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Wikimedia Taiwan/Declaration/The statement about China blocked Wikimedia Foundation’s accreditation to WIPO

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

International Edition 國際英文版


September, 23, 2020, On World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) General Assembly, while discussing the admission of Wikimedia Foundation as an observer of WIPO, China representative hold back the admission saying that Wikimedia Foundation’s application document was incomplete and its Taiwan chapter is dishing out political activities which could, quote: “undermine the state’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, therefore, it is not fitting for the foundation to serve as an observer to this professional organization.”

Wikimedia movement is the most influential Open Knowledge movement currently. We successfully demonstrate how open license could encourage users around the world to work together and create an enormous astonishing knowledge base. Therefore, it is invaluable to have Wikimedia Foundation to take part in the world IP issues. And the fact that our mere existence has become an excuse for a country to hold back a major global affair’s development is astonishingly ridiculous, especially for this to happen in a formal meeting of a UN organization. To clarify this issue, we, Wikimedia Taiwan’s statement is as follow:

  1. We, Wikimedia Taiwan, is an independent and autonomous organization that works closely with Wikimedia Foundation:
    We, in 2007, submitted our establishment to Taiwan Government and was officially recognized by Wikimedia Foundation as a chapter obtaining the power to use its related trade mark. However, according to the Wikimedia foundations structure, our relation with Wikimedia Foundation is not an affiliation relationship but a partner. We, Wikimedia Taiwan, have nothing to do with Wikimedia Foundation’s application to WIPO.
  2. Wikimedia platform shows facts from multiple points of view:
    Wikimedia is an open platform and follows our principle of neutrality, we fairly display all points of view of a controversial topic, not the point of view from any particular country or government. The “One China policy” is recorded as it should be as well as the well-known Taiwan-China relation, also the true image of Taiwan which is not under control of the CPC’s Beijing government since the very beginning.

Furthermore, one of the Wikimedia Foundation’s platforms, also one of our mainly promoting projects, Chinese Wikipedia’s content was constantly under the threat of China’s piracy and various means that violating creative commons public licensing. We, Wikimedia Taiwan, hope that if China wishes to become a responsible country on IP issues, it needs to firstly face the issue directly, and propose a solution. Not letting China become the heaven of piracy and playing politics on an international platform, blocking out people's right to participate in the discussion.

Local Edition 本地華語版


2020年9月23日,聯合國世界智慧財產權組織 (World Intellectual Property Organization,以下簡稱WIPO) 會議上,討論包括維基媒體基金會(Wikimedia Foundation,以下簡稱 WMF) 成為該組織觀察員一案。中國代表以「維基媒體基金會分會與基金會提交給大會的申請的文件內容不一致」,和「基金會旗下網站存在大量嚴重違反一個中國原則的內容和不實的信息,可能損害一國的主權和領土完整」為由,阻撓大會對WMF申請案的決議;同時,更暗示社團法人台灣維基媒體協會(以下簡稱本會)可能協助WMF進行政治操作。


  1. 本會為獨立自治,與WMF密切合作的伙伴組織
    本會係2007年向台灣(官方名稱:中華民國)政府依法申請成立的全國性人民團體,最高權力機關為本會會員大會;平日依本會章程設立常務理事會、理事會、監事會運作。本會與WMF有簽約成為其正式承認的分會 (Chapter) ,獲得運用WMF註冊的各項維基商標與識別的授權,以實踐推廣WMF下各項計畫的宗旨。然而依據維基媒體運動的架構,兩者為伙伴而非從屬關係。此次WMF的觀察員申請本會事前並無所知,亦無參與相關決策,遑論任何政治串謀。
  2. 維基媒體平臺內容呈現實際情況與多方觀點


See also 參見
