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Wikimedia Taiwan/Wikidata Taiwan/COSCUP 2023/Electric Power Infrastructure from OpenStreetMap: Power Plants, Substations, and the Transmission Network

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Electric Power Infrastructure from OpenStreetMap: Power Plants, Substations, and the Transmission Network OpenStreetMap上那些看得到的電:電廠、變電所和電塔

  • OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 開放內容議程軌
  • 時間: 2023 / 07 / 30 11:20 ~ 11:50
  • 地點:台灣科技大學 RB105 教室


  • 本講座以華語(zh)發表



本主題將會討論那些我們在 OpenStreetMap 上可以瀏覽和繪製的電力資訊,讓大家可以在政論節目以外,有另一種方式能認識台灣的電力基礎建設。此外,還會探討一些繪製及瀏覽電力圖徵可以運用的工具和方式,以及在 OpenStreetMap 是如何標注這些電力圖徵的。



Electric power infrastructure is one of the most complicated infrastructure systems in the world. You might have been disturbed by all the power cables when you tried to edit OpenStreetMap, but you may never think about those features.

Power plants, substations, wind turbines, and solar panels can all be mapped on OpenStreetMap. Power cables are rendered at zoom level 14 and higher in the default OpenStreetMap layer. There are so many power features on OpenStreetMap to show us how an electric power system works geographically. OpenInfraMap is another platform that highlights the feature and provides an overview and details about the infrastructure.

Electric power is indispensable in our daily life, and you can read more news about power systems in the media nowadays. Let’s look around in OpenStreetMap and use another perspective to understand our power system.





嗨我是 tntchn(唸:tan),本業產品設計師,因為想瞭解一些地理的資訊開始接觸了 OpenStreetMap 跟 Wikidata,自認在上面的編輯經驗應該可以稱得上中階😅 在編輯的同時,也希望自己能將花時間收集到的地理知識分享給所有感興趣的人。


  • 大會主辦團隊:COSCUP 開源人年會
  • 社群軌主辦團隊:Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群、OpenStreetMap Taiwan 臺灣開放街圖社群

