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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation/Legal/Community Resilience and Sustainability and the translation is 22% complete.
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Community Resilience and Sustainability

コミュニティ回復力・持続可能性チーム(Community Resilience and Sustainability)とはウィキメディア財団法務部門の一部であり、代表のマギー・デニスはコミュニティの回復力と持続可能性担当次席責任者です(Maggie Dennis) 当チームは現在、コミュニティ支援※1人権※2信頼安全※3から成り立ちます。(※:1=Committee Support。2=Human Rights。3=Trust and Safety。)


Maggie Dennis

Vice President

Jan Eissfeldt

Director, Global Head of Trust & Safety

Kaarel Vaidla

Lead Movement Process Architect

Abhas Tripathi

Manager, Trust & Safety (Disinformation)

How we work

Sustainability and Resilience are essential to the wellbeing of groups with shared aims. They refer to the ability of a community to thrive in terms of its systems, structures, and community relationships over time, and to the capacity of the community to absorb and recover from damage or threat.

The goal of the Community Resilience and Sustainability team of the Wikimedia Foundation is to support the movement in maturing its systems to achieve the key essential factors of both resilience and sustainability on the journey towards the sum of all human knowledge. This is achieved through directly providing programs, administering core services for the Foundation’s role as platform provider in partnership with Legal Affairs, and through supporting, as appropriate, the work of other teams.


Committee Support

The Committee Support team fosters collaboration between movement groups and supporting organizations to achieve shared goals. The objectives of the team are to ensure volunteers who support the Wikimedia movement through these groups can experience healthy engagements, function effectively, and maintain confidence in their ability to receive and provide necessary support.

Human Rights

This team works towards mitigating risks and threats to individual contributors and groups supporting our knowledge resources.


Trust and Safety (T&S) identifies, builds and – as appropriate – staffs processes which keep our users safe.


当コミュニティ回復力・持続可能性チームの趣旨は四半期ごとに対話の時間を開催することにより、担当業務への理解を深めて対話の機会を提供します。これら対話は YouTube を通じて生配信します。コミュニティ参加者の皆さんは直接、司会者のいるZoom ルーム(リモート会議室)に参加することもできます。これらの時間の議事進行は、事前に受信した質問と、生配信中に寄せられた質問を組み合わせて回答していきます。

これらの会話の一覧ならびにその議事録のまとめは、Category:CR&S meetingsをご参照ください。以前、これら対話の時間をIRC あるいは事務局時間と呼んでいました。2022年以前の会話の時間に当たる活動の記録をご参照下さい