This was a draft for a blog post that has since been published at https://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/02/24/wikipedia-ihor-kostenko-dies/
- 维基人伊霍尔·科斯坚科死在迈丹。

伊霍尔·科斯坚科生於1991年10月31日在Buchach地区的Zubrets村庄捷尔诺波尔。 高中毕业后,他参加了利沃夫伊凡弗兰科大学 , 他为第五年研究地理学系,主修组织管理。 除了他的研究外,他曾身为一名记者为出版“体育分析”。
伊霍尔为一个活跃於乌克兰维基百科的贡献者,用户名写下 Ig2000。伊霍尔于2011年7月23日注册了一个账号,并在短短的第一个月开始写自己的第一篇文章。在两年半的时间里,他写了280多篇,并超过1,600编辑。 他有一个广泛的百科全书利益–他写相关体育主题的文章(如足球、惯例一), 还有地理学、经济学和乌克兰的军事历史。 His article on the destroyer Nezamozhnyk of the Ukrainian and Soviet navies in the first half of the 20th century was acknowledged for its quality by the community and achieved the status of "Good article." Additionally, he contributed many updates on sports events to Wikinews.
Ihor was also active in promoting Ukrainian Wikipedia on social media, through which he sought to gain more contributors. He was an administrator of the Ukrainian Wikipedians Facebook page, where he regularly posted interesting facts from Wikipedia. In August 2013 he proposed hosting a Wiki Flashmob – inviting a large group of Ukrainians to participate in a day of article-writing on Wikipedia. The Wiki Flashmob was planned for January 20, 2014, the 10-year anniversary of Ukrainian Wikipedia, but due to the tragic events in the country, the event was cancelled. Ihor believed that the flashmob would help fill Wikipedia with thousands of new articles in the course of a day and proposed a strategy to realize his dream, but unfortunately, he did not live to see it become a reality.

On February 18, 2014, along with other students from Lviv, Ihor came to Kiev to the Euromaidan, because he wanted Ukraine to be led by people with a patriotic spirit. On February 20th, during a protest on Instytutskaya Street, Ihor died tragically: he bravely went ahead with a shield, but he was shot by two bullets, one of which struck him in the head...
Yesterday, February 23, Ihor was buried in his home village near Buchach. Thousands of people accompanied him on his final journey – both students from Lviv and residents of Ternopil Oblast.
In honor of Ihor and the tens of others who died on the Euromaidan, on February 21, the community decided to modify the logo of the Ukrainian Wikipedia with a black ribbon as a symbol of mourning.
The editors of Ukrainian Wikipedia and Wikimedia Ukraine offer their condolences to the friends and family of Ihor Kostenko. A page has been created on Wikipedia where you can leave your condolences.
Memory eternal...
In the name of the Ukrainian Wikimedia community:
Mykola Kozlenko, Wikimedia Ukraine
- Original post in Ukrainian here