Wikipedia at the University 2018. Wikipedia at the University, Wikimedia Argentina Project
Author(s) of the submission
Luisina Ferrante and Florencia Guastavino
E-mail address
Country/place of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
Wikimedia Argentina Chapter
Main theme
Wikipedia at the University open call for teachers 2018. Skills for life
Type of session
Presentations (about a topic you have been working on, 20 min + 10 min q&a)
teachers, students, learners
Length of session
20 min + 10 min q&a
Do you want to submit a paper for peer-reviewing?
The Education Program of Wikimedia Argentina works with educational institutions throughout the country, with the aim of making Wikimedia projects known and used from a pedagogical perspective. We work in schools and universities on free culture, helping teachers and students to become makers of Wikimedia projects. Since 2016, we have developed "Wikipedia at the university", a project intended for students, teachers and researchers of universities and Higer Level Institutions who want to learn to edit in Wikipedia, to create or improve existing articles in the subjects they study or investigate.
Wikipedia at the University 2018.
The importance behind the education programs in the Wikimedia Movement is based on the learning process that the teachers and students go through by using Wikipedia and all the capabilities they develop. In universities, we face the challenge of disarming the ideas that exists on Wikipedia, the quality of the contents and the place the enciclopedia has in the costruction of knowledge. We believe that, by learning to edit Wikipedia, these ideas begin to question and students, teachers and researchers are aimed to become editors of the enciclopedia, producing high quiality content linked to their subjets of study.
We adress this project in the strategic direction of knowledge as a service: providing training spaces, access to information and resources regarding free culture and education, at a local and regional scale.
How does your proposal adds knowledge to the international community in Wikimedia and education?
Share examples of experiences developed with educators and students at the university level on how we can engage the academic community in the creation of locally relevant knowledge that improves the existing content gaps in Wikimedia Projects.
Share different working tools and methodologies related to education, free culture and editing projects at the University level, that can encourage the educational community to implement innovative experiences in their specific contexts.
Who is the intended ideal audience for the topic?
Teachers, students, researchers, educational community
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