Affiliate-selected Board seats/2019/利用者グループ向け入門書

皆さん、提携団体が関与する初めての選出理事定数選考(ASBS) 課程にようこそ。去る2018年12月の定款改訂により、活動状況が良好なすべての提携団体は、今回初めて利用者グループをふくめて、近々実施される理事2名の選考に参加いただくことになりました (主な日程をご参照ください。理事会決議のページに選考に参加する条件の詳細を掲載しています)。このページには皆さんにとってどんな意義があるか概要をお伝えします。
2019年 ASBS 全般に関する情報の掲載
ASBS 課程はこれまで、投票資格のある提携団体内で決めたボランティアが調整役を務めてきました。重要な情報はこちらにまとめてありますので、ご参照ください。
It is probably good to start out by asking yourself what kind of group your user group is and how it usually discusses issues that matter to you. The answer to these questions goes a long way in deciding upon how to engage with ASBS because the process has to work for you and your members. Here's an example of a user group deciding about participation in 2019.
If you are unsure, a good general approach worth considering includes the following steps:
- Let your members know that the process is happening, give a brief overview of what a Foundation trustee is, and decide together whether you think participating in ASBS is a good use of your collective time in serving your user group’s goals. If the answer is “no”, that’s perfectly okay and you can stop reading here :)
- If your group’s answer has been “yes”, welcome to "page two" with next steps:
- Organize conversation(s) within the process’ defined time windows to discuss the following issues together:
- Look at who currently sit on the Foundation’s Board. What skills, perspectives, and competencies do they seem to bring to the table?
- What skills, perspectives, and competencies would your group like to see being part of the Foundation’s Board?
- Who among the potential candidates seem(s) to be the best addition(s) to the existing Foundation Board to add the skills, perspectives, and competencies your group would like?
- If your group is unsure whether the trustee profile you seek might be matched by a candidate, you could talk to other affiliates you have had contact with about what trustees you and they are envisioning respectively.
- It is always possible to nominate a candidate yourselves! If you know someone who would be a great addition to the Board, you can encourage them to step up as soon as possible, to give other affiliates time to get to know them, ask questions, ...
- If you don't have a person to nominate, you can still endorse existing candidates. See the Resolution for details about this.
- Your user group’s internal conversations on these issues will most likely look like other internal discussions you’ve had so far. The only general guidance is that it should work well for all of you. So discussions can take many forms in many different forums and formats, including but not limited to:
- ウィキ上で。
- SNSを利用。提携団体がこれまでに使ってきたものの形式は非常に幅広くなっています (Telegram、チャット、Facebook、WhatsApp、Line他)。財団の信頼安全チームではウィキメディア関連の活動で標準としてSignalをお勧めしています。
- Google MeetやSkype他でテレビ会議を主催。
- もし関心を持ったメンバーが近くに住んでいる場合などは、実際に会議を招集して集まり、課題を協議。
- メーリングリストやGoogle Groupsなどを利用し、メールで配信。
- Delegate it and entrust the primary or secondary contact person for your user group to review the issues and decide on whom to vote for in ASBS on the user group’s behalf while everyone else gets on with working on other issues.
- 皆さんとご所属のグループがどのような形式で決定するとしても、内部で合意に至るよう最善を尽くしてください。どんな候補者像を期待するか、候補者の中で誰がそのイメージに最もよく一致するか、皆さんには1人か2人の優先候補者に絞りこみ、念のためにランク付けをしておくと賢明です。グループの一般的な意思決定に関する追加のガイダンスがご希望でしたら、もうしばらくお待ちください。 下記のリソースも参照してください。
- Organize conversation(s) within the process’ defined time windows to discuss the following issues together:
- 投票は全般ガイドに沿って行われ、メタに掲出される予定です。
- Organizational effectiveness/Learning center/Decision-making and governance 団体の種類に関わらず意思決定とガバナンスに関するガイド。詳しい情報源リストあり。
- Group Consensus-Building User:Rosiestep作成
- Consensus-Building in Organizational Development User:Rosiestep作成