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Wikimedia Sverige/Budget 2013

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


Member fees 15,000 2,180
Donations 20,000 2,907
WMF grant 2,350,000 341,570
Interest, sales 15,000 2,180
Other grants 1,867,000 271,366
Wiki Skills 203,000 29,506
Europeana Awareness 230,000 33,430
TOTAL 4,700,000 683,140


non-personnel personnel total
Enabling 750,000 109,012 550,000 79,942 1,300,000 188,953
AGM 5,000 727 5,000 727
acitivity planning 10,000 1,453 120,000 17,442 130,000 18,895
internal communication, mailing costs 5,000 727 30,000 4,360 35,000 5,087
board meetings 5,000 727 5,000 727
board travel 30,000 4,360 30,000 4,360
organizational development, litrature, training 10,000 1,453 10,000 1,453
office rent, 4 rooms 300,000 43,605 300,000 43,605
telephone, internet, communication 50,000 7,267 50,000 7,267
computer equipment 40,000 5,814 40,000 5,814
server cost 20,000 2,907 20,000 2,907
other office equipment 10,000 1,453 10,000 1,453
consumables 30,000 4,360 30,000 4,360
administration costs 10,000 1,453 125,000 18,169 135,000 19,622
bank fees 5,000 727 5,000 727
mailbox, other mailing costs 3,000 436 3,000 436
other PR material 7,000 1,017 25,000 3,634 32,000 4,651
other advertisments 1,000 145 1,000 145
homepage development 20,000 2,907 20,000 2,907
insurances 25,000 3,634 25,000 3,634
bookkeeping, audit 75,000 10,901 150,000 21,802 225,000 32,703
legal 30,000 4,360 30,000 4,360
other personnel costs 5,000 727 5,000 727
other personnel travel (e.g. Chapters meeting) 40,000 5,814 40,000 5,814
Fundraising 100,000 14,535 100,000 14,535
other 14,000 2,035 14,000 2,035
Content liberation 110,000 15,988 890,000 129,360 1,000,000 145,349
information about free licenses 10,000 1,453 40,000 5,814 50,000 7,267
influence organizations 50,000 7,267 550,000 79,942 600,000 87,209
practical support 50,000 7,267 300,000 43,605 350,000 50,872
Free knowledge in education 80,000 11,628 820,000 119,186 900,000 130,814
Wikipedia in Education 75,000 10,901 775,000 112,645 850,000 123,547
research liberation 5,000 727 45,000 6,541 50,000 7,267
Community support 555,000 80,669 345,000 50,145 900,000 130,814
support the active editors 375,000 54,506 100,000 14,535 475,000 69,041
underrepresented groups 40,000 5,814 110,000 15,988 150,000 21,802
meetings for active editors. 100,000 14,535 75,000 10,901 175,000 25,436
topic experts 40,000 5,814 60,000 8,721 100,000 14,535
Reader participation 75,000 10,901 225,000 32,703 300,000 43,605
educating the public 60,000 8,721 150,000 21,802 210,000 30,523
usability 10,000 1,453 40,000 5,814 50,000 7,267
user feedback 5,000 727 35,000 5,087 40,000 5,814
Free knowledge awareness 90,000 13,081 210,000 30,523 300,000 43,605
advice to politicians and authorities 20,000 2,907 50,000 7,267 70,000 10,174
influence politicians 45,000 6,541 70,000 10,174 115,000 16,715
influence institutions 25,000 3,634 90,000 13,081 115,000 16,715
TOTAL 1,660,000 241,279 3,040,000 441,860 4,700,000 683,140