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Wikidata+languages: An introduction to Wikidata lexemes/List B

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To avoid creating duplicates by participants, created or lexemes that will be created by participants will be listed here by the facilitators Lebron jay, Viva33

Insert {{Done}} beside created lexemes

List of Created lexemes

  • anya mmiri (tears)- lexical category: noun Done
  • nọgide (tarry)- lexical category: noun Done
  • tebụl (table)- lexical category: noun Done
  • agụgọ (denial)- lexical category: noun Done
  • nju (negative)- lexical category: noun Done
  • bátá (enter)- lexical category: verb
    • forms: na-abata (entering), grammatical features - present participle
    • Batara (entered)-past tense {Done}}
  • gunyere (include)- lexical category: Verb Done
  • onye ntọ (abductor)- lexical category: noun Done
  • nzụkọ (assembly)- lexical category: noun Done
  • mkpọbiri (abbreviation)- lexical category: noun Done
  • ásísá (sponge)- lexical category: noun Done
  • nnanna (ancestors)- lexical category: noun Done
  • ihe nka (artefact)- lexical category: noun Done
  • okwu mbido (prologue)- lexical category: noun Done
  • ọ bụghị (Neither)- lexical category: conjunction Done
  • kpọpụta (pronounce)- lexical category: verb
    • Kpọpụta(Pronounce) - verb, grammatical features- Present tense
    • Kpọpụtara(pronounced)- verb, ( past tense)
    • Na-akpọpụta (pronouncing) verb (present participle) Done
  • ịkpụ isi (blind)- lexical category: verb
    • ikpu ìsì(blind)- verb(present tense)
    • Kpụrụ isi-( blinded) verb (past tense) Done
  • ịkpụ aru (cleanse)- lexical category: noun
    • ịkpụ arụ(Cleanse)- verb (present tense)
    • kpụrụ arụ- cleansed (past tense)
    • Na-akpụ arụ- Cleansing (present participle) Done
  • kpuo- lexical category: verb, (cover) (present tense)
    • Kpụrụ- covered (past tense)
    • Mkpụchi- covering (present participle) Done
  • esemokwu(controversy) (noun) countable/uncountable Done
  • nọkọọ(assemble) verb present tense
    • Nọkọrọ (assembled) verb past tense
    • na-anọkọ (assembling) verb present participle Done
  • nochie (replace)- lexical category: verb
    • Nochie (replace) verb present tense
    • Nochiri (replaced) verb past tense
    • Na-anochi (replacing) verb present participle Done
  • n'ime-(between) preposition Done
  • ya mere(therefore) - adverb Done
  • n'ofe (across)- preposition usage example: Agara m n'oge okporo ụzọ ịhụ ndị enyi m Done
  • mgbe ọ bụla(whenever)- conjunction Done
  • n'agbayeghi (Even though)- CONJUNCTION Done
  • Ka ọ sị na dị (Nevertheless)-, adverb Done
  • Ọtu ọ sị na dị (However)-adverb Done
  • Rigoo (Climb) -verb present tense
    • Rigoro (climbed)- verb past tense
    • Na-arigo (climbing)-verb present participle Done
  • Igbe ịgbe (crawl) verb present tense
    • Gbèrè ịgbe (crawled) verb past tense
    • na-egbe ugbe (crawling) verb present participle Done
  • Ịgba úkwú (kick) -verb Present tense
    • Gbara úkwú (kicked)- verb past tense
    • Na-agba úkwú (kicking)- verb present participle Done
  • Duo (lead)- verb present tense
    • Duru (led) -past tense verb
    • na-edu (leading) verb present participle
    • Duru (lead) Noun - (singular)(uncountable) Done
  • Bi (live) -verb present tense Done
  • Mejupụta (fill)- verb present tense
    • Mejupụtara (filled)- verb past tense
    • Na-emejụpụta (filling)- verb present participle Done
  • Hịchapu (wipe)- verb present tense
    • Hichapuru (wiped)- verb past tense
    • Na-ehichapu (wiping) -verb present participle Done
  • Kagbuo (Cancel) verb present tense
  • Kagburu (cancelled) verb past tense
  • Na-akagbu (cancelling) verb present participle Done
  • Bipụta (publish)- verb present tense
  • Bipụtara (published) -verb past tense
  • Mbiputa (publishing) verb present participle Done
  • Mbiputa (Publication)- Noun singular, countable Done
  • Zọpụta (save)- verb present tense
    • Zọpụtara (saved)- verb past tense
    • Za-azọpụta (saving)- verb present participle Done
  • Onye nzọpụta (Saviour)- noun- singular, countable Done
  • Onye mmehie (sinner) noun -singular countable Done
  • Igwe na enye oku (transformer)- noun- singular, countable Done
  • Onye ngosi ihe onyonyo (Television presenter)- noun- singular, countable Done
  • Onye nduzi ihe onyonyo (Television Director)- noun -singular, countable Done
  • Odee (writer) -noun- singular, countable Done
  • Odee edemede (script writer) -noun -singular, countable Done
  • Mgbāwānyē (increase)- noun countable/uncountable
    • Mgbawanye (increase) -verb present tense
    • Na-agbanwanye (increasing) -verb present participle Done
  • Ihe ọmụma (knowledge)- noun Uncountable Done
  • Onye na-anụ ọkụ n'obi (enthusiast)- noun- countable Done
  • ịnụ ọkụ n'obi (enthusiasm)- noun -Uncountable Done
  • Oba egwu (music library)- noun -singular, countable Done
  • Onye isi (head person)- noun singular countable Done
  • Irukota ọnụ (team up)- verb present tense
    • Rukotara ọnụ (teamed up)-verb past tense
    • Na-arukota ọnụ (teaming up) -verb present participle Done
  • Adreesi (address) -noun singular uncountable Done
  • Otú ọgbọ (age grade)- lexical category: noun countable singular Done
  • Oke okporo (bachelor)- lexical category: noun countable singular Done
  • Ọkachamara (professional) -noun singular countable Done
  • Onye nkụzi (teacher)- noun singular countable Done
  • Ule (examination)-Noun singular Done
  • Akara ngudo (bracket)- lexical category:noun, singular Done
  • ata (spear grass) -noun singular uncountable Done
  • Kpọm (full stop)- lexical category: noun singular Done
  • Akụkọ ndụ (biography)- noun singular countable Done
  • agụ uno (wall gecko)- noun singular countable Done
  • Agụgọ (denial)- noun Uncountable Done
  • Asịsa (confession)- noun -Uncountable Done
  • Nrọ (dream)- noun- Uncountable Done
  • dozie (repair)- lexical category: verb
    • Dozie (repair)verb -present tense
    • Doziri (repaired)-verb -past tense
    • Na-edozi (repairing) -verb present participle Done
  • Tebụl (table)- noun singular countable Done
  • Ọdọ mmiri (pool)- noun singular countable Done
  • Kpọtee (awaken) -verb present tense
    • Kpọtere (awakened) past tense
    • Na-akpọte (awaking)- present participle Done
  • Mebie (spoil)- verb present tense
    • Mebiri (spoilt)- verb past tense
    • Na-emebi (spoiling)- verb present participle Done
  • Akụ ịlụ (bitter Kola)-noun singular -countable Done
  • Ugwurugwu (clouds)-Noun plural- uncountable Done
  • nhatanha (balance)- noun- Uncountable Done
  • ngwụcha (conclusion)- noun -Uncountable Done
  • ngwuru (extended family) noun plural countable Done
  • Nje (germs)-Nouns plural- uncountable Done
  • Anya mmiri (tears) noun Uncountable Done
  • Nkata (conversation) noun -singular- uncountable Done
  • Rọgọọ (bend) -verb present tense
    • Rọgọrọ (bent) Verb past tense
    • Na-arogo (bending)- verb -present participle Done
  • nogide (tarry)- verb present tense
    • Nogidere (tarried)- verb past tense Done
  • Kpọọ (call) verb present tense
    • Kpọrọ (called) verb past tense
    • Na-akpọ (calling)-verb present participle Done
  • ịkpọ ịyị (curse)- lexical category: verb
    • Kpọrọ iyi (cursed)- verb past tense
    • Na-akpọ iyi (cursing)- verb present participle Done
  • Edensibia (bibliography) noun -singular, uncountable Done
  • Okwu mbido( prologue)-noun -singular ,Uncountable Done
  • Nkebiokwu (phrase) noun singular uncountable Done
  • Abụba (fats)- noun -plural, uncountable Done
  • Ama egwuregwu (playground)- noun- singular countable Done
  • Enyo enyo (dubious)- adjective Done
  • Nke ọ jị abu (nor) conjunction Done
  • Ditu (slightly)- adjective Done
  • Ahumihe (experience)- verb -present tense
    • Ahurumihe(experienced) -verb past tense
  • Ahumihe (experience) noun Uncountable Done
  • Adịgboroja (fake)- adjective Done
  • Nnọpụga nnọpuga (isolation)- noun singular, uncountable Done
  • Nrekasi obi (heart burn) -noun -sngular, uncountable Done
  • Abụbọ (feather)- noun -singular, uncountable Done
  • Onye ọrụ bekee (civil Servant)- noun singular, countable Done
  • Bátá (enter)- verb present tense
    • Batara (entered)- verb past tense
    • Na-abata (entering)- verb present participle Done
  • Ihe ọmụma onwe( self knowledge)-noun, Uncountable Done
  • Ihe ọmụma izugbe (general knowledge) noun, Uncountable
  • Mkpuchi( covering)noun singular countable Done
  • Nnọchi (replacement)- lexical category: noun singular countable
