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Wikimedia Sverige/Programme plan 2013

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Program plan


Content liberation


Information about free licenses


Lack of knowledge and ignorance about free licenses is a major key for disregarding free licences. Among a majority of professionals, CC licences lead to confusion and dissatisfaction as many prejudices regarding the released rights, copyright transfer and reuse exist. We will update our GLAM white book to a third release, and create one with focus on photographers focusing on new opportunities rather than on inflexible business models. With further information material we will run information campaigns towards both customers and creators of content.

Influence organizations


This activity mainly includes the continuation of the Europeana Awareness project, and cooperations similar to the CMS cooperation. We will more actively point out the availability of free images at authorities and spread information about best practices.

Practical support


A major bottle neck and showstopper is the lack of practical support for GLAM institutions. Image donations can not be processed due to the lack of capacity and volunteers at the upload side as donors are left on their own, and substantial help from our side is needed. We will provide better information about the implementation of QRpedia, and will take the hand of two pilot partners. We are investigating the possibilities of a rent-a-Wikipedian as a shorter alternative to a full Wikipedian in residence. Furthermore, improved GLAM statistics will be provided through a master thesis project.

Free knowledge in education


Wikipedia in Education


We will start implementing the Wikipedia Education program in several different levels. We have good connections in some universities and secondary high schools which are going to be our pilots. We will explore a concept of Wikipedia friendly schools, which are schools that are curious and positive towards Wikipedia and has started integrated it in their daily lives. We will increasingly raise awareness both of Wikipedia as a resource in learning, but also as a means to discuss free knowledge and the importance of it.

Research liberation


A major part of the research in Sweden is financed by private foundations. A more and more common requirement is a free publication of the results (open access), which however, does not meet our definition of free. We will work to make both the financing bodies and researchers aware of the advantages of true free licences for the society.

Community support


Support the active editors


We are continuing our community project budget, technology pool, reference literature project and the support for media accreditations. Clear guidelines for mini grants for e.g. travelling, tickets, areal photography etc. will help to reduce the administrative overhead and processing time for both volunteers and the association. A special attention is paid on making known our projects to the community, and to get feedback on our activities. Furthermore, we work to make new features and tools for editors localized quickly.

Underrepresented groups


Underrepresented groups including but not limited to women, retired persons, experts in the field, minorities and immigrants have a huge potential for contribution. We are continuing our cooperation with Wikifem, arrange further workshops and especially raise awareness about the lack of these groups. Together with our education projects we will focus on Swedish for immigrants education. As the launch of the visual editor makes editing much easier, the resources of retired experts will provide much space for new concepts.

Meetings for active editors


This category includes the organization of edit-a-thons, a regulars' table tournee, meetings of project work groups, FSCONS, WMSE organized fotosafaris etc.

Topic experts


The major project in this category will be WikiLovesCompany as a cooperation with the "Centrum för näringslivshistoria" (Centre for Business History). We will try different concepts like a "peer review"/expert feedback for excellent articles, certificates for participation, and contact with stakeholder organizations.

Reader participation


Educating the public


Our goal is to increase the general knowledge about the mechanisms of Wikipedia and free licenses. We want to increase the amount of proactive appearance in media, and develop Wikimedia Sverige into a knowledgeable spokesperson. We will spread information material about (reusing) free licenses, write debate articles and participate in the Gothenburg book fair. Furthermore, we will develop a concept for participation of Wikipedia and free knowledge in the european culture capital Umeå 2014.



To enhance the usability of the platform, we will work as a contact between the Wikimedia Foundation and users in Sweden. This includes an active monitoring of user feedback on Village pump and Wikipedia questions and file requests in Bugzilla for others, and to make new features quickly available. During a translation sprint/hackathon we focus on getting the platform fully localized.

User feedback


We will continue to examine and collect the need and wishes of users, and communicate to the community. Furthermore, we will help that article feedback tools become available and localized quickly.

Free knowledge awareness


Funds from the FDC will not be used towards this part of the program plan.

Advice to politicians and authorities


We will work on giving politicians advice on free knowledge and the benefits of it. This will be done by building trust and reputation by continously be prepared with well thought opinions and give informational material on request.

Influence politicians


We have a few laws in Sweden that are very old-fashioned and not very liked by many modern Swedes. We will together with members of parliament act to motion of changes of these laws, depiction of landscape and copyright. We will create informational material, specifically targeted for different occasions, and distibute it strategically.

Influence institutions


We will start acting towards promoters of education, and those with financial power to support this and try to sway them to lean against free licenses. More general informational material about free licences will be produced.



We will continue to professionalise the organisation, at the same time as we keep on growing. To be able to do that we will hire a CEO that can organise and coordinate the work. The staff is also growing with one more parttime prgram manager and a financial adminstrator while the role of a secretary will discontinue.

Organizational chart 2013