Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Sverige/201206
This is the Chapters report for Wikimedia Sverige June 2012.
Board meeting
[edit]We had one board meeting June 9, minutes are available in Swedish. [1]
Member picnic
After the board meeting we had a picnic in Stockholm in a park near our office. Around 15 members attended.
Wikipedian in Residence
[edit]We are proud to announce the first two Wikipedians in Residence in Sweden, employed by the Swedish National Heritage Board.
White paper about GLAM:s and copyright
[edit]The White paper was launched and well recieved by the GLAMs. [2]
[edit]- Leo represents WMSE in Liege at WikiSkill's project planning meeting number two.
- The contract with Leo is extended.
- WikiSkills has finally a homepage of its own. [3]
- The results of the courses, the survey and the literature study previously conducted are now presented in a "European state of the art report" [4] to which WMSE has contributed substantially. There is also a section on success factors when using wikis in the classroom.
- WMSE plan a small contest to gather pedagogical scenarios involving wiki use. More on that later.
Europeana Awareness
[edit]- Lennart Guldbrandsson (Project leader) and John Andersson (Event Manager) together with Jakob Hammarbäck (WMSE's secretary) all attended Europeana's plenary in Leuven, Belgium from the 12th to the 17th of June. The group's main task was to networking with all of the central persons in the European GLAM sector that participated there and learn a bit more about the work done by Europeana and Europeana's many partners.
- The preparations for the Wiki Loves Public Art (WLPA) contest was initiated during the second half of the month and invitations to participate in the planing and preparations was sent out on a number of different email lists. So far three people from Sweden, Greece and Austria have shown interest in working as national coordinators or in other ways work as volunteers.
- A few potential GLAM events that we might be able to participate in organizing have been identified and discussions have started with a few of the Chapters about what the cooperation might look like and be about.
- A brochure about the WLPA and the planned GLAM activities was created to be handed out during Wikimania in Washington D.C. with the hope of attracting more international volunteers to the project.
- Laura Tuononen has started to work as a volunteer with the external communications about the project, so far mainly through social media and helping with the design of the brochure. A Twitter account has been created and it already has over 50 followers (please see @wikieuropeana and use the hashtag #wikilovespublicart to get updates through Twitter).
Hallwyllska museet
[edit]Photo hunt
[edit]As part of our collaboration with the Council of the Swedish Central Museums we had a photo hunt at the Hallwyl house. Museum staff, wikipedians and a few new photographers took photos of the interiour and items from the collection. A category on Commons was created. [5]
[edit]As a follow up to the photo hunt an edit-a-thon was hosted at the Hallwyl house to upload, categorize and work images into articles. A template for linking photos to the museum database was created and will be used as more images are uploaded.
Access to technology
[edit]- The camera was used four times, at the Nobel museum, at the Halwyl museum, in Härjedalen [6] and on a trip to Leuven with Europeana Awareness.
- A new video camera was bought.
- We have also ordered a soundrecorder, that can be used for interviews or recording music.
Community driven projects
- One volunteer scanned 77 000 pages and uploaded to (a Swedish take on Project Gutenberg with public domain works), made possible by a scanner and computer paid for by Wikimedia Sverige.
- The Swedish 1536 bible was scanned and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, made possible by a scanner paid for by Wikimedia Sverige. [7]
- Photo journey in the foot steps of Carl Linneaus. [8]
Upcoming in July
[edit]- Wikimania, all full-time staff members, several from the board and a few volunteers from Sweden will participate.
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