singing game

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
petite hirondelle
singing game

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
pomme soleil
singing game

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
parade des berlots
element of intangible heritage

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
eel fishing in St Lawrence River
eel fishing along the St Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
smelt fishing in St Lawrence River
rainbow smelt fishing in St Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
St Lawrence's black sturgeon fishing
black sturgeon fishing in St Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
cod fihsing in Gaspésie
cod fishing practice in Gaspésie, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
fishing in Montmagny
fishing practices in Montmagny, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
capelin fishing in the St Lawrence
capelin fishing practiced in the St Lawrence estuary and gulf in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
lobster fishing in Gaspésie
lobster fishing practiced in Gaspésie, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
shells fishing in Gaspésie
shells fishing (common mye) practiced in Gaspésie, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
St Lawrence's stationary fisheries
seasonal fishing installations installed on the shore of the St Lawrence in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
pointe folle
variant of quilt in Mascouche, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
practice of traditional singing in the North of Lanaudière
practice of traditional singing in the North of Lanaudière, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
practice of ice canoe in Montmagny
practice of ice canoe in Montmagny, Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
practice of tale in Quebec
traditional stories in French in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
practice of drum
patrimonial practice of First Nations in Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
traditional practice of the miller's trade
intangible heritage element of Quebec, Canada

inventoried element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
no description

element of the intangible patrimony of Quebec
salmon fishing in Gaspésie
salmon fishing practices in Gaspésie, Quebec, Canada
End of auto-generated list.
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