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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation/Executive and Leadership teams and the translation is 4% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

ウィキメディア財団指導者チーム (別称執行役員チームもしくはC レベル) とは財団の各部門において職員である理事で構成されています。


Executive officers of the organization responsible for setting the overall direction for the organization and its departments.

As of May 2024, the Wikimedia Foundation Executive team includes:

画像 名前 位置 部門
Maryana Iskander Chief Executive Officer Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Lisa Seitz-Gruwell Chief Advancement Officer / Deputy to the Chief Executive Officer Advancement / Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Anusha Alikhan Chief Communications Officer Communications
Courtney Bass Sherizen Chief Talent and Culture Officer People
Selena Deckelmann Chief Product and Technology Officer Product & Technology
Stephen LaPorte General Counsel Legal
Jaime Villagomez Chief Financial Officer Finance and Administration

Leadership team

Organization executives and department leaders responsible for daily operations of the organization's departments.

As of July 2023, the Wikimedia Foundation Leadership team includes:

Please note: This list may be incomplete due to the evolving nature of the organization's leadership.
画像 名前 位置 Department(s)
Anusha Alikhan Chief Communications Officer Communications
Courtney Bass Sherizen Chief Talent and Culture Officer People
Mark Bergsma Vice President of Site Reliability Engineering Product & Technology
Selena Deckelmann Chief Product and Technology Officer Product & Technology
vacant Vice President of People Experience People
Maggie Dennis Vice President of Community Resilience and Sustainability Legal
Megan Hernandez Vice President of Advancement Advancement
Cassi Mecchi Vice President of People Growth & Belonging People
Maryana Iskander Chief Executive Officer Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Stephen LaPorte General Counsel Legal
Rebecca MacKinnon Vice President of Global Advocacy Legal
Aeryn Palmer Deputy General Counsel Legal
Helen Pang Controller, Vice President Finance and Administration
Lisa Seitz-Gruwell Chief Advancement Officer / Deputy to the Chief Executive Officer Advancement / Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Tajh Taylor Vice President of Data Science and Engineering Product & Technology
Jaime Villagomez Chief Financial Officer Finance and Administration
Yael Weissburg Vice President of Partnerships, Programs, and Grantmaking Advancement

