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CIS-A2K/Events/Wiki technical orientation session with PyLadies group at Cummins College of Engineering, Pune

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

This small technical orientation session was arranged to get acquainted with the institute and the interested group. The exploratory session was attended by three members willing to take initiative for future activities.



CIS-A2K organises MWTs to train the volunteers in technical aspects of Wiki. It is the need of every community to have technical backup locally. To identify such prospective volunteers from the student community, the awareness programs are planned in various institutions. Few students from Cummins College of Engineering attended Wikidata workshop in Pune. They are now interested in exploring technical aspects. Thus this initiative started.


  • To expose the group to Wiki technical platform
  • To give some hand on tasks to judge the abilities to work in Wiki
  • Needs assessment to plan future workshop

Event details

  • Date : 7 August 2018
  • Time : 1pm to 3pm
  • Venue - Cummins Engineering College, Kothrud, Pune

Resource Person

  • Tito Dutta - CIS-A2k
Wiki technical session for members of PyLadies group


  1. Samridhi Agarwal
  2. Srushti Bhadange
  3. Adti Salke



The session was of introductory nature with small group of volunteers of PyLadies group. Resource person explained the technical platform of Wiki. Some tasks for practice were given to assess the nature of the group. The technical needs of the community were also discussed. It was decided to have more detailed workshop in future.
